The Phoenix and the Albatros

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Sanem sat in their room reminiscing about Emre and Leylas wedding. She wrote down in her journal all the important details of the day. Not wanting to forget any of it. It had been a beautiful day and night. She and Can sat at the head table joined by their parents and brothers and sister celebrating boisterously the marriage of their siblings. Sanem had tears in her eyes at how beautiful her sister looked in a white gown of lace and satin. Emre had stood at her side looking into her eyes with love and adoration. Sanem knew exactly how Leyla had felt and wished her all the happiness her heart could hold. She recalled standing in Leylas room dressing her and preparing her for her wedding. Sanem gave Leyla a beautiful shift made of satin and lace much like the one she had been given and a bracelet of pearls. Leylas eyes grew large at how transparent the piece was but Sanem encouraged her and commented that if Emre was anything like Can he would surely appreciate the garment far more than she did right now. The sisters giggled and hugged and Leyla said "oh Sanem if Emre and I have a love just half of what yours and Cans is I will surely be happy all the days of my life." Sanem assured her that their love would be every bit as fulfilling as hers and Cans. She told her "Leyla, I know we will be traveling for some time and won't be able to share all the special moments as we have in the past but I will send you letters to read to Anne and Baba and you do the same when you can. When we return and find our own roots to plant we will once again be reunited perhaps even with our children". Leyla looked deep into Sanem's eyes searching for some hint or other but soon hugged her sister close and whispered in her ear "Inshallah Sanem, Inshallah."

Sanem walked around their room looking at it and memorizing it knowing that they had only a few days before they departed. Looking out the window she again thought back to the wedding day. Can had held her hand with their fingers interlaced under the table atop his thigh. Seconds would go by and he would squeeze their hands reminding her that she was ever present in his thoughts and heart. She remembered thinking back once again to the ride out of the city of Istanbul on the way to the Albatross. If she had known then what would transpire she would have still put all her trust in Cans hands. He was her world and soon they would set off to seek out their destiny.

The evening had been magical. Emre and Leyla danced the remainder of the night along with Can and Sanem, Mevkibe and Nihat and Miribahn and Aziz. Even Mitat joined in the celebration with Melihat. The Emperors Anil and Hakim were present along with Chey Chey and Ayhan celebrating the newlyweds. Soon Can left Sanem so she could dance with Osman and Emre left Leyla so she to could dance with the twins as the brothers each drew their sister forward to have a dance with her each. Deren was overwhelmed with tears of happiness at having her older brothers dote on her so. Levant couldn't be present although they kept in constant communication. It was bittersweet but she wasn't going to spoil the moment with sad tears. Instead she beckoned the musicians to play another joyous song that all the guests could enjoy with dancing and fun.  It had all been wonderful. She had almost been overcome with emotion as Leyla sat in the carriage saying goodbye to her parents and Sanem. Can embraced his brother, not by blood; but by every moment of their lives that they had shared and every sacrifice that they had freely made for each other. She knew he would miss him but was happy to see the quiet, self assured Divit married to such a worthy woman as her sister. She heard Can tell His brother "Emre, if Leyla is but half the spitfire that Sanem is, you my brother will have an abundance of trouble; but the making up will be so well worth it". She hid a smile as Emre laughed and Can clapped his back and then hugged him heartily thanking him once again for all he had done to protect and care for Sanem. She listened to them as they clearly loved each other "Can,we are brothers no matter what, and now we are brothers-in-law; surely fate knew the hand she dealt us. I am proud to be your brother and will make sure to remember all your advice". They walked together to the carriage and Sanem turned to Emre reaching out to hold his hands in hers and smiled as a tear rolled down her face "Emre, I could  not have wished into reality such a fine gentleman and good person as you for my sister. I have told Leyla to only be kind and gentle to you as you deserve. I can never thank you enough for saving she and I. You have no idea how thankful I am to you brother". She remembered seeing Emre struggle with his own emotions now and could not find the words to respond so he hugged her gently and kissed her cheek. She then felt as Can wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her temple as Emre entered the carriage. Their families waved goodbye and returned to the festivities that would carry on a few hours longer.

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