Chapter 58: Umm...We're Getting Cable?

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I woke up with a pounding head and groaned at the bright light shining in my eyes. It took me a second to realize it was actually the sun and Nova and I were asleep on the beach chairs facing the shore in Cindy's backyard.

Thankfully it was actually pretty warm and we weren't freezing to death but someone had put a blanket over us while we were sleeping so I felt pretty comfortable. I bet it was Morgan.

Nova adjusted in her sleep and curled into me more, breathing steadily against my neck so I know she's still asleep. It's rare that I wake up before her but that means I get to embrace it for however long it lasts.

We had pushed the chairs together last night and laid under the stars, talking and laughing and kissing until the sun started to come up. It was fun and light even though we were both pretty drunk.

It always feels good being with her and last night was amazing. I had so much fun. Both of us did. All of us did. I loved Nova's family and I couldn't wait to be a part of it permanently.

I pulled the ring from my pocket and stared at it in the light, knowing one day soon it'd be on her finger and she'd be that much closer to being Mrs. Nova Blake. And I was excited for it.

She moved slightly so I quickly put the ring away and held her as I thought about last night again. I may have been pretty fucking drunk but I remember everything. Especially the fun sex behind that rock over there. And even though I was hungover as fuck I don't regret it.

Totally worth it.

We were kinda sloppy and giggly and being a little weird but we had fun. And I felt pretty satisfied too. I could go for another round honestly. Maybe an orgasm would make this headache go away.

"You're seriously ready for round two? I'm too hungover to perform. I never get hungover either."

I chuckled and kissed the top of her head as she yawned before sitting up and stretching.

"I wonder what time it is. We should probably leave soon. The kids will be up by now we should check on them."

I didn't want to get up just yet but she was right. We can have round two when we get home. Everyone was up and about looking hungover too, drinking coffee and attempting to eat breakfast. The only normal ones were Morgan and the kids. She seemed just fine honestly. I wonder what her secret is.

"Nice of you two to finally join us. The kids have been asking for you."

Shasta turned around and smiled when she saw us and shook Gryffin so he'd look at us too.

"Did you sleep okay?" Nova asked and signed as we approached them. They both nodded as Gryffin pat the spot next to him so Nova would sit down and Shasta pat the spot beside her for me. But I needed breakfast first.

"Let me get my plate first Little One." I told her as I went to the island where everything was laid out.

Nova sat beside Gryffin as I sat next to Shasta with our own plates and cups of coffee. Coffee was just what I needed. I don't drink it much really. Don't have the taste for it. But when I'm hungover? It's exactly what I need. And I desperately needed it.

"What time are you leaving?" Morgan asked as she sat down across from us with her own plate and cup of coffee too.

"Probably soon. I have to get everything ready before we leave. We have about three or four days before we go."

After breakfast Nova went to get the kids ready so I helped Morgan take care of the dishes and clean everything up. She was washing and I was drying and while the morning started off happy and cheerful it suddenly became a little...cloudy.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I put the next plate away.

"I'm just worried for all of you that's all. I don't like that I won't be able to talk to you while you're there and know that you're okay. And I'll miss you all too. I just wish you didn't have to do it."

I wish we didn't either.

"We'll be okay Morgan. Nova will worry about us and I'll worry about her. But we'll be okay. The Fates will keep us safe I know that."

Morgan stopped scrubbing to look up at me and smiled slightly. "The Fates? You believe in them too?"

I nodded and smiled a little bit too. "I used to be an atheist. I was like Tommy's sister in the sense that if I believed in anything it was reincarnation but I don't know. Never really believed in a higher power. But after Nova talked about the Fates and explained it to me...I had to believe.

"There's just so many things that happened that would make me stupid to not believe in it. The Fates brought Nova and I together there's no other explanation. So yes I believe in them. We'll be okay Morgan. So believe in that."

This time I drove and Nova was next to me with Gryffin beside her and Tommy, Finch, and Shasta sleeping in the back. Nova had her head on my shoulder and while she was happy and content she was also sad. I know it's because she hates leaving them behind but we'll come back soon. And hopefully engaged by then too.

Surprisingly enough Nova ended up falling asleep too and Gryffin read his book the whole time until we finally made it home. And what I saw excited me and once Nova knew what it was she'd be excited too.

"Hey Killer. We're here. Wake up. I have a surprise for you."

She sat up and yawned, rubbing her tired eyes as I parked the jeep. I covered her eyes and helped her out of the car, taking a few steps back so she got the whole view. I gestured for Nixon to wait and let her see the satellite dish being installed on top of the house.

"Umm..We're getting cable?" She asked confusedly as she looked up at me.

I chuckled and waved Nixon over to let him explain. He told me but he could explain it better than I could.

"Hello Nova. Finn said you were worried you wouldn't be able to communicate with your family so he enlisted me in the help of making sure you could. Take a look right here." He opened a laptop and pressed a call button. It rang for a few moments before Morgan and Andy popped up on the screen.

"Weren't you just here? Miss us already?"

Nova's eyes teared up as she took it from his hand and smiled at her family.

"Hi! Oh my god! This is amazing!" Nova cheered as her smile broadened.

I'm glad it worked out. Maybe now she'll feel a bit better about what we have to do.

"We have to go but we just wanted to say hi and also say thank you to the man who did this for us. They installed everything while you were on your way home. We'll see you in a few days okay? Love you!"

"Love you too." Nova replied as she shut the laptop and looked up at me with teary eyes.

"The bases in America are set up already so all you will need is the laptop and you'll be able to see your families from both households whenever you want. So you don't have to worry about anything or going without seeing them. I have to go see my wife now. She woke up yesterday by the way. And she wants to meet you soon."

Nova nodded and smiled, waving at Nixon as he drove away. She turned back to me and then jumped into my arms, holding me tight.

"Thank you so much Finn. I can't believe you did this for me. Thank you so so much."

"Anything for you. Now let's wake everyone up and get them inside. We need to start preparing for our trip."

Nova agreed and we headed towards the jeep just to do that. I could feel she was still sad but it wasn't as heavy as before. I just need to remind her it's only temporary but now she has a way to communicate with everyone. She'll be okay. We'll be okay. Just a few more months and we'd be free. It was worth it to me.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now