Chapter 36: Hell. Fucking. Yes.

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By the time I had finished the third chapter I heard the door open and close with no footsteps. She was finally home. I saved my rough draft and put the computer on my side table before going downstairs to meet her.

"Mind helping me bring everything in?" I nodded and followed her out to the jeep.

"Only the stuff on the trailer. Leave the bird cage covered I don't want Finch to see it it's a surprise. The rest are surprises for everyone including you. I see you even trying to peek and I'm throat punching you." Nova threatened as I started to remove the tarp.

I know she'll do it too.

And unlike her I actually like surprises so I can't wait to see what it is.

Just as we were bringing the last of the stuff in Nixon's oldest son parked his jeep on the side of the road and made his way over to us.

"I brought the beds and dressers courtesy of my dad. Where would you like them?"

Nova glanced at me, waiting for me to say that we wouldn't need them. But that wasn't happening. I could feel her hesitation and panic too.

"We have to move some stuff around so maybe just outside of the house and we can bring them in once we're ready."

I felt her instant relief in that moment. I made a promise and I intend on keeping it. We don't break promises in this family.

Nova picked up one of the beds with ease and Nixon's son's eyes were so wide they almost popped out of his head.

"How in the hell...fucking Resistants man. Remind me to never piss her off."

Yeah. You definitely don't want to do that.

We put everything by the house, waving at him as he drove off.

" do you want to do this?" I asked her as I looked at the four piece set.

"You start dinner and I'll handle this. Chop up all of the vegetables and make sure you cut that cilantro up really thin. I'll be there to finish in a minute."

I listened and started dinner as Nova quickly worked to set up the kid's room. If I wasn't a secure man the fact that my girlfriend is stronger than me would definitely bother me. I guess I'm not normal because I think it's pretty sexy. My badass. I love that woman even though she could lift three of me.

Nova sat down at the island when she was done and sighed in relief.

"Okay. Finished for the most part. But I'm hungry so we'll take care of the rest later. Where is everyone?" She asked as she started seasoning the meat.

I know she won't start cooking until everyone is here to eat but preparing ahead of time is always more convenient.

"Halley and Lily took the kids to the park for a play date with some of the other kids from their class. Ashton, Kyle, and Tommy are working at the base but should be back any minute. Amy is gardening the next haul for the market and Rudy should be back from the library soon as well. And Finch is in her room working on assignments and fun projects for her class."

Nova nodded as she pulled the sour cream she had made from the fridge and opened it up. I watched as she tossed in some cilantro, spices, some hot sauce she had made as well, and then squeezed lime juice in next. She stirred it around and licked one side of the spoon as I watched with a grin. She's so weird.

"Sour cream isn't a snack." I teased as she went to lick the other side. She offered it to me and I took it. I licked the other side and understood why she did it-it tasted fucking great.

"Make more of that. Way more."

She rolled her eyes but did as I requested. I normally don't put sour cream on my tacos but that shit was amazing. By the time Nova had finished preparing the rest everyone started coming through the door and waved when they saw us.

"Taco night?! Yes!" Halley cheered when she saw everything laid out.

"Go get cleaned up while I start dinner. It should be done in about twenty minutes."

Everyone nodded and went to their rooms except for me. I sat down at the island and watched her cook. She's so damn cute.

How did I get so lucky?

By the time everyone appeared Nova had finished and set everything out for us. Once the kids were served everyone else plated their own and sat down at the table. Shasta took her seat beside me as Nova sat in hers. She looked at the empty spot beside herself and while she seemed sad I could also feel she was hopeful. I bet she's picturing the boy sitting there. When he does come home with us tomorrow he will be.

When everyone finished we all went off to do our own thing. Nova, Shasta, and I decided to have a movie night. We got cozy in bed and cuddled up together as Tangled played on the tv. Lilo and Stitch is the best but I do kind of like this one. Never really thought about using a frying pan as a weapon before. Now that I think about it it could do some damage too.

Two a half movies in Shasta fell asleep with her head on my arm, snoring and drooling away. Nova was starting to nod off too. I know she's had a long day and is tired. So maybe I'll give her the good news now so she can sleep. Especially since we'll be picking him up tomorrow.

"Hey Killer."

Her eyes opened and she gave me a nervous look, hiding her fear of what I was going to say well.

"It's still a yes. And if you like we can pick him up tomorrow."

Nova narrowed her eyes at me and studied my face. I could tell she was feeling me out too. Her hesitation lessened and then she was smiling. "Really? Tomorrow?"

I nodded and her smile was so big I couldn't believe it. It wasn't my smile but it was pretty damn close. Nova's excitement and happiness smothered me as she leaned over to kiss me.

"Thank you Finn. Thank you so much. You won't regret this."

I went to respond but Shasta's snores grew ten times louder and had us chuckling. She sounded like a little bear. It was cute. But I definitely can't sleep through that.

"I'm gonna take her to bed. Be right back." Nova nodded as I scooped up Shasta and brought her to her room. I covered her up and then made my way back upstairs into my room.

My eyes went wide at what I saw. Nova patted the spot on the bed next to herself and smiled.

The best part?

She was naked.




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