Chapter 18: Protecting Those They Love

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I was getting a glass of water when I heard a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting Nixon today. Who could it be? I slowly made my way to the door, grabbing a gun from the cabinet and quietly cocked it. I looked out the window and didn't see anyone so I slowly opened the door and looked back and forth. No one was there.

I started to walk out to check the perimeter when my foot hit something. I looked down and my eyes went wide. They were the boots I was looking at in the window the other day. I picked them up as something fell and picked that up too. I held it at eye-level and immediately knew who this was from.

The necklace had a carved out wooden boar on the end of it. The detail was amazing and painted so well it almost looked real. This had to have been Chaska. I brought both things inside and set the boots on the counter as I examined the necklace. I looked down at the boots again and saw a note hanging out of it.

I know you have a beloved. This is not me trying to win your affections. I saw you wanted the boots and after I witnessed you performing a good deed I wanted to do one as well. The necklace is a powerful totem. Not many bear the boar totem. Some people may call them pigs but there is a big difference. Especially when it comes to the spiritual aspect.

Boars represent prosperity, spiritual strength, organization, balance, complacency, and activity. And they are also known for being fearless when protecting those they love. You do not have to wear it but after that incident I had a strong feeling to make it for you. I am sorry if this comes off wrong. See you tomorrow for training.

Shit. I forgot tomorrow was the first day of training. I was and wasn't excited for it. My eyes went towards the boots again as I looked down at the boots I was currently wearing and then the new ones again. Should I accept the gifts? I really want to. So I think I will.

I took off my old boots and put on the new ones, happy that they fit perfectly. I held the necklace up again and looked at the detail he carved into it. It was amazing honestly. How could I not wear it?

This had to have taken a lot of time and effort and he did it all because I set a spirit free before taking a life. I put on the necklace and was admiring both of my new things when Finn came down the stairs and looked at me confusedly.

"When did you get new boots?"

"A fellow Resistant got them for me." I said as I looked them over again. I loved them already.

"A guy Resistant? Or a girl?"

I rolled my eyes at the jealous tone in his voice and handed him the letter Chaska wrote to me. He read it over and looked up at me with narrowed eyes.

"Don't be like that Finn. It's not like that. If anything you should be happy I'm making friends."

Finn narrowed his eyes further and glanced down at the letter before looking back up at me. "Fine. I'll be cool about this. But the first time I hear about him making a move I'm beating his ass."

I rolled my eyes and took the letter back, folding it and put it in my pocket. "Knock it off Finn. Not every guy is trying to get in my pants."

"Well I better be the only guy getting in them." He growled out, stepping closer to me.

"Maybe I'll head over to Chaska's and take him for a ride on the Nova Express. I bet he'd like that. What guy wouldn't?"

Finn's eyes grew darker as he came even closer to me. "You wouldn't dare."

I narrowed my eyes at Finn and he narrowed his right back. "I might."

Finn threw me over his shoulder and stomped up the stairs until he reached our room and threw-literally threw me onto the bed from across the room. Okay. It's confirmed he's definitely stronger too. He slammed the door and stalked over to me.

I could feel his anger through our bond but I also felt something else. Something that excited me. He was feeling possessive. And I knew what was about to happen by the look in his eyes. Hell. Yes. I started to go to him but he shoved me back and pinned hands down on the bed above my head.

"You listen and you listen close. You are mine. And I'm not sharing. Now I'm going to punish you."

And I was fucking ready for it.


"I'm not mad anymore." Finn said breathlessly beside me. He better not be mad. No one can be mad after that. Damn. Finn dominated me hard and I loved every second of it. I guess I really do have a kinky side.

Finn leaned up on his elbow and ran his fingers along the side of my neck where I could feel his hand had been.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize-No. Finn. That was fucking amazing. You didn't hurt me at all. Well, in a bad way."

He kissed the marks he left on my skin before kissing me, pulling away to stare into my eyes. I could feel his contentedness through our bond and pushed the same feelings back.

"As long as you're okay I'm okay. I trust you. So if you really want to be friends with him go for it. I can't control you like that. It's not right. I don't need to control you or your actions. I just have to trust you and I do. Still doesn't mean I'm not slightly jealous another man is going to be getting your attention. But okay. You just have to promise me the first time he steps out of bounds with you you will end it."

I smiled up at Finn and leaned up to kiss him. He really is a good man. He is. What did I do to deserve him?

"I will. I promise. But I know that won't happen. He's just a friend Finn. I love you, you idiot."

Finn kissed me again and lied back down as I turned over to check the time. Shit! I was late! I got up and hurriedly dressed myself as Finn watched me confusedly.

"Where are you going? I was gearing up for round two."

I pulled on my shorts and boots and looked around for my top but couldn't find it. God I'm so late I hope he's not angry with me!

"I was supposed to see the boy today! God I'm so so late!" I screeched as I pulled on a top that didn't even match my shorts and ran for the door.

"We'll have round two when I get back! Love you!" I said as I closed the door behind me and rushed down the steps, almost knocking over Shasta who appeared out of nowhere.

"Where are you going Mommy?" She asked as she tugged on my hand.

"To see someone very special-Can I come?" She interjected with hopeful eyes. I don't see why not.

"You can come. But you can't tell Daddy. It has to be a super secret okay?" I said as I lead her out to the jeep.

"Okay Mommy. A super secret!"

I drove fast enough to be safe but I had to get there. Hopefully they haven't locked the doors yet.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu