Chapter 34: Two Simple Words (Finn's Day)

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I woke up to an empty bed and normally it doesn't bother me but today I wanted to wake up to her face. I feel like we've barely had any alone time and I miss it. I miss her.

I sat up and stretched, turning to check the time. It was a little past eleven. Damn I've been asleep for a while. I noticed a folded note with my name on it and picked it up to read as I went to the bathroom.

Good morning my something. I went into the city with Chaska today I'll be back in time for dinner. Please get tortillas, a white onion, a bundle of cilantro, two heads of lettuce, six tomatoes, and eight limes for tacos tonight. And pull the hamburger meat from the freezer to thaw. There's pancakes in the microwave for you. I'll see you when I get back. I hope your answer will still be a yes by that time.

I love you Finn.


I put it in the box with her other notes and tried to figure out what I could do with myself today. I had plenty of time to get everything she needs for dinner but I should probably pull out the meat now so it has time to thaw. And then maybe I'll take a walk. It looks really nice outside too.

I changed into day clothes and made my way downstairs. I pulled the hamburger meat and tossed it on the counter as my pancakes heated up. We should be sick of them since we eat them at least three times a week but Nova's are so good you couldn't blame us really. I sat down and covered mine in butter and syrup, completely demolishing all five of them in record timing.

Once I finished I put my water bottle in my backpack along with a bag of trail mix and some beef jerky Nova made. I wasn't sure of how long I'd be gone but I still wanted something to munch on just in case I got hungry.

When I went out the back door I saw Lily painting on the deck, glancing up to check on the dogs before going back to her painting. Indie ran up to me and started licking my hand wanting attention.

Indie sleeps with Nova and I occasionally but she likes being outside more than in. She really does mind her own business for the most part. She's kind of like a cat in the sense that she only wants attention on her own terms. We'll play fight or play fetch sometimes but she really just does her own thing. Maybe I'll take her with me on my walk. We've gone on a few since we've been here but I've been so busy these past few weeks I haven't had the time walk myself either. So I think I will.

I went back inside and grabbed her leash with her right behind me. Her ears perked up when she saw it, knowing what we were about to do. She's still a little stubborn when it comes to listening like most puppies are so I have to keep her at my side or she'll take off. Not all dogs are like Booker who never needs a leash.

I slid the leash through my belt loops before attaching it to her collar with enough length for her to be comfortable. I'm glad Nova showed me this trick because it makes walks way easier than having your hand tugged in every different direction.

She trotted at my side as I threw in a bag of treats and one of the travel dishes to keep her hydrated on our walk. I filled up a spare bottle with water and dumped that in my backpack too. I looked around to make sure I had everything and I think I'm good. I shouldn't be gone for more than a couple of hours.

"Okay come on girl." I said as I walked towards the backyard. It was so nice outside today. It wasn't too hot or muggy, just warm enough to be comfortable and perfect for a nice walk. I've been finding new trails every time I go on one so I was excited to try out a new one.

"Where ya goin'?" Lily asked as I started walking towards the fence to get out.

"On a walk. I'll be back in a couple of hours."

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