Chapter 16: Alive

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I quietly snuck up the stairs and felt eyes on me. I could feel the sudden pull on our bond and looked up knowing it was her.

And damn was she a vision.

I love Nova in red. I'm slightly biased because it's my favorite color-hers too-but she can rock the shit out of red. This is my first time ever seeing her in a dress and I gotta admit I love it. She needs to wear them more.

"Damn Killer. You look beautiful." I told her as I made my way up the steps.

She smiled and reached out a hand as I got to the top. She kissed me and pushed the feeling of love through our bond and it felt good. Nova may not tell me she loves me all of the time or is affectionate with me but since our bond happened I can feel it. And that's enough for me.

She's not a woman of many words but that's fine. I can feel everything she's feeling for me and it made me happy knowing it was reciprocated. I pushed the feelings back on her and watched as her smile widened. My smile. My favorite thing to see.

"Why did you put on a dress?" I asked as I touched the end of it.

"They always have an after party and I want to go. With you. I don't want tonight to end yet."

"To be honest I don't either. I'm having too much fun."

"Can we take the motorcycle?" She asked excitedly as I followed her back downstairs.

"I've never been on one before." I told her as we snuck outside.

She had courage leaving the keys in the ignition. But I mean we're pretty far out so I can see why she thinks it's fine. We pushed it down the street until we were far enough away not to wake anyone up before she straddled the bike and patted the spot behind her. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Ah fuck whatever. I sat down behind her and she wrapped my arms around her waist, waiting until I was situated to start the bike.

"Hold on tight. I haven't been on a bike in a long time and I'm gonna haul ass."

I tightened my hold on her as she took off. I fell back slightly but she steadied me with one hand and laughed as I held onto her tighter. It was actually a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. The wind rushing past my face, everything around us a blur. The feeling of Nova's body against mine. And the speed. The adrenaline rush I was getting was amazing.

"Go faster!" I told her, laughing when she accelerated even more.

It almost felt as if we were going through lightspeed like in Star Wars. My stomach had butterflies and my whole body was tingling. She was at max speed but I wish she could go faster. I was having the time of my life.

Nova slowed down as we made it into the city again. This time we were going through abandoned neighborhoods until she turned down a street and I saw the after party. Lights were going and bass was shaking the road. People were lingering inside, outside, and in the backyard as we parked behind a car. Nova bumped me so I got off first and then she got off and immediately took my hand in hers.

"Let's party!" She cheered, pulling me towards the house.

The music was more upbeat than what we were listening to before but feeling Nova's love and excitement through the bond gave me a rush of the energy she was feeling. I was definitely ready for round two.

Or is it three?

Either way I was ready to continue my night with Nova. I didn't want this night to end. Nova and I haven't had true alone time in so long and she was actually giving me a bunch of attention. She couldn't keep her hands off of me either. I'm pretty much always touching her and she lets it go but this time she's all over me too. I love it when she's like this. I wish she was always like this.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now