Chapter 9: Good News?

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I kept putting off everything we needed over the past week so I could focus on getting healthy again. Finn and I did get stoned before every meal and it really helped. I was having small meals but that was working the best for me. It took a few tries to figure out the portions that I could hold down without feeling sick but we ended up getting it right. Well Finn did.

Weed really did help though. I hadn't even touched the pills since I took the first one. I've never liked taking pills. Even for headaches. Before I started smoking weed I would just deal with the pain or sleep it off. But then I smoked weed and it was like a cure for anything.

Can't sleep?

Smoke a bowl.


Smoke a bowl.

Period cramps?

Smoke a bowl.

Bad day? Good day?

Smoke a bowl.

I hate that everyone makes weed out to be such a bad thing when it can do so much good for people. How can you swallow a Vicodin and say that's good for you but a plant-a natural fucking plant-is bad? Especially when it's been proven to actually be really good for you.

It helps cancer patients with their pain and lack of appetite. It helps people sleep with PTSD. It can soothe you in a panic attack. I am basically suffering from anorexia-even though I don't want to admit it-and pills didn't help me. Weed did. And Finn too.

God he's been such a good help. I did fight with Walowski about it but I realized if I could tell anyone what I was going through it was him. Finch has been volunteering at the school with Halley and teaching kindergartners the basics of life so she wasn't here much. And I didn't want to bother her with this.

Not when she was doing so well and being so happy. She worries way too hard when she does. If she knew how bad I was I know she would never forgive herself. She'd be heartbroken. So I made Finn promise not to say anything. This was our secret. But he was helping tremendously.

He did force a few snacks into me throughout the day and made sure I ate each meal. I finally got the guts up to look at myself in a mirror and I could tell I was getting healthy again. I was much smaller than I used to be but it was working. It would take a couple of months to put all that weight back on me but I was doing it.

And today I'd find out just how much weight I did put on. Finn wanted to go with me but I refused. I didn't want anyone to see his eyes. They would know he was the first person cured and that could potentially put him in danger. I wasn't taking any chances with his life. Never again.

"Here's your iPod. Take a picture of what the scale says. We'll keep track of how much you're gaining and see what we can do to help you gain more if you need to. I'm going into town as well and I promise I'll wear my sunglasses the whole time. Lily took the kids to the park for the day so they should be back by dinner time. I'm thinking pork chops, rice, and peas maybe? Maybe corn?"

"I could go for some broccoli." I suggested as I changed into my clothes.

"Broccoli it is."

I put a few things into my shorts pockets as Finn took my hand and lead me downstairs into the kitchen and pulled two carrots from the fridge. Carrots were the only thing I could eat all day every day. Booker came into the kitchen when he heard the fridge door open and eyed my carrots before looking back up at me.

I broke off a chunk and passed it to him before sitting down at the island and began eating the rest. Finn put a glass of water in front of me to drink and watched me the whole time. Once I was done he gave me a big smile and lead me out to our vehicles. Booker followed me outside and I figured he could come with me this time.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu