Chapter 27: The Bear

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I hated that Chaska was in the jeep when I made my way back to it. I really wanted to cry. And I'd rather cry in peace than in front of anyone. Only Finn and Finch can see me cry.

"Do you need a moment? I can step out of the car. I can tell you want to cry. I will not judge you for showing emotion Nova. I spoke with Finn today about the situation and I understand why you are upset. It would not be wrong to cry."

I let a few tears fall and sighed as my head hit the steering wheel. "I want to bring him home so bad Chaska. I want to give him the family he's never had. I want to show him the love he's never had. What a real family is like. He deserves it. He deserves it so much."

He nodded and rubbed my back as I let a few more fall. I hated leaving him behind like this. And knowing he slept alone away from everyone and without friends just made me hurt more. I have to convince Finn into bringing him home. I would do whatever it takes. I've whined and cried and begged and fought him. He's being so stubborn about this. And he's usually the more open-minded one between us.

I may have to resort to a blowjob at this point and I don't even know what to do. I chickened out on talking to Finch the other day because it's just weird for me. But I might have to do it. He became more lenient after some pretty good sex so maybe a blowjob is just what I need to push him over the edge. We'll see how these three days go first but I might have to step out of my comfort zone to get what I want. And to me it was completely worth it. He needs to be mine.

"I have a feeling things will work out in your favor Nova. Finn does love you, very much. Just wait out the three days and go from there."

I hoped he was right. Because I want that little boy to be mine forever. "I really hope so Chaska. I really do. Now tell me the directions to your place."

We passed my house and drove down about five or six more miles before reaching his place. It was so small I couldn't believe it. Maybe two bedrooms max. But it was only him and his grandmother so that made sense. I had thirteen people living with me we definitely couldn't fit in a two bedroom.

He led me inside and it was pretty bare and looked barely lived in. No pictures or paintings on the walls. A small couch with no television in the living room. Barely anything in the kitchen. It didn't look like anyone lived here. It kind of bummed me out.

Every time I've had a home it's looked lived in. Pictures and posters on the walls. Decorations everywhere. Painted walls. Drawings and report cards on the fridge. There was nothing here. I might have to change that.

"We do not have much. I cannot drive and neither can my grandmother. Nixon picks me up once a week to take me to the market but that is the only place I go sadly. He has been picking me up for training as well but I do feel bad that he has to be up so early. Maybe you could teach me how to drive? And would you mind taking me with you one of these days when you go into the city?"

I nodded as he lead me towards the couch and sat down. "I'll take you out driving in the other jeep soon. And I actually have to go into the city myself. I was planning on taking Finn but you can come with me instead. But it can't be until after my trial with the boy. So in about four days. Does that work for you?"

He nodded as I took the seat beside him and watched as he pulled out a box from underneath the table. "That sounds very good and I would appreciate it. I do not use any weapons other than my bow. I may not be able to protect you very well against Savages."

I chuckled as he opened the box and set it on the table. "I will be able to protect us just fine. We'll work with weapons later after you have mastered combat. To me that's more important than shooting a gun."

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