Chapter 57: Buttons

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I woke up to kisses on the side of my face and opened my eyes, finding Finn leaning above me with a smile on his face.

"Hey." I said sleepily, letting out a yawn.

"Hey. You've been asleep for a while. The kids are in bed and the adults are going to drink and hang out. Just waiting for you."

I sat up and yawned again, finally waking up. And I felt something weird in our bond.

"What are you leaving out?"

Finn looked down and shrugged, his face turning bright red. "Your aunt Cindy is back."

Ahhhhh. He doesn't want to be around her without me. Poor guy. I can't wait for her to embarrass the shit out of him.

"It's not funny Nova it's weird. Stop enjoying this."

I held up my hands in defense and stood, gesturing for him to lead the way. He stayed standing and I rolled my eyes before leaving first. Everyone was sitting around the living room and greeted us as we sat down on the floor with Finch and Tommy.

"Okay now that we're all here it's time to choose which game we want to play. There's Straight Face, Most Likely, or Would You Rather. Any questions before we vote?"

Finch and I have played all of those for years but Tommy and Finn looked lost.

"What are the first two?" Finn asked me curiously.

"So there's a few different variations of Straight Face. Normally it's when you write something funny down on your paper like a joke or a phrase or just something funny and your partner can't laugh or make any facial expression as they read it. But our version is better I think.

"Names go into a hat and the one drawn has to sit there while we say funny or do offensive shit and they can't react. Each person gets to try until the person laughs or wins that round. If they laugh they have to drink. It goes until there's a tie breaker or last man standing. And you have to try your best to get your partner to laugh too so no pussy shit. You really have to try."

Finn and Tommy nodded, both waiting for me to continue.

"Most Likely is a lot of fun too. So you'll ask a question like "Who's most likely to fall asleep during a movie?" Hopefully your question is better than that but anyways so on the count of three everyone will point at the person they believe does it and the person with the most fingers pointed at them loses and has to drink as many drinks as there are fingers pointed at them. Make sense?"

Finn and Tommy nodded so we got to voting on which game we were playing first. I can't wait to get Finn completely hammered.

"All those for Straight Face first?"

Only four hands went up.

"Would You Rather?"

Three hands.

"Most Likely?"

Eight hands. Looks like we have a winner. That's what we usually start with anyways.

"Okay Most Likely it is. Everyone form a circle on the floor and we'll start. I'll go first." My mom said as we all got situated. I was ready to get Finn white girl wasted.

"You're going to get me smashed aren't you?"

I shrugged with a grin. He can find out for himself.

"So my question is...who's most likely to stay single forever?"

My mom hit three and all of us-literally all of us-pointed at my aunt Cindy. She gasped and glared as we all died of laughter but she was trying not to smile herself.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now