Chapter 50: Merely a Shadow

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@AlexXGerard16 this one is for you! (Can't figure out how to tag you but this is for you 💜)

First I want to say if you need a refresher of what eat totem means you'll find it in chapter 27! Only Finn's will be explained in this chapter. Anyways we're so close to the end of part one guys I can't believe it! This part may have been a little slow but that's because I was setting up for part two which will be full of action, death, humor, decapitations, a badass villain, and Nova kicking ass! Thank you for coming this far with me! Anyways onto the chapter! Love you all xx


Nova got the group together in the living room to give them the good news. And damn was she excited. And very relieved. Everyone looked at her curiously, probably surprised at how big she was smiling. And how happy she looked. Nova's never looked this happy before. And I can't wait for them to find out why.

"Okay everyone. Walowski called us to the base today to test his next attempt at the vaccine. The first attempt may have failed but the second was successful. Thanks to my blood and Walowski's smarts he created a cure and a vaccine against the disease. He actually did it. We're going to save the world." Nova said and signed, her smile growing even bigger.

Everyone was quiet and gaped at Nova for a while before they became excited and started cheering. Nova even let everyone hug her as they all shared her excitement. The kids were excited too but I don't think they know what's actually going on. We'll have to explain it better for them later. Once they calmed down Nova continued on, still smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

"Walowski said in a week, maybe two, he'll have enough of the cure ready to distribute to the states and Australia. But he's going to work on making enough for our group, my other family, and Nixon's family first. So soon all of you will be dosed with the vaccine and become immune to the disease. We'll finally be free. Anyways that's all. I'm feeling a celebration. How does another beach day sound?"

Everyone cheered again and I'll admit I wanted to celebrate too. We were finally going to be okay. It was definitely worth celebrating.

"Alright go get ready. Halley, Lily, Finn, Finch, Tommy, Shasta, and Gryffin come with me first. The rest of you are free to go and get ready."

Ooo I wonder what we're doing. Another surprise maybe? Hasn't she done enough for us already?

Gryffin went to her side and took her hand as lead us up to our room and waited until we all made it inside to shut the door.

"The reason I called you in here was to give you something special. I made them for only you guys because you're my people and I love you. I didn't make enough for everyone so that's why I wanted to do it in private. I just hope you like them." Nova went into the closet and pulled out a box she opened it up and as I looked inside I saw necklaces like the one Chaska gave her that she always wears.

She handed each one out to everyone, describing what they meant and why she chose that totem for them. A dragon for Gryffin, a dog for Shasta, a butterfly for Lily, a cat for Halley, a dove for Finch, and a lion for Tommy. They were all happy and more hugs and smiles were shared until I was the last one to get theirs.

I tried to see what mine was but Nova quickly covered it and told everyone to leave and get ready for the beach, asking Finch to help the kids get ready. Gryffin and Shasta both followed their aunt out of the room smiling like everyone else as Nova sat on our bed and pat the spot next to her. I sat down and she smiled, looking up at me full of happiness and content. I felt the same way too.

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