Chapter 17: I'm Eating Ice Cream

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I woke up to gentle kisses along the side of my face and smiled as he sent waves of love through our bond. I turned onto my side and opened my eyes to find him already staring with a smile on his face too.

"Good morning." I said through a yawn, rubbing my tired eyes.

"Good morning." He replied, leaning down to kiss me. "Your mom called for lunch. We've been asleep for a while."

I sat up and stretched, ready to eat something. I burned a lot of calories last night I'm definitely ready for food.

"You're a mess." Finn chuckled as he wiped under my right eye. There was a large black smudge on his finger and I laughed knowing I must look like a raccoon right now.

"I'm going to shower. And no you can't join me. Not here."

Finn pouted as I got up and grabbed a change of clothes before going into the bathroom. My lipstick was smeared everywhere too. I looked like a hot mess. I quickly showered and changed before brushing my hair and teeth and headed downstairs to eat.

My mom handed me a plate with two slices of sourdough bread-my favorite-and a kiss to the side of my head as I made my way over to the island where everything was set out for us. I noticed they didn't have any meat set out, just a bunch of vegetables and some cheese.

"Are you guys like vegetarian now?" I asked as I started to load up my sandwich after covering the bread in mayo. My mom makes the best mayo ever. I'm normally a Best Foods girl but my mom's is better. She refuses to give me her recipe too.

"None of us can hunt and we don't get a lot of leftovers at the market. We get some occasionally but not very often. I miss steak and bacon trust me."

I had to change that. They needed protein. I was going to make sure they would have some before I left today. If I busted it out quick I could skin and cut up another boar in maybe two hours tops. I'd have to leave right after lunch to hunt and find them one.

Finn came down freshly showered as well and sat down at the table next to me with a huge sandwich for himself. I got full just looking at it.

"I'm hungry shut up."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my sandwich, eating most of it before I was too full to eat anymore.

"Where is everyone?" I asked my mom when no one else appeared for lunch.

"They all went into town to get stuff for dinner. Should be back in an hour or so probably you just missed them. When were you guys planning on leaving?"

I looked at the clock and saw it was just past noon. We could stay for a while longer. My vision at night will help if we have to drive in the dark. I didn't want to leave them until they were taken care of. I will always help and provide for my family. And they needed meat.

"We'll probably leave sometime tonight. I have to do something. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Finn watch out for my mom."

He stared at me as my mom turned her back to us and mouthed What are you doing?

Hunting. I mouthed back.

He nodded and gestured for me to leave so I did. I hope I'm successful. I don't know where any good hunting is around here but I have to find something. I grabbed my bow and sheathe from the jeep before looking around my aunt's property. There was a dense forest up ahead just outside of her property. I guess I can start there.


"So Finn. How did you and Nova meet?" Morgan asked as she washed the dishes.

I wasn't sure what I could and couldn't tell her, but if she's anything like Nova she can smell bullshit from a thousand miles away. I also don't really like lying either so maybe I'll just be honest.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz