Chamomile Cay

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Nihat had received a message from Aziz while he was at the docks inspecting a cargo that had just arrived. He had come to the docks to work with his hands as he had done in his youth. It gave him time to sort out his thoughts. All he could think about was what he had done to his little bird. Sanem. She deserved so much more than a marriage to a man she did not love. He felt sick over it and yet he could think of no way to escape this hell. He was approached by a beggar asking for money. As was his custom, remembering his humble roots; he reached into his pocket and retrieved some coins; enough to see the man through for a week. As the man extended his hand for the coin he thanked Nihat and blessed him for his generosity, at the moment of pressing the coins into the beggars hands he saw the note with the wax seal with the Phoenix in the beggars palm. He gave the beggar his coins and retrieved the message in one movement obscuring the missive in his large hands. Turning toward the sea he prayed that there would be some good news in the message as he did not know if he could bear any more.

Mihriban sat on her bed and starred silently at the gold rings in her hand. They had belonged to her parents and when they passed on to the world beyond her sight she had received them her only inheritance. Each band was of the purest gold and carved with tiny birds and stars. She had always marveled at them when she was a child and had wondered at their meaning. Her father had once told her that the birds symbolized the flight that each person takes in life when they are united in marriage to another. The flight could be joyous or it could be filled with sadness but it was up to the wearer to determine the journey. The stars represented the possibilities for a future with their betrothed and the fact that there were so many stars carved into the ring represented the endless possibilities that the new couple could dream of. She had always loved that story and treasured its memory along with the rings. She knew that one day she would give those rings to her eldest son when he was matched with his bride. When Aziz had been arrested and charged with high treason  everything they had hoped for that evening had turned to dust. Caught in a spiders web of lies they endured so much pain as a result of the evil that had been done to them. Her sons had paid a high price until now. Tonight would be the beginning of a plan to undo all that evil. If Aziz was right, everything that had once been wished for would come to pass and two families, hers and Mevkibe's would finally be set free and united all at once.  "Inshallah".

Ceyda had watched as her daughter tore apart her room in her rage at the news of the betrothal of Yigit. She had always been a volatile child. Her husband had contributed to her behavior by constantly giving her whatever she wanted. Now that he wasn't here it was up to her to fix Polens problems. She had held her tongue long enough. "Polen, once you have cleaned your room and put everything back to rights you will come to by room and we shall discuss what must be done." Ceyda turned around to leave but Polen quickly ran to step in from of the door and prevent her mother from leaving her "what could you possibly have in mind that will stop this marriage mother? What?" She shrieked with uncontrolled anger. "Polen, if you are to be Yigit's First Lady then you had better learn to control your emotions. There is nothing worse than a screaming shrew for a wife, much less a pregnant one. "Polen's mouth dropped open in shock and surprise at her mothers words. Ceyda had never reprimanded her, she had always bent to her will. This behavior was out of character for her mother and Polen became somewhat apprehensive at what her mother had in mind. "I am sorry mother, its just that I have worked so hard to gain..." Ceyda looked at her daughter and felt a long repressed anger. She had finally reached her limit and once and for all she intended that her daughter know. "Listen to me and listen well. You have done nothing but demand, and cajole, and complain about everything I have done for you in the last two years. Your father wasn't dead and in the ground more than six months before you squandered half of the little bit he left for us. I have followed your lead as you have tried to win over the governor and his son and what has it gotten us. A possible pregnancy for you and a betrothal for him to a nobody with money. Now we will do things my way unless you would like to raise your bastard child in the streets once my sister finds out. It isn't a matter of if, its a matter of when and she will not think twice about kicking us out." Polen looked at her mother with a terrified expression on her face as it finally dawned on her how precarious their position was. She threw herself on the bed and began to cry. Her tears were born of frustration, resentment, anger, greed and fear. Ceyda, without any emotion in her voice; repeated her command. "Clean up this mess, make up your face and come to my room. We have much to discuss."

My Life. My Only One.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें