Unravelling: Levant

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Huma stood in her rooms as she crushed the piece of paper in her hands and through it into the fire. Somehow the bastard Fabri had failed in his mission. He had even gotten himself jailed in the process. She was seething in fury at not knowing the whereabouts of Sanem Aydin as of yet. One thing she learned however, that she did not know before; was that Aziz's son had been involved in the plot to rescue Sanem and that was something she might be able to use. She just needed to think. She remembered what Levant had said before he left about wanting his fathers name upon his return. She needed to fix that as well and it needed to be done carefully. Things were not as simple as when he was younger and completely under her control. She had to navigate carefully with regard to him. He was intuitive and intelligent and any misstep on her part could change their dynamic completely. She walked out into the garden amidst her flowers and thought about what her end goal was. What had been the point of all of this from the beginning. And then it came to her. It was so simple and yet it would require her own name to be associated with vulgarity and gossip. Yet she would pay that price if she got what she wanted in the end. She lifted her head and knew exactly how she would resolve both matters. She would lay the blame on Aziz Divit. Once and for all she would bring his house down and take that which she wanted most. Revenge. She would see his family destroyed with shame even at her own expense of having to put herself on display in order to accuse him of taking her against her will, so many years before; while being matched to Miriban. She would spill her poison and let them drink from it. Levant would know once and for all who to direct his pent up anger against and when it came to its conclusion she would argue that he had stolen the diamonds as a way to prevent her from speaking the truth against him and so had bribed her all these years. She smiled and her eyes gleamed as she relished the thought of all the lives she would impact. More than anything she wished to look upon Aziz Divits face and tell him that when he had chosen Miriban over her he had chosen beneath him and the cost would be great.

Nihat and Aziz met once again at the docks in a carriage. Rifat had communicated by messenger that plans had changed.  He needed to explain why his Aslan would not be going to Spain. Rifat had not  communicated where they were headed. It was safer for everyone involved. Nihat was so overjoyed that he nearly collapsed due to the emotional tole he and his family had been under. He and Aziz were thankful that their children had overcome the great danger that befell them. Rifat spelled out one word in their coded message that both Aziz and Nihat would be sure to understand without further explanations. HUMA. She had been at the heart of everything from the very beginning years ago. And even now with the involvement of a Pirate no less. The woman was pure evil and both men wanted nothing more than to see her pay for all of the hurt she had caused. They intended to show no mercy when the truth let out.

Levant had received his own message by his man that had sailed on Rifats ship. He was both a merchant seaman in Aydins employ and he was Levants trusted informant. The only twist in all of this for Levant was Anil's insistence that none of this family be harmed. They had been nothing but good to him and he would not betray them. His information was simply a means to keep Levant abreast of the situation so he could plan his next move. Anils aunt had been Levants caregiver, surrogate mother, nanny....whatever the name, she had filled the role of mother for Levant. When Huma would leave on her trips that were secret Levant would stay with Remide and because he and Anil where the same age she would invite Anil over to play with Levant. Remide knew that Levant was lonely and that he needed companionship as he grew. As Huma got bored with the little boy and his growing needs Remide would happily take him for the summers while Huma vacationed with her newest paramour. Remide loved Levant and tried her best to undo the evil that Huma heaped on the boy with her coldness and cunning machinations. As Levant grew Anil remained a trusted friend of Levants until his employment carried him away for months at a time. As the years passed Anil married and settled and Levant remained alone seeing Anil whenever possible and feeding off of the charity he felt his friendship had become.

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