Chapter 41: She's Insane

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I don't know how Nova can function on an hour of sleep. Maybe two. We were up all night and didn't stop until the sun started rising. I was dead on my feet but Nova was awake and alert.

She's insane.

Well, we already knew that. But still. How can she even be making breakfast right now? I need more sleep. But I also need to see the cure for myself. Because that means I'm one step closer to having my forever with Nova and that's all I want. And I might get it sooner than I thought.

I finally managed to crawl out of bed and get ready for today. I put in the contacts and that was a struggle but once they were in place it tripped me out at how different I looked. It wasn't a big change but it was still weird. They did hide the bright green of my eyes though. Pretty well too. You could barely tell I was wearing them. And that's what Nova wanted. She wanted me safe and protected and these contacts definitely helped. Nova was plating the last of the eggs and bacon when I got downstairs and hugged her from behind.

"Mind waking everyone up?"

I nodded and went to do as she asked, leaving the kids for last. I woke up Shasta first and then Gryffin. When he opened his eyes and saw it was me he looked away and frowned. I didn't know sign so I couldn't tell him it was breakfast time so I just gestured for him to follow me. He hesitated but then listened, both kids going with me.

When Gryffin saw Nova his eyes lit up and he ran to her, tackling her legs in a tight hug. She steadied herself and smiled, running her hand over the top of his head. He signed something to her and she nodded, pointing to his seat at the island.

"Morning Mommy." Shasta said as she hugged Nova next, stealing a piece of bacon and ran away before Nova could stop her.

The three of us sat at the island waiting to eat as everyone else slowly trailed in. Once the kids were served we all helped ourselves and sat down to eat. Nova was the last one to sit down and she had a good amount of food on her plate.

It made me happy seeing it. She's at 135 pounds right now. Five pounds away from her goal weight. And she doesn't even need to smoke to eat now. Three meals and snacks every day. It was relieving too.

She's sacrificed so much for us. And I didn't realize it until we knew how much weight she'd lost. She didn't eat to make sure we did. She starved herself to take care of us. And she didn't hesitate or complain or say anything.

How can one person be so strong?

"You're feeling really relieved. What are you thinking about?" Nova asked with a smile.

"How healthy you're getting. And how you have an appetite again. That's a full plate of food and I didn't even have to tell you to load up your plate. Just really excited me to see it."

Nova was a little embarrassed but continued to eat, not saying anything in return. But I'm used to that.

Once everyone finished eating Walowski told us it was time to go. Nova was telling Gryffin she had to leave and he shook his head, holding onto her so tight he could cut off circulation. She started to sign again so I asked for a translation. I don't like not feeling involved. I really need to start learning sign. We all do.

"I'm not leaving forever sweet boy. Just for a little bit. Auntie Finch will take good care of you. But I have to do this it's very important. Saving the world important."

He watched her hands intensely and slowly nodded as Nova hugged him again.

"I told you I'm not leaving you. Never ever."

He smiled slightly, signing never ever back and that had Nova smiling too.

"It's only for a little bit okay? I promise I'm coming back."

He nodded again and sulked into his room as Nova sighed and sulked too.

"It's okay. He just needs time too."

Nova gave me a sad smile as Walowski joined us and said it was time to go. I really hope this works.


Nova was uneasy as we took the elevator down to the bottom floor. An army base in the ground. Kinda weird, but kinda cool. Nova was nervous though. I could feel it coming from her. She probably doesn't like being underground without an escape route. At least that's my assumption.

I took her hand and gave it a squeeze, pushing soothing waves through our bond. She slightly relaxed but not by much. Nixon was waiting for us once we exited the elevator and Nova's nervousness became excitement.

"We managed to find more Biters for testing so if this trial doesn't work out we have more to test on. But I have high hopes that this cure will work. Follow me this way."

Hand scans, eye scans. Doors with codes. These Zombies were really locked up. We went into a room and three Zombies were strapped down on beds almost in a trance. Once they heard us enter the room they became active though.

Walowski produced the cure and we watched intently as he injected it into them. Nova and I both felt deflated when they didn't show any signs of the cure working.

And then something happened.

The Zombies started to go crazy but way worse this time. The three of them managed to break the straps and started attacking everyone in the room. Nova shoved me back and pulled the first one off of Walowski, grabbing the knife from her boot and stabbed it in the head before it could bite him.

Nixon was grappling with one too but didn't see Nova until she yanked the Zombie back and stabbed it in the head too. The last Zombie came for me but once he was close enough to smell me he backed off and looked at Walowski. Right as it lunged for him Nova shot in the head, grinning as Walowski gaped at her covered in blood.

"Well. That happened." Nixon said as he wiped blood off of his face too.

"This is why I always carry my guns." Nova said as she put it back in her holster.

"It's okay. I'll keep trying. I can do it. I know I can. I'm sorry." Walowski said deflated, and definitely frustrated.

"It's okay. It'll happen. Just don't give up. If anyone can do this it's you." Nova told him, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"I hope so. I'm going to need more of your blood. I won't give up. We need this. I'll figure it out. I just need more time. And more blood samples."

After Walowski drew Nova's blood into ten test tubes we went to the jeep and climbed in. Nova was definitely disappointed. I was too. I was hoping it would work and we'd finally be free to live out our lives. I guess we just have to wait.

"He'll do it. I know he will. And then we can have our forever."

Nova gave me a sad smile and sighed as she started driving towards our house.

"It'll be okay Killer. Guess he needs some time too."

"I want to be free Finn. I want to move into our home and have kids and dogs and enjoy life with you. I want our forever too. What if Walowski can't figure out a cure and we can't save the world? It can't stay as it is. I want to fix it and finally just live my life with you by my side. And I'm afraid it won't happen."

I took her hand in mine and kissed the back of it, pushing more soothing waves at her. "It'll happen Killer. Don't worry. We'll save the world and get our forever. I know it. You just suck at being patient."

Nova rolled her eyes and smiled as she shook her head at me.

"I guess all we can do is wait. We have all the time in the world here. And once the cure is made we'll live out our lives like we want to. Don't worry. It'll work out. The Fates will make sure it happens."

Nova became more confident and nodded again with a happy smile on her face now. "I sure hope so."

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora