I walked into Dad's classroom and found him asleep at his desk. I got down to the floor and silently crawled towards Dad. "This is so lame." I whispered to myself. "Yeah. Tell me about it." Genie voiced with a scoff crawling beside me. "You suck at granting wishes." I whispered. "No. You suck at making them." Genie argued. I gasped. "You are totally manipulating things to make me miserable. There is no world in which this would happen." I ranted. "Shh!" Genie sounded gesturing to Dad. "You're gonna wake up your father." She told me. A few seconds later, Dad let out a soft burp. "Oh, well, maybe not." Genie said in a normal voice getting to her feet. "But, for the record, I can't lie. Everything, you are experiencing is, in fact, a potential reality that has occurred as a direct result of your wish." Genie explained as I took off Dad's watch. "Whatever." I said. "This world does make sense, when you think about it. Your father built the Salvatore School so you could thrive. You and your sister were born of a dangerous coven known for breeding..." Genie explained stopping to whistle. "...psychotics, and so he built a safe place to shield you from your darkest impulses. And then you went and wished his dream away because it wasn't perfect. Well, now the students here don't care about protecting your fragile ego. So you are, the school freak, and your sister gets to shine." Genie continued finishing with a smile. "Just tell me how to get out of here." I breathed looking over at her. "Well...you could use another wish. But, like I said, language is important. Besides, you think I want to be here?" She answered. She let out a scoff. "I've spent nearly 500 years granting awful wishes to self-involved humans before we even met..." Genie added. "This isn't about you." I said getting up and leaving the room. "I rest my case." Genie said before I left the building and headed out to the parking lot. Where I found Connor and Stefanie talking to each other next to his car. I watched on until they kissed one another. 

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"I can't let you go through with this." I told Josie as we entered the school dance. "You need to stop. Stefanie and Connor denied it, and I believe them." Josie countered. "Why would you believe them over me?" I asked her. "'Cause you always do this. Any time things are going well for me, you have an episode, and you ruin everything just to steal the spotlight. I mean, honestly, Lizzie, if I believed every paranoid delusion that came out of your mouth, I'd be just as crazy as you." Josie spat. I stepped in front of her stopping her moving. "Jo..." I started. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I have spent my entire life trying to make you feel okay about yourself. Watched Dad kill himself trying to do it, too. And why do you think that he drinks all the time? He hates his job. The only reason why he works here is to keep an eye on you. Mom makes any excuse that she can to be out of town, because seeing him like this makes her sad, 'cause he's completely given up. So I am done making excuses for you. I am done worrying about when you are going to snap. And I am done letting you control my happiness. I love Connor, and tonight I'm going to show him just how much. Now, give me the watch." She ranted on in rage. I could feel tears in my eyes. I looked down at the watch in my hand. I held it out. "I'm sorry." I said before siphoning the magic from the watch. Josie glared at me. "It's for your own good." I told her. "I hate you." Josie spat before walking away from me. "Josie...No. Wait. Please just...wait." I begged. "Stop!!!!" I yelled. My voice echoed and sounded distorted. The lights blew out and the students screamed as they ducked for cover. My eyes went wide. Josie stared at me in shock. I looked around but could only here mumbles and a ringing in my ears. "This could go viral." I heard a boy say. "What the hell?!" Dad exclaimed running into the hall. He looked at me. "We got to go. We got to go now." Dad said pushing us along. "Now. Come on. Nothing to see." Dad said breathlessly. The roar of an engine sounded in front of us. We slowed to a stop to see a fancy black BMW pull up towards the entrance of the school. Both doors opened at the same time and I spotted a golden calligraphic 'M' on each door. Stiles got out of the driver's seat and Hope got out of the passenger's seat. Stiles was wearing a tight-forming black t-shirt with a logo that said 'MISFITS' and white skull, black cargo pants, and black combat boots. His hair was shaved on the sides but was normal length on the top. He had multiple tattoos, including one beneath his left ear of a backwards '5', many running up and down his arms, and a few on his neck. He had black gauges in his earlobes. What the hell happened to him? And how does he still manage to look hot with tattoos?

 What the hell happened to him? And how does he still manage to look hot with tattoos?

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Hope was wearing a full-on black leather catsuit and heels. Nothing else was different. Stiles and Hope walked side by side with Kaleb, Jed, and Pedro trailing behind. "Looks like you guys could use some help." Hope said to us. "That's an understatement of the decade." Stiles quipped. "Uh-uh. No, we are all good." I said. Stiles and Hope walked towards us. Damn he's hot! Stop that! "That "M." Mikaelson. Like the boarding school?" Dad asked them. "You know of another Mikaelson Boarding School?" Stiles asked crossing his arms. "Kaleb, compel the students to forget what they've seen." Stiles ordered. "On it." Kaleb said walking off. "Jed, establish a perimeter. Lock the place down." Stiles instructed. "Copy." Jed said walking away as well. "Pedro." Stiles looking down at the small warlock. "Call in the chopper." Stiles said. "Green light, Maverick." Pedro said walking passed Stiles. Stiles ruffled Pedro's curly hair with a smile. "Uh, I-I said that we're good. Okay? Josie and I do not want to be superheroes." I said embracing Josie. "Yeah. Speak for yourself." Josie said pushing me away as she set her eyes on Stiles and checked him out. He looked at her before giving her a wink and a mesmerizing smile. "We're not here for you." Hope told me. "We're here for him." Stiles added turning his attention away from Josie to look at Dad. Josie and Dad walked towards the Mikaelson twins and got into the car. I let out a scoff as I trailed behind them. "Son of a bitch." I exclaimed. 

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"Make yourselves at home." Hope said as Josie walked with her into the school, their arms looped around one another. Stiles walked beside them giving Pedro a piggyback ride. "This place, it's like a...dream come true." Dad said. "Perhaps you've heard our father has had a checkered past. But when he had me and my brother, things changed." Hope said letting go of Josie to face us. "Me being said brother." Stiles voiced as he stood next to Hope. He rocked back and forth on his feet as Pedro stretched his arms out like he was flying. Stiles looked up at him with a smile. "There wasn't a school he could send someone like me and my brother to, so he built this one." Hope explained. "And as you can see, it's been quite the success. So much so that he's currently overseas establishing our European branch, which is why we're in need of a new headmaster." Stiles chimed in. I looked over at Josie to see her practically drooling over him. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I said. "Sorry if the chopper ride was too bumpy, darling. Bathroom's down the hall." Stiles said looking at me before continuing to mess around with Pedro. "I know where it is." I said walking passed him.

I walked into the hall to see the Genie. "Screw this world. I want my final wish." I said coldly. "Have you even noticed how pleased the rest of your family seems with this reality?" She asked me pointing to the room. I looked inside to see Josie and Stiles "talking" to one another on a couch. "They're my freaking wishes, right?" I asked looking back at the Genie. "Indeed. But if this is to be your third wish, might I suggest you wish for what you truly want. Isolate your biggest problem. Show it no mercy." Genie suggested. I turned back to the room to see Stiles and Josie awfully close to one another before Stiles placed his hand on Josie's thigh with a smile, while Hope laughed in conversation with my father. I turned back to the Genie. "I wish...Hope and Stiles Mikaelson were never born." I said in a whisper. "Your wish is my command." Genie said before snapping her fingers one last time.

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