Sneak Peak: Book 2: My Life. My Only One. A Legendary Love

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Dear Readers:
We are approaching the end of the story. As I told you way back, I intended to write a second book. This chapter is an excerpt from Chapter 1-Dreams. My second book in this series is called a Legendary Love. I wanted you all to be the first to know. This chapter doesn't give away the ending of my story I less you thought I wouldn't let my lovers reunite. That would never happen. There may be some hints but nothing blatant. It does however set up the new storyline with a promise of some mystery from the start.
Please ignore it if you simply don't want to know about it and are fearful it may give away the ending. I assure you this is not an epilogue chapter. It does however place them squarely at the beginning of a new adventure.
If you are brave and want more of Can and Sanem then please dip your toes in and enjoy my vision of our lovers as they live a Legendary Love.


A month had gone by since they arrived. Sanem laid happily in the hammock staring up at the stars in the heavens. Her eyes were heavy lidded as sleep was calling to her. The breeze from the water was warm with a hint of a chill. The summer was fast approaching and soon the evening nights would be sultry as well. She felt a heaviness envelope her as she closed her eyes once again and thought back on her life since she had met her beloved Aslan. Everything changed that day, nothing would ever be the same and she could only thank Allah and his angels for giving her such a precious gift. She would forever cherish their love no matter what their circumstances were or where life took them. They had already been through so much. They had lost so much. She felt sadness well up in her for a moment. The scar on her heart still painful, still raw. She was changed in some way. Not quite the same and not so different. Her mother had finally relented and acknowledged that she was no longer a child but a grown woman with a life of her own to live. Her father had been at a loss for words when they left, but he had kissed the top of her head and told her that whenever she questioned the universe to remember that the universe had put her exactly where she was for a reason and that the Aydin women could overcome any adversity and rise above. Those words she kept in her heart like treasure. She would call upon them when nightmares threatened to drown her in their grip. In those days her fathers words and then his love saw her through. She felt drunk with happiness and sad all at once. She had taken too long to recognize his pain and he had suffered her indifference. Even her disdain. When she finally realized her mistake she had nearly lost everything and that would have been something she could never have endured. She didn't deserve him, she was blessed beyond measure and if all they had gone through brought them to this moment in time she would be brave and go through it all once again. The softness of the breeze lifting the tendrils off her face, the presence of his love and commitment, lulled her off to sleep as a strong muscled arm pulled her closer and soft lips brushed over her temple.  She slipped gratefully into a heavenly dream......

She watched him as he slowly walked out into the water. Trying to make as little noise as possible she hid behind the trees and shrubs hoping he hadn't noticed her approaching. His back was to her as he stripped off his shirt, belt and trousers. She closed her eyes briefly but curiosity got the best of her and she opened them again to watch him wade into the water with just his underwear on. She felt hot suddenly but her eyes were glued to the way his muscles moved as he walked or better yet stalked into the water. The sun shone on his skin and made it golden in contrast. A moment later he ducked his head under the water and was gone. She stood up a little trying to see where he would surface and as the seconds ticked by she became nervous that he might not come back up. She almost moved out of her hiding place when she finally saw him rise up right below the waterfall. He swam over to the rocky side that led up and behind the fall and he easily used his muscular strength to pull himself out of the water and onto the rocks. His underwear stuck to him like another skin and the outline it presented made her unconsciously lick her lips. Water dropped off of him and he ran his hands over his long hair moving it out of his eyes. He moved over the rocks, headed for the space behind and under; where the falls poured over the rocky edge. For a moment he was hidden behind the water. Seconds passed by and then she gasped as she saw him bend and pull his underwear off his narrow hips and down his legs. This time she turned around embarrassed to be looking at him in that way but just as quickly she turned her head back and watched him stand directly under the falls. The water poured over him as she saw traces of his naked skin moving in and out of the water as it fell. He was standing so that her view of him was of his side. Thankful for that she continued to stare transfixed by his beauty. There was no other name for it. He was beautiful. Handsome was not even the appropriate word for him. She continued to watch him and then crinkled her brow trying to understand what he was doing. It dawned on her that he had taken a bar of her soap and was washing himself. She smiled at the thought of him using it and how good he would smell. She saw glimpses of an arm, then a hip, the side of his leg and then the whole side of his body. Sanem felt her mouth drop open as he quickly turned and she stared unabashedly at his backside. All of it. From the top of this head to his muscled calves. She told herself she should leave, that she was spying on him now and that it was absolutely shameful.....but she couldn't tear her eyes away. His back moved as he scrubbed himself and every muscle flexed as he did. His buttocks and legs were so strong, powerful looking and then he turned, moving just behind the falls. She inwardly groaned at having lost sight of him but then she saw him come through the falls face first.... and but for a moment .... steadied himself and then dove into the water below. She hadn't even realized that she had been biting her lip and then she flinched. The sight of him, even for the briefest moment; completely nude and facing her made her bite her lip in response. She ran from her hiding spot and back down to their camp. She walked right into the waves all the way up to her thighs and let the water cool her overly hot body. A smile crept over her face as she saw him over and over again in her mind. She covered her face with her hands and did her best to recover her composure. How in the world would she be able to look at him again. He was beautiful, more beautiful than words...... and his body....was too much for her to comprehend. She thought about the moment they would come together as husband and wife and shivered a little at the knowledge she now had of him". 

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