Alev Alev

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Huma sat beside the Emperor with a smile on her face that she had worn for most of the day. Noble and commoner alike had lined up to pay homage to the Emperor that was daily improving in his health. Muzafer seated beside his father was the last to stand before him as his chambers emptied. "Father, you are well on your way to a full recovery. I am so pleased to know that all will be well with you."
The Emperor Hakim stood and placed his hands on his sons shoulders and praised his only child for his efforts, hard work and undying loyalty to him and the Empire. Muzafer turned to Huma and bowed before exiting the chamber while she stood and bowed to the Emperor excusing herself from his presence. He nodded but did not stop her. Once she had left, his brother the Emperor Anil stepped inside; with Chey Chey in tow. "Hakim, my brother; the time has come for us to speak and I would ask that you gather your council together. We must unravel a mystery of which you have been the center of for a while. Your son and I greatly feared for your life and while you lay in peril we learned of an attempt on the Empire. My presence hear has only been to serve you, my nephew and our common interests but now we must lay the information before you, so that you may decipher it's meaning. There is an important piece of the puzzle missing and yet I feel that time is on our side and we will soon discover and lay bare all the plans to bring your house down". Hakim stared at his elder brother, although they were twins they were not identical. "Anil, my brother if you say it, it must be so. Let us begin".The Emperor Hakim nodded his agreement and both men left the chambers for the Emperors private rooms. In the shadows of the halls behind the chambers stood Huma. For the first time in years she felt true fear but buried it deep within her. It seemed time was not on her side. She had one last chance and she would take it.

The justice walked down the last row of stairs to the cell wherein Yigit was jailed. He looked at the man who had once held an esteemed position and nodded his head in repulsion. He spoke to Yigit and explained that he was not to speak to the witness nor make any gesture that would be threatening or inappropriate or he would be punished and his actions recorded and considered at his trial. At first Yigit thought he had a visitor but when he had learned that it was another witness he sat back down on his cot and stared off into space. The justice walked back up the stairs to the landing above him and explained to Sanem what was to occur. Sanem nodded her head as she wrapped the dark cloak about her with the hood still in place. She was terrified but she would not back down. She had nothing left to loose and she would not allow Cans name to be disgraced in any way. She would identify him, accuse him and say her peace and then she would leave.

Can raced through the city holding the reins of his horse so tightly in his hands he felt he would rip them apart. Anger, resentment and fear coursed through his body all at once. How had it come to this? They were supposed to be reunited and live in peace building a happy life together. She didn't trust him and circumstances outside of his control only served to confirm her beliefs that she was no longer worthwhile or valuable to him. His anger mounting to such a degree that he bit his lip while concentrating on the road ahead; drawing blood and making him settle into his remorse and fury. How could she put herself in front of that cretin who, because of him; had caused them such pain. She was bull headed once a thought entered her brain but she was also risking herself in a way that was even more dangerous than physical injuries. Yigit Erdogan was a sick and deranged person and there was no telling what his vile mind would dream up in order to ensnare Sanem in some other cruel way, playing with her vulnerability in order to punish her. The more he thought about it the angrier he became. He would protect her, and take her away from there but she would suffer his outrage at her ill advised judgment and behavior. He loved her above everyone and everything and would gladly lay down his life for her but he would not allow her to jeopardize herself with a lack of judgement. It was time to reign her in and remind Sanem Divit exactly who Can Divit really was.

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