Potatos and Dry Bread

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Rifat had been ready to board his ship when he was told their was a man waiting for him at the docks. The man gave no name nor did he say what he wanted. He simply gave the young boy delivering the message one name: Sanem. Rifat told the boy to get along and he walked over to the docks leaning back against the mooring and scanned the area. No sooner had he looked to his right did he see a tall man wearing a cloak that covered his head approach. He walked past Rifat but he said "follow me if you wish to save the girl". Rifat had no choice.

When he received Aziz's cryptic message he knew what it referred to. Aziz had explained why Can and Emre had been called back to Turkey when they had first arrived. Aziz has told Rifat to stay out of sight and he would be in touch with him. After receiving g the message they had met at their usual location and Aziz filled him in on everything g else. Of course he prepared to go out and find the boys and secure their safety. They were to him like the sons he never had. His wife and young daughter had been killed when their home had caught fire while he had been away. He remembered them everyday and the love he felt for them he gave to both Can and Emre without reserve.

He followed the cloaked man and kept his hand in the hold of his small sword. He was a confidant man but he was no fool. Soon the man turned into a small aide street and got into a carriage. Rifat watched and after a few moments hesitation he too got in. The cloaked man removed his hood and Rifat stared into the bluest eyes he had seen in years. Eyes he somehow felt he had seen before. The young man before him started back and spoke quickly and with purpose. "I know you are setting sail today. I know also that you search for the young woman Sanem Aydin. I too search for her. Unlike those that would hurt her I seek only her safety. I assume that you have some knowledge of where she could be and that finding her is not merely based on payment that you may receive. I also assume that she is not alone and that you have knowledge of that too. I do not care for that information at all. But there is something that I may help you with that you are unaware of". Rifat sat staring at the young man and although he listened to his words attentively he could not set aside the feeling that he knew this man. Even if he had never met him before. "What is it that I may be unaware of since you seem to be full of information today?". Levant was slightly amused at how the older man answered. Never acknowledging that any of the information he gave him was accurate but asking nonetheless for more information. "Someone has paid a very large sum of coin and favors to a very dangerous and man. That man has many pending debts as well as outstanding warrants on his head. Therefore he will be very anxious and determined when looking for this girl. Given time I have know doubt he will find her. The problem is that time is running out and Sanem Aydin holds a very important key. One that she may not even know she holds". Rifat continued to stare blankly at the young man as his mind went to work on every word he uttered. "This man has no scruples Rifat Bey, and although he may find the girl I assure you she will not be returned in the same condition as she left". Rifat fisted both hands at his side and glared across the space between he and the younger man. " knowing all of this, you sit here with me instead of seeking her out yourself all the while telling me that you do not seek to hurt her. I would put forth that refusing to help her is a form of hurting her". Levant smiled internally as he knew he had hit his mark with a few well placed words. "That is why I have come to you. I am not a sailor nor would I k ow where to look. My information confirms that you do. Therefore I have two things to help you. The first: the man who will be pursuing her is none other that Fabri the Pirate.... and the second ....he has a score to settle with Aziz Bey and he would gladly settle it with either Emre Bey or Can Bey.....". He had leaned forward when telling Rifat what he knew but now he leaned back as he took in how Rifat would react. The old man was wise and held on to whatever feeling he had for the young Divits to himself and his only reaction was to reply. "What would you suggest I do assuming that I come across Sanem Hanim?" Levant looked at the Rifat carefully and then replied. "Don't bring her back to Istanbul but do not take her to Spain either. There are those waiting to apprehend her there. Take her instead to Fethiye. I have a home there and it will be at your disposal. Also, Rifat if she is still unwed....make sure this condition changes. She will be in danger if she does not have a husband". Rifat was reeling as much from what the man had said as he was from the fact that he had so much information. "In what manner does any of this benefit you may I ask?" Levant pondered that question and answered it without hesitation. "I enjoy riddles. Currently Sanem Hamin is a riddle to me. She has information that will lead me to an answer. Rifat Bey I ask only that you protect her and bring her to my home but not share it's whereabouts. There are no guards or measures of protection there because I have never needed any. I have written the name of my man there. He will get you anything you may need". Rifat was alarmed but calm. "How do I know I can trust you?" Levant opened the door to the carriage implying that Rifat should leave but he stopped and looked at the older man and said "you don't, but had I wanted to hurt her or you for that matter I would have done it already. Rest assured that no harm will come to Aziz Bey or Nihat Bey at my hands either, but time is running out for them all" and with that he waved his hand for Rifat to leave the carriage.

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