Chapter 59: Ember

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We had three more days including today until we left. It didn't feel like enough time for me. I was getting everything packed and prepared but I was so sad about leaving the kids behind. I know they'll be safe and happy at my mom's but I don't want to leave everyone. But I want us to be free and safe and I would do whatever it took to make sure that happened.

At least I know I win the end and do restore peace. I just hope it doesn't take more than a few months to make it happen. At least now I can video chat with everyone while we're gone and see them. I can't believe Finn did that for me. I had to figure out something to do for him in return as a thank you for such an amazing gift. But I had to finish getting everything ready first.

I started with the kid's stuff as they played in the backyard so I wouldn't be distracted or forget anything. I probably over-packed for them but I wanted to make sure they had enough just in case it ended up taking three months instead of two.

I had just finished with the kid's stuff and was about to go to my room to continue with my things when Walowski came in and called me into the kitchen. He opened a brief case and pulled out a black box, handing it over to me. I opened it and it was the cure. Enough doses for my family here and at my mom's place too.

"We tested it on children but they don't react the same way adults or teenagers do. They get tired and then fall asleep and when they wake up their eyes have changed and we haven't seen any negative side effects either. So dose the kids before they go to bed and they'll be immune in the morning. I have to pack myself but we're doing a good thing Nova. I know it's going to be hard leaving everyone behind but if we do this and do this right you won't be apart from them again. I would say dose everyone else tonight and take care of your mom's family tomorrow when you drop off the kids."

I put the vaccinations in the drawer beside my bed and continued packing to distract myself from how sad I was feeling. I started working on Finn's just as he came in and put his arms around me.

"It'll be okay. Don't feel too sad. You'll be able to talk to them while we're gone. But we do need to talk to the group and let them know what's going on and what they'll have to do while we're gone."

I know he's right and I keep putting it off but we did.

"Let me finish packing and we'll talk as a group."

I was double-checking my lists when Booker came into the room and looked between me and my suitcase. That's something that has been bothering me too. I wasn't sure of what to do with Booker. I didn't want to leave him here or at my mom's but I didn't want to put him in danger bringing him with us. I didn't know what to do.

He put his paw on my leg and tapped me a few times, giving me the saddest look I've ever seen on his face. I don't think I could leave him behind. Especially for months. The longest I've been away from him was when I was stuck with James and we missed each other like crazy.

I didn't want to put his life at risk again but maybe I could bring him and leave him back at the base whenever I'm doing something dangerous. So maybe I will bring him. I'd miss him too much anyways.

"Okay you can go."

Booker barked excitedly and sat at my feet as I grabbed a spare backpack and started filling it with his things. The backpack he wears when we go out, his spare collar, his favorite bone, and his travel bowls. A couple of balls and his brushes. His first aid kit. I packed my vet bag too just in case anything happened but I prayed to the Fates nothing would.

Booker almost dying once was enough for me. I'm kind of glad Finch is going. I can leave him with her while Finn and I are gone. He may be indifferent with her but she's still one of the few people Booker does trust. So I guess it's okay. He won't be alone with strangers I don't trust to protect him the way I would.

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