Chapter 45: Sign Language for Dummies

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I know it's been slow and I hope you're still interested in my story but part one will be done in maybe 5 to 10 chapters and then part two is coming and I can't wait for you guys to meet the villain and see what I have in store for the part two of The Cleansing. I can't believe I've made it this far. For those of you reading thank you so much for sticking by my side on this journey. I really hope you like part two. Okay anyways enjoy!


When I parked next to the van I got out and looked around for Finn and the kids. Shasta was on a swing, Gryffin was sitting in the grass reading a book, and Finn was looking down at something on the bench. I made my way over to him first and almost melted when I saw him practicing sign from a book. He really was trying and I loved him for that.

I sat down beside him and he smiled at me when he realized who I was. He leaned over and kissed my cheek before turning back to the book and started up again.

"How were they?" I asked him as I leaned back against the bench and looked at them again.

"Gryffin's been reading the whole time. Shasta hasn't stopped moving since she got in the van. I don't know where she got all of this sudden energy but she's a fast little shit. Am I doing this right?" He asked as he showed me his hands. I adjusted them and he stared for a moment before releasing the gesture and did it again.

"Yes. You got it."

Finn looked proud with himself and looked back down at the book and continued along. I was going to bother Shasta but she was perfectly content playing tag with the kids to even notice my presence so I made my way over to Gryffin to say hi to him first.

He looked up as I approached and smiled so big as I waved at him. He tossed the book away and tackled my legs in a tight hug. I rubbed his back and sat down, patting for him to sit in my lap.

I faced the park so I could keep an eye on Shasta too and started signing the book for him. He would stop me and ask me questions or tell me when he thought something was funny.

We must've stayed at the park for another hour reading before Gryffin yawned big and signed he was tired. I looked up at the sky and saw it was definitely nap time. They've been here for close to three hours now it was definitely time to go.

Go wait with Finn I'll be right there.

Gryffin gave me a nervous look and shook his head. I don't want to. He doesn't like me. I want to stay with you.

That made my heart hurt. I know Finn wasn't happy about this at first but Gryffin really is growing on him. I just need to figure out a way to show him that.

He's trying. I know he's sorry. Please? For me?

Gryffin stared at my hands before looking back up at and sighing to himself.


Gryffin slowly made his way over to Finn as I went to get Shasta. She was running around with the other kids still and didn't show any sign of stopping. I have no idea where all of this energy came from in her but it was cute.

Shasta and Gryffin were almost polar opposites. I think once Gryffin feels more confident in himself he'll come out of his shell more but for now he's so shy and reclusive.

He should be like Shasta. Loud, running around all the time. Constantly talking and playing and bouncing off the walls. I know it's going to take some time for him to adjust but I didn't know what I could do to help him along other than continue to be patient with him.

Shasta stopped running and was looking at a snail as I came up from behind her and scooped her up into my arms. I kissed all over the side of her face as she giggled and asked for me to stop. I set her down on her feet and took her hand in mine.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now