"Place Your Hand In Mine"

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As we get closer To the end Ablas,I want to thank you for all your support and comments. This has been the most satisfying experience for me as a novice writer. I won't ever forget it. Hold on tight, it will be hard, and filled with emotion but in the end it will all have been worth it.

Leyla felt groggy as she tried to sip the water her Anne was giving her. She was aware that she was in her own bed, with a clean nightdress on and that her Baba and Anne were hovering over her with worried faces and anxious frowns. "Anne.... Baba...I am fine. Please do not worry for me anymore. The old woman I told you about, Emre and Burak took very good care of me. Nothing happened to me that will not be soon forgotten like a bad dream". The elder Aydins had nothing left to do but accept their daughters words and have confidence in her strength to recover from her harrowing ordeal. "Anne, has Emre come back since he brought me home. I wish to thank him". Nihat looked at his daughter now with a knowing smile and turned to his wife indicating that she should take the lead. "Leyla, Emre Divit has refused to leave the house since bringing you home. We had to force him to bathe and eat on the condition that if he didn't he would be removed and never allowed to see you again". Leylas eyes opened wide a protest ready on her lips "Anne, how....". Nihat spoke up "Now kizim, calm down. Your young man is fine and waiting to speak with you but I will tell you the same thing I told him". Leyla looked at her father and then at her mother waiting for one of them to speak "eat and bathe or you will not be able to see him again" Nihat said with a grin. "Baba..." Leyla smiled as she felt her cheeks grow red from embarrassment. "Baba, Anne .... forgive me. I know that Sanem is missing. I heard you both speaking in the hallway earlier. I feel as if my heart will be broken in two. My beloved sister is missing and, and ... the man who saved me .... my heart belongs to him now". Leyla burst into tears.
Struggling to put her emotions both at opposite ends of the spectrum into some kind of order. She was a woman who enjoyed things most when she had them organized neatly and could count on an expected outcome. Her life recently had been anything  but that. Mevkibe sat next to her daughter on the narrow bed and said "Leyla. Both of your feelings can be true at the same time. Can has gone to find her. He refused Emre's request to come with him and sent him back here with you to us and his parents. Emre Divit is very much like his older brother and has a fierce loyalty to family and an honesty that one can read plainly on his face. He asked for your hand before he even knew you. Sanem told him so many stories about you that he felt he already knew you. When he learned you had been abducted he approached us for your hand. We were honored and accepted and now....it seems you have accepted him as well kizim?" Leyla smiled slowly as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Yes Anne, I have accepted him". Nihat held his daughters hand. "Sanem and you are my two beautiful flowers and knowing that each of you have found men worthy of your souls has made me proud and has made my heart calm". Mevkibe patted her daughters hand "Can will find Sanem. I have no doubt of this. I pray only that she is unhurt. Our Sanem has endured so much already. It is time she enjoys peace...Inshallah".

Can stared deeply into Sanems eyes as the moon slipped away from the clouds briefly. He couldn't quite believe he had found her and yet here he was holding her slight form against him and for the first time in a long time the world had righted itself. He let out a pent up breath and kissed her lips gently as she returned his soft kiss with a feathery kiss of her own. A few second passed before she was peppering his face with soft kisses wet by her tears. He slowly set her feat on the ground and held her to himself while covering her mouth with his own in a long deep kiss. Her arm wrapped around his neck as she pressed herself against his strong and muscled form. Everything felt so right as his tongue invaded her sweet mouth and took control. Sanem ran her fingers into his hair and held on. She had dreamed of him for so long she didn't dare let go, not even for a moment. Can finally broke their kiss and lifted his face away from Sanem and looked at her deeply. He smiled at her and asked her "do you have something to tell me my life?" Sanem looked at him for a moment a bit bewildered and then it dawned on her that she did indeed have something to tell him. "Sevgilim, place you're hand in mine". Can complied and gave her his hand. She lifted it to her lips and kissed his open palm as he had always done to her. She lifted his hand to her face and held it to her cheek and then she lowered it to her belly and placed it firmly on the small bump that had begun to form there. "Can, my love. Soon you will be a Baba." Can held his palm to her belly and spread his fingers wide spanning as much of her belly that he could. Tears flowed from his eyes and he made no movement to wipe them away. He kissed her temple gently and told her just how much he loved her and how incredibly honored he was that she was his wife and the soon to be mother of his child. He told her that he was proud of the way she had held on to hope and persevered and that he would make it all up to her just as soon as they could get back home. "Sanem, thank you. You have made me a husband and now a father. I can never repay you the gift of love you have bestowed upon me." He kissed her gently once more and told her that they needed to leave now as they were still in danger. In a few hours the dawn would come and they needed to get back to their horses. Can decided that he would not send the signal with his weapon. Having her in his arms made him rethink everything. He would not put her in danger by calling attention to himself. He was confidant Levant was fine on his own and would find his own way. Can held on desperately to Sanems hand and led her through the rocky terrain. They stopped several times so that she could catch her breath. As the sun began to rise and the sunlight cast its glow on the landscape he was able to look upon his wife more carefully and realized that she was near exhaustion and dead on her feat. He inspected her closely and noticed for the first time her injured knees, shins and hands. They were bruised and scraped and bloody. She had never complained and he felt a hot fiery brand upon his heart. Yigit Erdogan had put his wife and child in danger and he would pay dearly for it. He picked Sanem up amid her protests and carried her under some tall trees that were clustered on the edges of the base of a hill. He set her down and told her to relax while he scouted the area a bit. When he returned she had fallen asleep against the tree trunk. Looking at her with eyes filled with love and longing he once again was struck by the beauty of his wife. Physically she was the epitome of any mans dreams. Soft glowing skin, dark shiny thick hair, an hourglass figure and the most kissable mouth. Her eyes were the deepest pools of dark rich honey but she was more than that. She was his partner, his supporter, his equal in every way. Her heart was golden and she had taken his heart to hold forever all those years ago. If anything happened to her he would die with her. Their destiny was to be together forever come what may.

Yigit followed them at a distance. He had been so close to finding her but had been distracted by the noise of his driver and the other man fighting. The man was larger and younger than his driver and Yigit knew better than to get involved. He ran from that spot and followed the trail of the two sets of foot prints that covered some patches of earth here and there. It was clear that the other set of prints were those of a man. A big man by the size and depth of the print. Hers had to be the smaller set, barely visible in the waning darkness. He had followed them, keeping a safe distance trying to make out where they were going. He was sure now that they were alone. Dawn would be approaching and he needed to find out who he was up against and if the man carried a weapon. He was not about to give her up. Not now. He watched him pick her up and carry her over to a tree. He could see that they knew each other from the way he handled her and looked at her. When he bent down to kiss her he was absolutely certain that this could be none other than Can Divit. The Can Divit that had taken her away from him in the first place. Yigit's blood boiled recalling all that had happened since that night. She was supposed to have been the one kidnapped by him instead his father had sent Polen and her mother away to meet their untimely death. Can Divit had taken something away from him twice and he wasn't going to let him do it again. He watched as the man pulled her up into his lap and how she stretched back onto his chest. He then wrapped his arms around her and placed them gently on her belly. The darkness was being lit quickly now by the morning glow. He would need to back up and hide further back. They were headed back into the city by way of the riverbed. They needed to walk down past the few slopes of the hill that had sheer drops straight into the river. If he was able to overtake them there he could take her from him and push him over the drop to his death. He couldn't let him take her. He wouldn't allow it. Not this time.

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