Chapter 4: Calling Me Out

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I woke up to a gentle touch along my cheek. It traveled down further and caressed my jaw line and chin, slowly moving along my lips and then back up to my eyebrows and forehead. It was the perfect amount of pressure too.

Not too hard to disturb me, and not too soft to tickle. It just felt really nice. I didn't want it to stop. It was so prominent. Like how Nova described to me how my touch felt to her after her third bite. How it was soothing and electrifying and intense. That's how it felt for me too.

"I know you're awake." She said quietly, brushing my hair away from my forehead before pulling her hand away.

I refused to open my eyes, blindly reaching out for her hand and put it on my head. She chuckled and started to play with my hair just like I wanted. It felt amazing too.

After a while she nudged me so I turned onto my back, still refusing to open my eyes.

I was too tired and the bed was so comfy I didn't want to get up. She cuddled into my side and released a quiet sigh, pulling the blanket over us. She kissed my cheek and then yawned big, falling asleep almost immediately.

But now that I'm awake I can't sleep.

I haven't told Nova about my improved senses. I wasn't sure why either. I'm afraid of anyone knowing. I'm not saying I'm like a freak or anything like that but I'm the first ever person to be cured.

What if it meant I was changing back? That thought alone terrified me. I don't want to die again. I want to stay me and spend the rest of my life with the woman sleeping beside me.

What if I really am changing back though? I don't feel like I'm dying but I don't feel like my old self. I feel different. Especially when it comes to my bond with Nova. And that's why I'm afraid of turning back. What if I'm never cured again and I lose her forever? I can't lose her. I just can't.

"I can feel you're upset. What's wrong?" Nova mumbled as she looked at me with her golden eyes.

"I'm fine." I lied, looking away from her as I did so.

I didn't like lying but I didn't want her to worry about me.

Nova raised a brow and stared at me, not saying anything.

She didn't have to. That's her version of calling me out. Looking at me like I'm stupid until I confess what I was lying about.

I sighed, holding her closer to me. I probably should say something. I don't like keeping things from her especially since she tells me everything too.

"I'm afraid of turning back. I'm afraid that I am turning back. Something is wrong with me." I told her, trying not to lose composure.

But saying it out loud made it more real. I don't want to change back. I want to be me.

Nova grew concerned and leaned up to look me over. She closed her eyes and grew quiet. I wasn't sure what she was doing as she put her head on my chest and started counting. After a minute passed she opened her eyes and looked at me, giving me a small smile.

"Your heart rate is normal. A bit above normal but for someone who was cured it's probably normal. Your temperature is normal, and your blood pressure seems normal too. If you were changing back you wouldn't have a heartbeat. At least not a steady and healthy one. You'd be physically cold, and your blood pressure would be next to nothing. You're above normality for those so you're okay Finn. Are your senses heightened?"

I nodded and she gave me an encouraging smile.

"You're okay Finn. I can feel through our bond you're okay. If you were in any real danger I would feel it. Ever since you've been back our bond is so much stronger. I can physically feel our connection and I don't feel anything is wrong. So just breathe. You're okay."

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