Chapter 53: Decimators

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I woke up to a poke on my shoulder and cracked my eyes open. Gryffin gave me a nervous smile and looked away when I sat up on my elbow.

Everything okay?

Someone is at the door.

I got up and made my way downstairs, grabbing one of my handguns I had stashed by the door just in case and peeked through through the window. Oh. Just Nixon. I put the gun back and opened the door with a yawn and a wave.

"Hello Nova. Just who I wanted to see. Are you free for an hour or so? I need you to do something with me."

I narrowed my eyes at him and stared until he was uncomfortable. I want more details.

"Your staring is frightening. I just need to talk with you and the other Resistants. Chaska will be there as well. I planned on picking him up after you."

I guess I can go if Chaska is going. Because fuck the other Resistants.

"I'll drive on my own. Do I go to the base?"

"Yes. I know you don't like going underground so we'll be waiting on the first floor at the last office in the back."

I gave him a thumbs up and shut the door to get ready. As I turned I jumped when I found Gryffin standing right behind me.

What did Mr. Nixon want?

I have to go talk to the other people like me. Superhero stuff. He said about an hour. Will you be okay?

He frowned but nodded and sulked back to his room. I hope he'll feel more secure soon. I hate leaving him behind like that. I don't like it when he's sad. I went up to my room and changed into shorts and a v-neck, pulling on my boots and situating my thigh holsters and guns. I tucked my knife and extra clips into my boots and put on my gloves too before tying up half of my hair into a bun.

I was ready. And nervous.

I don't know what he'd need me for. I also have a feeling I do know what he needs me for and I don't have an answer for him. But I'll still go and hear him out. Maybe it's something else. But it probably isn't.

"Where are you going?" Finn asked with his eyes still closed.

"Nixon needs me at the base. I'll be back soon."

He nodded and went back to sleep. He could sleep forever if you let him. My dog's sixth sense rang as I opened the front door and he came in from the backyard again and sat next to me. I guess he can come. Maybe he'll scare the other Resistants away too.

When I finally made it to the base I found the office pretty easily. I could hear all of them talking the second I walked in the front door. I took my time getting there, taking in a deep breath in before going inside the room. They all went quiet as I shut the door behind me and gestured for Booker to sit at my side as Chaska came to stand at my other.

"Nova! You're here! Okay great! Let's get started."

Nixon put an image through the projector of a map of the United States. There was a star in a circle on California, Texas, North Carolina, Maine, and North Dakota. Those must be the places where the five military bases are.

"By this day next week the cure will be ready to be distributed through the states and all of Australia. Our goal is to save the Biters that can be saved, exterminate those that can't, and make the what's left of the human population immune. Each base has people ready and are prepared to do just that but they need help. You will start in South Carolina at the main military base. They have scientists there ready to start producing the cure as well they just need a live sample.

"There you will be meeting General Abbott, a good friend of mine. He runs the most advanced base in the United States close to your hometown Nova. You'll start there to prepare your team for what's to come. Abbott has many soldiers that are specialized in different ways that are beneficial to you and your mission. You're staying there until the heat in California dies down and we can infiltrate more easily. And here is what I mean by that."

He pulled up a collage of pictures and they were all of what looked like small towns were set ablaze and destroyed.

Damn. What the hell happened?

"What you call Savages are destroying safe havens that are being set in place for the humans that have survived. One of our under cover soldiers managed to get the information that the leader of these Savages has a soft spot for Resistants. They are called Decimators by his people. No one has seen this leader except for a select few and they refused to give any information on him. We need to infiltrate and gain any information we can on the leader to take him down and restore order. There's other leaders throughout California but they are all ruled by him. If we can take him down, we can take all of them down. But we need someone to lead this mission. We've all discussed this and we want it to be you, Nova."

Fuck. I knew it. How can me leaving everyone I love behind be part of the Fates' plan for me?

"Why me?" I asked, trying to remain stoic and impassive. They can't see me weak or unsure. They can't see me anything else but strong.

"You're a natural born leader. You're the strongest and fastest Resistant. You're cunning and smart. You're also the most trained. If anyone could pull this off it would be you. You know how to set a plan into action and follow through. And that's what we need. We need you for this. So will you do it?"

Everyone looked back at me and while I remained cold on the outside on the inside I was a nervous wreck.

"Can you give me a day to think about it?"

Nixon nodded and shut off the projector, turning on the lights to hand me a file of papers.

"This is all of the information we have on the Decimators. Any help you can provide will be appreciated. And if you decide to do it you will be allowed to choose the group you go with. Those left out will be going to the other bases to distribute the cure. I'll be at your place by five pm for your answer. And I hope you do it. You're free to go."

Chaska followed me out and both him and Booker were giving me concerned looks. I didn't show emotion until the three of us were in my car driving away. I pretty much fell apart. What am I going to do?

"You know they could not complete the mission as well as you. I know you do not want to leave your people behind but you cannot go home until the world is in order."

I knew he was right and that's why I was upset. I didn't want to leave everyone behind but those dipshits couldn't do it. It had to be me. If I wanted the world to go back to normal I had to fix it first.

But what could I tell Gryffin? How could I explain to him that I was leaving him for who knows how long? That I'm not abandoning him I'm just trying to save the world so we could be a family forever?

And what about Shasta too? I know she'll be sad and miss us while we're gone. She'll have Finch and the girls to look after her. But Gryffin...I'm afraid of how he'll take it. I know what I have to do but I do and don't want to do it.

"He will be okay Nova. It is not forever."

I know it's not but it still sucks.

"He's going to think I abandoned him like everyone else in his life. I hate that I'll be hurting him. I don't want to hurt him."

Chaska put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. "It will be okay. It is only temporary and once we have completed our mission you will never be apart again. Remember that."

Chaska got out and went into his home as I started driving towards my own. What could I even say to him? He gets upset when I leave for an hour. How will he react when I'm gone for a month? Maybe even more? My heart is breaking just thinking about it. Booker whined and hit my arm with his paw, putting his head against mine.

"I'll be okay Buddy." I told him, hoping it would be true. "I'll be okay."

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