Sanem Hanim

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The morning light came slowly up the mountain side warming up the earth from the night of rain. Sanem had not moved from where she sat on the ledge. She had watched helplessly as they battered Can and then watched as he lay on the beach not moving. The men had all spread out to find shelter from the unceasing rain and left him lying face down on the beach alone. She had watched as they placed iron bands on his wrists and a chain between. "Can what are they doing to you because of me?". She wanted to scream and tear at her clothes but what she needed to do most was think. She needed to think about what she would do next. She could not bear to have him hurt again but she knew if she gave herself up they would kill him unless she had something to offer in exchange. The humidity on the island coupled with the sun made her thirsty. As she drank from the skin that he made sure she had slung over her she looked down at him. They had not even spared water for him. A single tear streamed down her cheek. Although she thought she had no more tears left she was wrong. So very wrong.

Emre and Rifat had parted ways less than an hour before and Emre was anxious to spot the island once again. He felt unease spread across his chest and he knew, without any doubt; that his brother was in eminent danger. He aimed his vessel in the direction of the island and he prayed he would get their in time to help his brother and Sanem or kill those that would hurt them.

The boy walked up to the man laying on the beach and knelt down to shake him. He hoped that the man had survived the beating and that he would wake up otherwise they would continue the abuse until he couldn't. "Can Bey. Wake up please. Can Bey. The men will be waking soon and you must get up. I have brought you water". Can stirred a little at the sound of the voice next to his ear. He had been dreaming of Sanem and didn't wish to leave the beauty that was his dream. In it they had been married with their friends and family surrounding them and had set sail to a small city on the coast for their honeymoon. Sanem was beautiful in her white gown and he was so proud and honored to be her husband. She had kissed him shyly in front of their family and friends and then they had enjoyed the wedding meal and dancing until it was time to leave. She walked forward releasing his hand but when he called her she didn't hear him and continued to walk away Sanem.....Sanem....don't go! Please Sanem. He watched as she turned around smiling but he was not there any longer. Instead it was Yigit that was following her and hugging her and wrapping his arms around her waist as she continued to look back behind her with her eyes full of tears and a frown on her face. He heard her call for him Caaan. Caan.....My Life.....where are you Can. The voice in his ears continued to speak until he heard words that he understood. "The Capititano Fabri will be awake soon and it will not be good if you are still lying here. Please." Can moved his head and it felt as if though someone had split it in half. His lip was filled with sand and he could taste the salty irony taste of blood on his lips. He moved his legs and began to rollover and stopped, his arm felt like a leaden weight. He recalled almost instantly that he had been shot and then beaten and dragged and then beaten again. Someone had spoken to him then. They knew who he was. He vaguely recognized the voice but maybe that was his imagination. Then he heard the voice in his ear again "Can Bey if you don't get up they will beat you again until you tell them where the girl is". Can opened his eyes and rolled over to his other side with great effort. He saw that his wrists were manacled and cursed at the position he found himself in. Then without thinking he looked up at the mountain side and said "Sanem". The boy looked back at the big man lying face up now on the beach and once again said "if you don't want them to find her you had better hurry up and get up before they come". Can looked up at the boy who had been speaking to him and then rolled over onto his knees using his wrists to push himself up. His arm gave him trouble but he managed to get up. He looked at the boy and asked him his name. "my name is Pierre". Can thanked the boy for the water. He drank it until the cup was empty. Pierre told him that he would be back to check on him later and bring him some food and then he left him.

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