Chapter 10: Sorry. Had to Do It.

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Nova had put off going to the city to get the things we needed but we couldn't put it off anymore. She looked at all of her notes of what was needed as we tried to decide who would go and who would stay. Since this was an unfamiliar place she didn't want to risk anyone's lives because Nixon did say there were still Savages around.

But we needed a lot of shit and the bigger the group the faster it can be done. So Tommy was coming with us along with Ashton, Kyle, Amy, Halley, and Lily. Finch wanted to go but Nova wouldn't let that happen. It was going to be dangerous and she wouldn't risk Finch's life again.

We had everyone follow us in the van since it had space for things in the back just in case it didn't all fit in the big rig. But this thing was huge so I think we'll be fine. I'm not sure exactly how Nova knows how to drive this thing but I definitely know I couldn't. It didn't move very fast so we were driving for a while.

Once we made it Daintey Nova took the first exit and started canvassing the streets for where she wanted to go. She pulled into a parking lot for Bed Bath and Beyond and parked the end of the trailer close to the doors. Everyone got out, Booker at Nova's side as she headed for the door.

"Finn come with me. The rest of you stay here while we check it out." She ordered as she popped the door open with her knife.

She pushed the doors open and held up one of her handguns as we headed into the store. We searched everywhere but saw no Zombies or even Savages. So we were safe to do our thing. We made our way back to the group and told them to come in. Nova handed each of them a list and let them go as we wandered around with a giant cart to grab what we wanted ourselves.

We started with what we needed for our bedroom. Nova wanted it to feel like it was our home because we don't know how long we'll be here. We know we're going back to Colorado at some point but we don't know when. Our place was so bare it was weird to be living in.

The start of the apocalypse we were in my grandparents old house and that was decorated and had pictures and things all over the place. That was a home. Then we went to the farm house. The girls had decorated it themselves and made it into their own home. Then we were at the vacation house-my future home. It was full of pictures and memories and felt lived in. The house we're at now is so empty it just doesn't feel right. If we're going to be living there it needs to be our home. Even if it's only temporary.

"I want our bedroom and bathroom to match. I thinking black, grey, and light blue. I'd like some red thrown in there but I'm not seeing anything here that's red anyways."

I'd like for our room to be red too but she was right.

"That's fine with me." I replied as we started looking at comforters.

Nova may let her room be a mess but she was very particular on how she wanted it to look. She was taking forever just picking out sheets and a comforter. She set three down side by side and stared at them as she tried to decide which one she wanted.

"I like that one." I said, pointing to the one in the middle. It was big and fluffy and black with a nice silver sheen over it. It looked the most comfy too.

"I agree. Okay. I want grey sheets."

We continued to walk around get what we wanted. It took us all a while to get everything we needed from this store but Nova had checked off a good amount from her lists. We got everything we needed for our bathroom and bedroom except for paint for the walls but we could worry about that later.

We got two additional chairs for the kids for the dining room and even got most of what she wanted for the kitchen. We loaded up two giant sectional couches onto the trailer and a loveseat too. We needed good couches. The place already has a huge television but the couch there was made for maybe four people if you squeeze. So these were perfect.

Nova had a hard time deciding what she wanted to decorate with so she just grabbed a bunch of shit and threw it in the back of the big rig for us to go through later and decide what we want or what looks best. But she did stick to her color scheme.

We waited for Ashton and Halley to finish up before taking our leave. A Kmart was down the same shopping center so we went there next. As I looked over our lists I remembered something I wanted to ask but forgot.

"Why do we need three trash cans?"

"Technically we need six. Three small ones for the bathrooms and three for the kitchen. One for recycling, one for trash, and one to stick outside for compost when I start my garden. I don't like waste of any kind."

Smart. I didn't even think of that. What would we do without her? We took everything we wanted from here too. Nova wanted to paint the walls grey and we found a nice light grey that wouldn't make the room seem so dark. We got plenty of hygiene products as well. Thank god because I'm almost out of deodorant.

After we finished Nova wanted to move on but the girls begged for her to wait so they could look at clothes. Nova agreed saying she needed some things too so all of the girls left to the clothing section.

"Get something sexy!" I called out as she walked away. She gave me the middle finger as I grinned.

"Do we need anything else or is it time to go? It's going to be dark soon." Ashton said as we both looked outside. He was right. It was getting dark.

"The girls will be right back and we can go."

Maybe about twenty minutes later the girls came back with two baskets filled with clothes. I laughed when I saw Nova's cart. More v-necks-as if she needs them. More shorts and some other girly things. I'm pretty sure those are for Finch. I did see some sexy underwear hiding underneath everything so I hope those are for her. They shoved everything into the run bags and we were finally ready to go.

By the time we got back it was too dark to unload everything and everyone was too tired to do it anyways. Nova locked up the truck as everyone else headed inside. She grabbed her run bag filled with her clothes before going inside as well. I followed her quietly, too tired to annoy her over anything. We were gone almost all day. I was definitely ready for bed.

I was smart enough to grab the sheets and comforter and set up the bed for Nova as she showered. Once I was done I flopped down onto the bed and sighed in relief. I was exhausted. I knew she'd make us all wake up early to unload what we got today and set everything up.

I really hate the idea of doing so much in one day but the faster we get it done the sooner we can relax and just enjoy our time here. I was definitely ready for a break though. A lazy day sounds nice.

Nova came from the bathroom dressed in one of my shirts and underwear. She flopped down on the bed next to me and I liked what I was seeing. Instead of her normal boyshort underwear she was wearing black lacey underwear.

And her ass looked phenomenal.

She had her eyes closed so I brought my hand back and made a solid connection to her left ass cheek. She jumped and opened her eyes to glare at me as I gave her an innocent smile.

"Sorry. Had to do it."

She rolled her eyes and got under the comforter with a sigh. I climbed under with her and pulled her into my chest ready to sleep. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back as she fell asleep. One more day of doing shit and then we're free. I can't wait.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now