Fate and Destiny

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If ever there was a moment in time where Sanem felt her destiny colliding with fate it was in that split second of time. She was suffocating in Yigit's hold and was terrified that he would drag her over the side with him. She saw Can and Levant grab and pull Yigit down and all at once she was buried amongst their bodies as Can grappled with the vile man to free her. He had a death grip on her and she was chocking between her own tears, adrenaline and his hold around her neck. She felt and heard Can beat him as he pounded on him and then suddenly she was free and crawling away from the fray. She was covered in Yigit blood and the smell of iron was making her dizzy and nauseated. She held her throat, coughing and trying to catch her breath; as she got to her feet and stood. She was stunned at how quickly everything was happening. Looking at where the three men were, Can strangling  the life out of Yigit and Levant trying to pull Can off; she felt a sudden pulling from deep within her. Her eyes felt somewhat unfocused and blurry as she looked down at herself suddenly very unsteady on her feet. Her breath caught in her throat as another wave of pain clawed at her from inside and this time she clutched at her belly with fear biting through every inch of her. "Noooo. Please merciful Allah ..... noooo. Not this. Noooooo....." She thought she had spoken the words out loud but neither Levant nor Can turned to her. She looked at Can and called to him, barely hearing herself say his name. He didn't look back. She called to him again but only Levant turned to look at her and as he let his gaze rest on her for a moment then two and three. She saw his eyes register what she knew was no longer a nightmare but an unstoppable reality. She extended her arms as she swayed slightly on her feet. A heavy cloying feeling enveloped her as she called to Can again hearing Levant raise his voice and yell at Can as well.  Can had finally moved away from Yigit, standing over the man who was surely dead. He shook himself, and she watched him slowly turn to look her way. Her hand trembled as her fingers reached out to him bending and gripping in the air and the space that separated them. His eyes bore through her and when he finally saw her he covered the short distance between them.There in front of him covered in blood and bleeding he flew to her, but not before blackness surrounded her and pulled her down into a dark, damp hole where the only sounds she heard were those of her heartbeat as it slowed beat by beat.

Can stared at Yigit through eyes of rage and torment. Yigit would die,  today or tomorrow; of that he had no doubt. He would make sure that there would be enough of him left for the birds of prey that were sure to take their piece of flesh. He shook the anger that flooded his veins off of him but it was suddenly replaced by talons of fear that gripped his heart. Covered in blood and falling in front of him his wife stood calling his name in a whisper he barely heard. He leapt toward her catching her shoulders as she collapsed to the ground. She was cold and her skin felt clammy as he held her, shocked to see as blood dampened her clothes inch by inch. "Sanem! ..... Sanem.... wake up Sevgilim, please wake up. Sanem, no! No Sanem wake up!" Can felt his heart clench as he enveloped Sanem in his arms. He had no idea where the blood was coming from and he frantically ran his hand on her arms and legs trying to find her injury. His hand came up to her side and felt blood, hot and wet. He was half sitting and half laying on the ground beside her. He was shaking with fear and utter panic. "Sanem" he yelled while Levant kneeled down seeing that Sanems collapse was due to some injury. Can asked him for something to staunch the blood with and he immediately took off his cloak and then his white tunic made of cotton. He quickly doubled it and handed it to Can who tore at her skirts creating a slit in order to expose her skin. The injury was small and surely that of a musket ball. He turned her over as gently as possible and breathed in heavily seeing no exit wound. Holding her gently now as he righted her he and pressed the makeshift bandage over her wound that was a few inches to the right of her navel. Levant then tore up the rest of her torn skirt and used it to help Can tie around the bandage as tightly as they dared. Levant banded Can his cloaca to cover Sanem up. "Can, we must get her to the village" he said calmly realizing that Can was in his own world of terror right now. Levant waited a moment and shook Can repeating the need to leave. Can stroked her hair and whispered into her ear as tears slid down his face. He wasn't listening. Levant could hear Yigit's groans in the background and his stomach turned at what had transpired in a matter of minutes. "CAN! Listen to me. You must pick up Sanem and we must get her to the village now or she will bleed to death in you arms do you hear me?!" Levant yelled. Can looked up at Levant with a dazed expression and then turned as he heard Yigit grunt in pain. Suddenly a deep and murderous look crossed Can's countenance as he stared at the beaten man on the ground. "Pray to Allah Yigit Erdogan that my wife does not die, for if she does you will not die before I take you apart bone by bone. This I promise and this I will do". With Levants help he lifted Sanem in his arms and proceeded with quick and strong strides toward the bend in the hill they had been traveling on toward the river. Levant turned to Yigit and bound the man at his hands and dragged and kicked him as he followed Can.

My Life. My Only One.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora