Under the Moonlight

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Aziz quickly walked across the courtyard of his home and out the front gates. He descended the steps beyond the gates and stepped into the night and into the carriage that awaited him. Once inside, the occupant tapped on the inside roof of the carriage with his cane thereby motioning the driver to move ahead to their destination. The carriage was not decorated in any way nor did it bear any insignia that would denote the rank of its owner. In fact it was plain and blended into the evening with all the other carriages. It could have belonged to a wealthy merchant or to that of a doctor or lawyer. It wouldn't be noticed by anyone. Aziz bowed deeply with respect to the man seated across from him and waited to be addressed. "Uncle Aziz how good it is to see you. I am sorry it is always under such dreary and unsuitable conditions". Aziz replied. "My son, do not apologize for I know that we must do what we do for the sake of our country, family and honor. Now tell me, how is your father?

It had been many months since the court had officially commented on his condition. The man who sat across from him was dressed simply but had the air of one who was privileged and educated in the tradition of his forefathers both politically and intellectually. He sat forward in his seat allowing Aziz a more clear view of him as the moonlight shown through the window fell across his face. He was young, with a strong chin, deep set eyes and carried the air of royalty about him. In fact it was not an air at all but the legacy of his father and mother. Muzafer was the oldest son and the heir apparent of the Emperor Farouk. "Please uncle allow me to greet you with the respect you deserve but have not been able to enjoy". He bent his head while grasping Aziz' hand and touched his forehead to it and then kissed it. Aziz would have removed his hand instantly were it not for the knowledge that Muzafer meant it wholeheartedly. This action had been repeated dozens of times in the aftermath of the treachery that took place more than a decade ago. It was the only way that Muzafer could repay Aziz for his loyalty, devotion and sacrifice to him, his father and the country. Indeed Aziz was a hero who had taken on the role and the abuse of one who had been tried by the crown for treason. Unbeknownst to anyone else, Muzafer knew the truth and although he could do nothing about it then, the time had come when the truth would be let out.

"Since you are here, I can only assume that our suspicions are correct and that the governor is now on his way to Nihat Aydins home". Aziz was tense and anxious. Typically a quiet spoken man with few words to say, he felt on the brink of success and was bursting with energy. He had been well respected amongst his peers and had always been sought out for advise and support. That all changed when he was accused of treachery and almost lost everything he had including his life. The boy, or rather the man that sat across from him had moved heaven and earth to protect him quietly and without anyone's knowledge of it but did not remove the cloud of suspicion from over his head entirely. They had agreed on that from the beginning, because they believed that it would give the true perpetrator the confidence to act without scrutiny. Their had been a long list of possible suspects and they had worked tirelessly to vet each one and find the true culprit. Each time they had run into a dead end but not this time. Aziz remembered how he had felt that night when he had been arrested by the order of the Emperor and how his family had been fearful for his life. They were right to feel so, as the Emperor had absolute authority. Had it not been for a series of events that in and of themselves were ominous and suspicious, his life might not have been spared that night.

Muzafer and both of Aziz's sons Can and Emre had been on an expedition. They had been friends since birth and they enjoyed the outdoors and hunting. On the last leg of their trip, returning to Istanbul; they were ambushed and set upon by 5 bandits that had known of their whereabouts in the mountains above the city and when they were expected to return. All the young men had fought valiantly but five to three was not a fair fight. The bandits had the advantage of surprise and they had hit hard. When all was said and done the bandits lay dead on the ground while the boys were hurt with cuts and bruises, Muzafer however was gravely injured with a wound to his leg at the femoral artery. He began to loose a significant amount of blood and had it not been for the quick actions of Can and Emre, Muzafer would have died that day and so would have Aziz. Upon returning to the castle Muzafer learned of what had taken place in the still of the night to Aziz and asked his father for mercy on behalf of Aziz and his family. The emperor, a man of great patience and intelligence understood that there was something amiss but didn't know exactly what so he laid conditions upon the request of his son. Aziz would remain in the city with his wife and young daughter but his sons would be cast out of the country to fair for themselves. Muzafer had been shocked and argued with his father at his own peril. The emperor would not budge. He enjoined upon Muzafer to consider the situation. Aziz, a loyal vasal and lower royal himself had been accused of high treason. Muzafer while in the company of Aziz's sons had been attacked by parties unknown. None of these happenings could have been mere coincidences. But who was the perpetrator? Allowing Aziz to remain with limited power and status was a gift as a result of his sons having saved Muzafers life. However, should his sons wish to avenge the treatment of their father, the crown would offer Aziz its protection in exchange for their banishment. Sons that could not avenge their father were not a threat. A father that remained under the watchful eye of the crown was a non issue as well. The emperor Hakim was not fooled by the plot he saw brewing but he was not a man who gambled. Therefore he solidified his resources, sent out his trusted spy's to look into the matter and squashed any possibility of revenge. Aziz recalled all of this in a flash and knew that had he been in the emperors shoes he would have done the same.

Muzafer nodded in response to Aziz "Your are correct Uncle. As we believed, there are spy's listening at every door and you did well to set up the plan of action. It is well known the the governor has had his designs on the Aydin's wealth and he is making strides in his attempt to get it". Aziz shook his head left to right as he knew how the governor was achieving his ends. "What kind of a mans plays with the lives of others as if playing a game of cards or chance"? Muzafer was silent for a moment and then reminded Aziz that if all went according to plan the nightmare that he had been living under would soon be lifted. Aziz nodded in agreement and then said "I am only sorry that I could not confide in Nihat. As I told you before I would put my hands in the fire for Nihat Bey. He is a man of honor and principle and would never deceive me." Muzafer reached over and placed his hand on Aziz's knee and said "A man with the threat of his sons life can not be counted on to make a rational decision. It would be too much to ask of him. Keeping Nihat out of this is the only to ascertain how deep and how far the rot has taken hold in the governors affairs. I too do not like the game that is being played on that family by the governor. I only hope, Inshallah; that we will soon put him where he belongs and any others that are assisting him in his handiwork. Suddenly the carriage stopped and for the first time Aziz heard the crashing of the waves on the shore and the rocks surrounding the port. Aziz was shaken out of his intense musing and it finally registered where they had been headed. Without a word the two men climbed out of the carriage and walked the few steps to the pier. In the darkness before the morning only the moon and the lighthouse illuminated the night out at sea but it was clear that a boat approached and with every crash of the waves Aziz's heart beat more intensely.

In her room, Sanem paced the floor while quietly ranting under her breath. She was so frustrated that she could hardly contain her anger and the little bit of fear that had crept into her heart. When the governor and his son had appeared at the door instead of her fathers friend Aziz. They had been thrown into a pool of confusion. Now, hours later after they had left she ran over the events of the day in her head and all she could do was pace. How had it come to this? What did the governor want with their family? Why did his son desire her for a match? They had never met before so how could he have picked her out of so many other eligible young women with better pedigrees than her own? Something was not right. She walked to the window of her room and starred out at the night sky. It was a full moon and the only other light out was that of the the lighthouse that lit up the shoreline. She opened her doors to the balcony and walked out wrapping her shawl tightly around herself. She breathed in the night air and tried to clear her mind. It was on nights like these, she remembered; that her grandmother would tell her stories about fairies and mermaids and sea monsters and handsome princes that protected the people from the evil that lay in the hearts of bad men. She closed her eyes and and said a small prayer that somehow and in someway she would be saved from the evil she knew lurked in the heart of her now betrothed.

Can stepped off the boat and onto the jetty with his brother following a few steps behind. He didn't know what to expect on his arrival but something told him that arriving before the sun came up was his best bet. The message had been a bit cryptic but he knew that circumstances had not yet changed so he must be prepared and ready for anything. As they finally set foot on solid ground he looked up at the moon  and wondered what lay ahead. Squaring his shoulders he walked straight ahead and with purpose until he heard a voice he hadn't heard in years. "Aslan, my son will you not embrace your father". Can stopped and turned to the voice that lay to his right. The stern look of wariness left his face and in two strides walked up to his father bowed before him and lifted him off his feet in an embrace that he had dreamt of every night for twelve years.

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