The Depths

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Mitat sat in his cell with a single word in his head. Levant. He rolled the name around in his mouth and he closed his eyes. He could see the streets of Istanbul in the bright light of the day. He had walked those streets a thousand times and never once thought about the buildings or the people that congregated here and there or wondered at where they had come and gone from. The day that he had been discovered he had been on an errand from Aziz. He had known that it was extremely dangerous and that he should be alert and wary. If anything felt out of place he was to continue on and forget the meeting point. Another time would be set and he would be notified. He was sure that he had not been followed and he hadn't felt anything odd in the air. He was to go to the docks and see his brother as usual and spend the usual amount of time with him. Next he was to enter the bazar and go directly to the carpets dealer with the plan of procuring a woolen Persian carpet for his lord. He was to negotiate at length and then stop somewhere for a cay or coffee. This would be the sign to the other man that he was ready to meet. The other man would be watching and then go on his own way to meet at yet another destination. Leaving the Grand Bazar he was to go to the Palace but that never happened. As he exited the bazar by the southern gate, as was planned he was immediately arrested by the governors men. He argued at first by telling them it was a mistake, then he fought to get away which was impossible. They had surrounded him and were holding him by either arm and ushering him into a carriage with a single door in the back. As he was struggling to walk from a bent position he looked side to side looking for any sign. Anything that would help him. On the inside of the doorway to a building he had never noticed before he saw a man shrouded in robes and a head covering. He was unremarkable in those clothes except for one thing. The one thing he knew very well. He had turkish blue eyes. Eyes very much like his own and his brothers. Lavant. As they locked eyes the man bowed his head and turned as he walked away out of sight.

Sanem sat at her desk lost in thought. She had once again had a sleepless night and her nerves felt frayed. Spending the day at the bazar had helped to relieve some of her tension. She had remained at home all week long feeling the weight of the coming days and knew that the betrothal would take place on the following Friday. Her heart was heavy and when her mother peppered her with a million questions regarding the betrothal she simply couldn't fake any joy or even hope. Her mother knew that Sanem did not want the marriage but that she would not disobey her father.

Mevkibe wanted to please her daughter in every way she could even though the end result tore at both their hearts. She would be bound to a man she didn't like much less love. Yigit had sent her flowers and then a crate filled with beautiful silks and satins from the east. She saw that they did nothing to lift her spirits and instead sent her to her room in tears. Her little brothers tried everything they knew to get her to smile. Leyla baked her favorite cakes and Osman made her barbecued meat prepared just the way she liked it. Mevkib could tell that Sanem made an extreme effort to show them she was thankful but her eyes could not lie. The Aydin home felt void of joy and happiness. The air was heavy with sadness and unfulfilled dreams.

Polen and Ceyda had decided that the best thing to do was to wait a while longer to determine if the pregnancy was confirmed. Ceyda knew that it would cause a scandal if the word were let out and then Yigit would be forced to marry her. The was what she was counting on. However the betrothal, yet unannounced and unconfirmed stood in the way. They needed to act before that happened because then the one who might be in jeopardy would be Polen. Ceyda knew that the governor was not someone to be trifled with. If he felt for a second that her daughter was in the way, and nothing had been made public; then he might even take matters into his own hands to get her out of the way. She would not allow that to happen even if it meant doing the unthinkable to another woman. However; saving her daughter at the expense of the Aydin girl; there was not much to consider.

Can had heard all about Deren from his mother. They had spent a wonderful morning and afternoon in a carriage riding on the roads along the sea. It was a weekly habit for Aziz and Miribahn to do so. Today would be no different except the other occupants in the carriage were their sons. They had snuck out of the palace in the early morning hours before the sun was up, with the farmers who delivered the daily meats and vegetables. None asked them questions and they spoke to none. They had arrived at their home and Can had felt his heart clench at knowing that even now, being so close; they could not enter. They climbed into the carriage and waited out the long hours until their parents called for it to be brought for their routine ride. Miribahn had been overcome with emotion and hugged her sons to herself weeping in joy and sadness at the time lost but also at knowing that they had kept them safe. Her boys were men now and she was overjoyed with pride at their handsome features and strong personalities. She told them stories of Deren and how she had become a lovely young lady now. Soon, when this was over; she too would be overjoyed at knowing her brothers were reunited to them once again.

The governor went below. Down into the jails and further yet. He had a dungeon where he kept the worst of the worst. Those names were not on the list for families and judges to come and see how they were faring. These men and occasionally women were unknown by all except for him and his associates. He walked along the corridor covering his nose with a handkerchief at the putrid smell that arose from the unclean cells. He walked up to the cell in the furthest corner and hit the bars with his cane. The man sitting in the bunk in rags was starring at his feet and the banging on the bars did not rouse him from his thoughts. Angrily, the governor hit the bars again and with venom in his heart spat out the words that he knew would cause the man to tremble and raise his head. "Mitat Aydin.....your days are numbered. I will no longer wait in vain for you to tell me where the diamonds have been hidden and who else is involved in this plot. I have had my suspicions for sometime and I was fair with you. Offering you a pardon and quick death. You have stubbornly refused and have caused me to act. Let us say that my actions, less than chivalrous, are your fault". Mitat did not move or show he was listening in any way. His heart beat quickly and his hands began to sweat but he showed no signs of responding to the governors words. "I would have brought an invitation but seeing as you will never leave this place alive it doesn't matter. Your niece.......Sanem Aydin has agreed to marry my son .......and will be betrothed to him within the week". He let the words soak in. He relished the ability to carve another hole in this mans heart. Mitat didn't move or flinch or lift his head. He merely said "Lies". The governor with eyes gleaming and hands shaking with delight came closer to the cell and slowly and deliberately said "I will be happy to bring you the bedsheets after their first night as husband and wife." At that Mitat moved like a man of half his years and stretched his hands out beyond the cell bars reaching for the governors neck. "If it's the last thing I do. I will kill you Çakal Ishan Erdogan".

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