Chapter 35: He Will Be Yours (Nova's Day)

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I woke up before Finn and smiled down at him as he snored away. Last night he promised it would stay a yes but I still wanted him to have another day to think it over. I hope he keeps to his word by the time I get back. I wrote him a little note and set it on his bedside table hoping he would see it when he woke up.

I got up quietly and put a pillow in his arms, quickly changing and gearing up for my trip into the city with Chaska. I put my knife and extra clips into my boots and did my half-bun as I opened the secret compartment in our closet with all of the weapons and tried to decide what I wanted to bring with me.

My eyes kept going back to my bow so I decided on that. I stuffed my sheathe full of arrows and slung both over my shoulder before grabbing my backpack and heading downstairs.

Booker followed me knowing I was leaving and whined as I made my way into the kitchen for water and snacks. I turned to look back at him and pondered the idea of bringing him with me. I'd really like to but with Savages running around I don't think it's a good idea. I retired Booker for a reason. I'll take him on a nice walk later to make up for it but he's not coming with me. Not to a place where I don't know if it's safe or not. I'm not risking his life again.

"Not this time Buddy. It's not safe."

Booker huffed and glared at me before walking towards the backyard, turning one last time at the door to give me a dirty look and then disappeared.

Such a drama queen.

I tossed in two full reusable water bottles and some snacks for us to have knowing we'll be gone for a while and will definitely get hungry at some point. I made sure I was ready for today one last time but I'm pretty sure I have everything.

I tossed all of the run bags into my trunk and then hooked up the trailer to my jeep. I went over the list in my head and was definitely ready. I had a lot I had to get today. But first I needed to pick up Chaska.

I started driving towards his house and barely put my jeep in park when he came out and waved with his own bow and sheath around his shoulder.

"Put that in the backseat with mine."

He nodded and opened the door, lying his bow and sheathe down where I told him. His was pretty cool too. I could tell he had painted it himself with intricate designs on a black background. It was actually really fucking cool. Maybe I'll have him paint mine. He took the passenger seat and smiled as I started driving towards town, asking what our plans were. And I had a lot planned.

"Okay so we have a lot to do today in a short amount of time. We have to be back by three to see my boy and it's five in the morning right now. So we have nine hours to get everything done. I think we can do it."

Chaska pulled out a list from his pocket as I pulled out mine. Yeah. He's definitely my friend.

" I was not allowed to get a television so I would like to stop by a book store if that is a possibility. The rest are just things to decorate our home with. It seems so bare after being in yours."

"Yeah. We're definitely stopping by a book store. Anything you need to get we'll get. The only problem is I don't know this town very well so we have to keep an eye out for the stores we need. And for any danger. I know you're not a walking weapon of mass destruction yet so unless I need your help let me do all of the fighting and killing."

Chaska's eyes went wide as he nodded. I could tell he didn't like the idea of taking a life but if it's your life on the line or the life of someone trying to kill you I'd rather be the one that lives. "Well...okay. I can do that."

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