Chapter 47: Big Spoon

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Everyone was gone except for Gryffin. And that's exactly what I wanted. I finally finished everyones totems and had them blessed last night for everyone and I couldn't wait to hand them out. I stashed them in my jewelry box and got the other presents together for the party today. I hid the presents under the bed and in my closet to give out later.

Next I set up everything on the beach as quickly as possible and looked around once I finished. It was perfect. Little lights strung in the trees, tables for snacks. Ice chests full of wine, liquor, and other drinks. I set up the speaker next and plugged in my phone to play music for us. I made a little fire pit too and looked around at it all. I think it's perfect. Now I just need to make the cake.

I went inside and pulled out the pan I had stashed away and the ingredients needed. Well almost all of them. Where's the damn flour? I searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Damn. Everyone should be gone for a couple more hours so maybe I can go into town and get some. I'm going to need more sugar too. Gryffin woke up from his nap and came to my side, asking what I was doing. Perfect timing.

Can you keep a secret?

He nodded and smiled.

I'm throwing a birthday party for everyone. Including you. But don't tell anyone okay? It's our little secret. Go put on shoes we need to go get something.

He nodded again and listened, heading into his room as I hid everything in a cabinet just in case someone came home. Gryffin appeared wearing shoes and as I grabbed my keys and basket, opening the door to go, Booker came running inside, begging with his eyes to let him go with us.

"You wanna go?"

He did his little dance and I chuckled, letting him through the door too. They both got in the back and once Gryffin was buckled up I headed towards town. I occasionally looked behind me to check on Gryffin but for the whole drive he pet Booker in his favorite spot, smiling to himself.

I parked next to the market and opened the door, letting both of them out before taking Gryffin's hand and leading him inside. He tugged on my hand and I looked down with a smile on my face too.

Can we get more carrots? And ice cream! I want the one you like!

He's definitely mine. Mint chip is the best.

Yes we can. Do you see anything else you want? Go ahead and look around while I get what I need. Meet me at that counter okay?

He nodded and took off, very excited for food. That makes him like Finn too. The boy can eat. A lot. It's impressive honestly. Between Finn and Gryffin they'll eat everything within a five mile radius.

"Booker go with him."

Booker followed him as I went around the store myself. I got what I needed, grabbing a thing of mint chip and plenty of carrots for us too and waited for him to meet me at the counter. He appeared a few minutes later with some bell peppers, bananas, apples, and carrots too. He enjoys eating healthy like me.

Shasta will devour anything with sugar just like her father. But it's good he's eating vegetables willingly. I have to fight Shasta to get her to even think about eating an apple. She claims it's fake sugar and believes apples are a lie. She's definitely weird. I let him drop everything in the basket and signed for us to go.

As we were leaving a lady was standing by the door that wasn't there before. She was standing behind a box and smiled and waved at me. I was about to leave when I heard a quiet meow and stopped.

Stay here. I signed to Gryffin as I approached her.

I looked inside the box and there was four kittens all trying to get out. We have four dogs but I know how much Halley likes cats. Prince is pretty much Lily's dog anyways. I love animals and I want plenty of them in the future. But maybe I could get one for Halley. I bet she'd like that. So I think I will.

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