Chapter 30: I Brought it to You

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Nova left for training but thankfully Finch stayed and postponed her class until later today so someone who could sign would be home. I slept until I felt Nova become excited over something-very excited. I didn't hear her throughout the house so she must still be gone. I want to know what's got her so giddy.

I fell back asleep until I heard her come through the front door some hours later. I heard the door open and close but no footsteps so I know it was her. She was talking to the kids as I made my way downstairs and kissed her cheek as I sat down at the island.

"I have something planned for tonight for the four of us. Wear pajamas too to be comfy. And Finn if I catch you near my jeep I'll kick your ass. It's a surprise. Tonight we're going to have that good dinner I talked about and then the surprise so make sure you're home at 9:00pm. I don't know if you have any plans or not but just be here okay?"

I nodded with a smile as Nova kissed me and went upstairs to shower and change. The boy kept his head down as Shasta babbled on about what she did at school today.

Nova came back down a little while later and distracted Shasta by offering to make her something for lunch. Thank god because I couldn't keep up with her story that went in thirty different directions. That's Nova's job. She somehow understands all of Shasta's crazy stories leaving the rest of us lost and confused. But Nova? Understands them perfectly. Even if they don't make sense to the rest of us.

The boy lit up when Nova tapped on his shoulder and he realized it was her. He hugged her and smiled as she asked what he wanted as well. At least I think that's what's going on. Nova made two sandwiches and poured them a glass of milk as she made herself a BLT. I eyed it and she rolled her eyes, sliding it over to me and began making another one.

She should've asked if I wanted one too.

I was too tired to talk so I just listened to Nova and Shasta talk. She was signing for the boy too and his happy side was showing once again as they went into their own little world and laughed and joked around.

He lights up so bright when Nova is with him. When she's gone he's so reserved and quiet and sad. Shasta makes him happy too but Nova was at training and Shasta was at school so he was alone. When I checked on him earlier Finch said he barely talked to her and just engrossed himself in a book, sitting on the couch in the living room and kept looking at the door. Every time someone came in he would get excited and then deflate when it wasn't Nova.

He really did love her. It's so weird seeing both sides of him. I haven't really experienced him without Nova. When she's around he's happy and outgoing and so full of life. But when she's gone he's completely different. It made me sad seeing him so sad and lost.

A child should never feel that way. They should be like Shasta. Always loud and bouncing off the walls and telling jokes and stories that don't make sense. He really is like Nova. It's kind of weird. They're not even related but their personalities match pretty hard.

I wish he would be more comfortable with us but I know it's just going to take time. Nova has been the only constant his whole life aside from residing in an orphanage. That made me sad too. An orphanage was the only home he's known his whole life. And that's not a home fit for a child. Not at all. Nova told me he had a room alone away from everyone and the other kids didn't bother with him because he was deaf.

That was fucked up too. It made me think about how special Shasta truly is. She didn't care he couldn't hear. She still played with him and attempted to sign for him and loved spending time with him. Even if they couldn't properly communicate it didn't stop them from having fun together.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang