Chapter 19: You're Both Pretty

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I practically flew from the car with Shasta in my arms and ran to the front door. I turned the knob but it was locked. Dammit! I need to see him! He needs to know I still care!

I ran around the side of the orphanage to the window he always sits in front of. And he was there. Oh thank god. I set Shasta down and waved my arms back and forth until he finally noticed me and looked up. Once he realized it was me he smiled and stood up, rushing towards the window and waved.

Sorry I'm late. I can't come in today but I can come see you tomorrow?

Do you promise?

I promise.

What time?

I have to teach the Resistants how to fight. I can be here around two?

He nodded, his smile growing as he placed a hand against the window. I put my hand along his and felt relief knowing he wasn't angry with me. It made me feel so much better.

"Mommy who is he?" Shasta asked as she leaned up on her toes to look at him. I scooped her up so she could see him and she waved excitedly.

"Mommy says you're special. Does that mean you're her friend?"

The boy looked up at me, needing a translation. I brought my knee up and braced it against the wall and let Shasta sit on it so I could sign.

She wants to know if you're my friend.

The boy nodded and smiled big, asking who she was.

This is my daughter Shasta.

And hopefully his future sister.

She looks like you. You're both pretty. He signed bashfully, looking away as my smile grew.

And you are very handsome too.

"What's the weird stuff you're doing with your hands?" Shasta asked as she watched us sign to each other.

"He can't hear like we can. So he uses his hands to talk. Different hand gestures mean different things since he can't speak to us."

Shasta looked at my hands in wonderment and then looked at his too.

"You mean you're talking with your hands? That's so cool! I wanna know how to talk with my hands!" Shasta whined as she started playing around with hand gestures.

They weren't sign language but I thought it was cute that she was trying. She has an interest in learning so that's even better. If we do adopt him she'll want to learn how to sign for him too.

"I'll teach you Little One." I told her as I looked back at the boy and smiled.

She wants to learn sign too. She thinks it's cool we can talk with our hands. I signed to the boy, both of us smiling at each other once he understood what I signed.

Teach her so we can all be friends!

I nodded at him, trying not to frown when Natalie appeared and told him it was time for bed. She waved at us and I waved back but I was sad again. I barely got to see him. I can't miss seeing him tomorrow. I won't let this happen again.

Bye Nova. He signed with a frown, waving at Shasta too before walking away.

And once again it felt like a piece of me was being left behind. I had to convince Finn to adopt him. He belongs with us. I know it.

"Why are you sad Mommy?" Shasta asked as I picked her up and headed for the jeep.

"Because he's lonely and I'm his only friend. I was supposed to see him today and I was late. But I'm coming back tomorrow so I'll make it up to him." I told her as I put her in the back seat.

"Can I go? I want to be his friend too. People need more than just one friend Mommy."

I smiled as I buckled her in and got in the driver's seat. "You can come with me. But remember it's a super secret okay?"

Shasta nodded excitedly as I drove back to the house. Finn was eating a bowl of something at the island when we made our way inside. I shooed Shasta towards her room before he could see her come in with me and smiled at him when he turned to face me.

"How was the visit? Didn't last long."

My smile fell as I thought of the little boy again. Who had no one. And I hated that. I didn't want him to be alone. I wanted him here with me. With us. With a family.

"I was too late. I only got to see him for a little while but I'm going back tomorrow after I train the Resistants to see him. I know you're not happy about it but I really wish you would change your mind. I never ask for much. But I know this is where he belongs. Even if you don't think it is."

I made my way upstairs and into my room, sitting down on the bed with a heavy sigh. I could feel tears brim my eyes as I put my head in my hands and fought them. I know he was meant to be mine. I always give but never receive. I don't usually expect to but how can Finn deny me of something when I never ask for anything?

I never ask for anything and the one time I do I'm told no. I had four more days to convince Finn we should adopt him. I don't know what to do to push things farther along. I needed to figure out something because I wanted to bring him home more than anything.

"I can feel everything you're feeling Nova. Don't be so upset-Don't be upset?! I always do what you want of me! I never ask for anything in return and I ask for one thing and you can't do it!" I snapped angrily.

"You're asking for me to be the parent of another child! That's a lot of responsibility Nova! He's not a dog or a cat he's a human being! I'm not ready for another kid! We aren't even officially moved in here! We don't know our place! And you want to bring a child into the mess!" He snapped back. But I wasn't going down without a fight. Not when I wanted this so bad.

"Our mess is the only chance he has at a real family! No one could love him the way we would! He deserves to have a family Finn! A real family! A home! Even if it is a little crazy right now! I never ask for anything from you! And you can't even try to do the one thing I want from you! If you tried you would see he does belong with us! Even if it's crazy and messy! We're still good! We're still strong and happy and full of love! And we have so much to give Finn! And I want that for him! He's never had that!"

"I'm sorry Nova. But I can't do it. Now is not the time. If it was a few years down the road it would be a possibility but as of right now it's just not a good idea. I'm sorry."

That made my heart break into pieces. He wasn't even going to give me my week? "You're not even going to give me my week?"

"I don't think it's a good idea. Look at how attached you are already. The closer you two get the harder it will be not only on you but him too. If you want what's best for him you should let him go. I'm sure someone will adopt him. It won't be us."

My heart dropped to my feet as I my tears finally fell. He won't even give me my week. He promised.

"You promised you would. You promised me a week. Please Finn. We don't break promises in this family. Four days. Give me four days to show you he belongs with us. Please."

Finn watched me carefully, still on the fence about it. I pushed the hurt I was feeling through the bond at max power until I could see him crumble slightly.

"Okay Nova. You have your four days. I will keep my promise. I don't think you can change my mind but go ahead and try."

I let out a sigh of relief as he agreed. He was giving me my four days. What can I do to change his mind? If me begging and pleading and whining isn't going to work I'm going to pull out all the stops. I'm going to try Finch's way.

Mind-blowing sex and blowjobs.

We'll have the work on the second one later but for now I can start with the first. It's my last resort. I grabbed Finn's shirt and turned us around, shoving him back onto the bed. It's my turn to be the dominant one. I will do whatever it takes to bring that boy home. I just hope it works.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now