The Wicked Way

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Nihat, Mevkibe and Leyla had come to Sanem's room as she sat on her bed propped up by pillows and drinking cay. Her baba sat next to her with tears shimmering in his eyes and gave her his blessing saying that he was so proud of the woman she was and how the man that he had approved of was her husband and the father of their unborn child. Although he was not here to raise his child Nihat would be there for him so that he would grow up big and strong like his baba. Sanem hugged her father tightly as fresh tears cascaded down her cheeks at the knowledge that her child would miss out on knowing its father. She closed her eyes and saw him clearly in her mind and once again was overcome by the unrelenting feeling that he was not gone. Not dead.  It it was useless trying to convince them. She had lost her ability to speak and the effort to tell them was insurmountable. She needed to see Emre and find out how he was and then somehow get to Aziz so that they could go in search of him. "Sanem, we have a problem that we must deal with. I will let it be known that you are now a married woman. I'm sure your mother and Lelay have told you that Yigit Erdogan came to ask for his right to marry you. Now he had no legitimate claim but it may still cause us problems. Due to this you will now go and liv at your Anne Miriban as is right to do. It is both for your safety as it is custom. I do not wish to see you go but in this I will not waver." Sanem had been expecting it and she nodded her acceptance.

Levant had expected a thrashing from Emre but what he received instead was a calm and welcoming conversation. Emre told him that although his little sister was still too young to make these decisions alone he was confidant that she knew her own mind and that she was a good judge of character. He believed that Levant had proven himself a new man through his efforts to help them and that if he needed his help with his father Aziz he would have it. Levant was shocked and beside himself with relief. He wanted more than ever to experience that type of live and devotion that Emre had expressed about his sister. He needed it in his life. He would move mountains to get it. At dawn the three men departed.

Mitat and Emre sat together outside a hut near the city walls at the furthest point before the were at the gates. They were waiting to be contacted by Aziz and had passed the hours either sleeping or in Emre's case eating anything placed before him. His singular thought revolved around Sanem and Can. He was sure that Can still lived. He needed to go back to Fethiye and look for his brother. He also needed to know more information about Sanem. Levant had left the night before.  He had the connections he needed to find out what Emre wanted to know. By now Sanems family home would be guarded by the empires guards and travel by land or sea would be dangerous. Most likely there would be checkpoints at port of entry and border crossings. He felt manacled and useless. He quieted his mind and thought back to their arrival in Turkey to present day. All of it had been a gamble from the beginning but the outcome could never have been foretold. The sound of breaking twigs underfoot caused the two men to rise and take up defensive positions. Moments later Levant appeared to them with Aziz and Cey Cey. The five men standing outside a small hut stared at one another as they quickly entered the hut to avoid being noticed. Aziz and Emre embraced and Aziz was overcome with  emotion at seeing his youngest son alive and well. They spoke briefly about the circumstances of the nature of their attack. Emre expressed once more that he was sure his brother lived. Aziz informed him that Sanem had been moved to his own home for her protection and because as Cans widow custom dictated that she should live with her husbands family. He told Emre that Sanem had be unwell with grief and the shock had stollen her voice but there was more. Aziz stretched his arm out and clasped his sons shoulder and said "Sanem is with child and I will soon be a Granfather and you an uncle". Emre was speechless and while a smile crossed his face he suddenly broke down in tears at the knowledge that his brother was not here. His brother who cherished the ground Sanem walked in and wanted nothing more than to build a family with her wasn't here. Now his sister-in -law was bearing the worst of it. Aziz held his boy and reminded him of his own words. "Emre, if you believe that Can is still alive then you go and find him and bring him back.  Bring him back to his wife, to his family and his life". Aziz was gritting his teeth with the resolve to not break down. He informed them of Yigit's plan to marry Sanem and what Nihat was doing even now to spread the word. However, that also would prove to be another problem. Knowing what Yigit was capable of he felt that Leyla, Nihats eldest was now not in danger and that measures needed to be taken to protect her. Emre, recalled the beauty that he had seen on the rocks with Sanem so long ago. He had felt an instant attraction to her. He had spent countless days in Sanems company and had learned a great deal about the older Aydin Sister. Something in him made him speak with renewed hope and intent. "Baba, please ask for Leylas hand in marriage for me. I would see her safe and protected by our united families. Speak the betrothal rites in my name and take her into our home. Please Baba" Aziz was speechless. He stared at his son a pride that flamed up in his heart. His lions made him proud and he nodded his head in agreement. He would do as he was asked. "Emre, you are more than a man and I need not remind you of the importance of marriage and family. But I ask as your father who loves you and only wants the best for you. Are you sure?" Emre looked at his father and nodded in agreement. "I am sure. Of course she has the final word and I will not hold her to any more than a betrothal of words if that will keep her safe. However if she is willing I will take her into my heart and build a life with her". Aziz smiled at him and then at the group as his eyes tested up with feeling. He had something else left to say. In reality he had something to ask and he feared the answer. "Emre, do you remember the silver belt that Sanem was given by her father. Something she always wore?"Just then Emre recalled what else he intended to say to his father. "Yes Baba" and before his father could ask the next question he said "unfortunately it was damaged and left in Fethiye to be repaired". His father's face turned grim with growing disappointment before Emre continued "but not before Can and Sanem found the diamonds". Aziz almost fainted at the news. Emre explained what had happened and where they were now. Can had given him a small jar of Sanems cream. Within it lay the diamonds. Can have it to Emre to keep because Emre was to take it back with him to Istanbul, but they never got the chance. Before he could be carted off by the emperors guards he put the jar in Sanems reticule. "Baba, if what you say about Sanems condition is as severe as it sounds she may not even remember what is in the jar". Cey Cey cleared his throat and said "I will speak to Ayhan and explain the gravity of the situation. It will not look untoward for her to visit as she has been doing since she returned". Levant broke his silence and made a suggestion speaking directly to Emre, "a I know your desire is to find Can but I believe I better suited to that task than you at the moment. I know the people of the town and their ways and I would know if there are newcomers that may have plotted with the soldiers and guards to seize you and kill Can. In fact it has struck me that there may be old enemies at play here. These matters did not just happen of their own accord even with Huma's hand involved. If you will allow me, I will search for your brother. If he is alive I will find him. If he is not, I will see to his needs as Allah has commanded and find out who was behind this all. You would do better to protect Sanem and her sister. There may be more danger there than we even know." Emre considered Levants words and clasping the younger mans arm and shoulder he agreed but not without a condition. "When all of this is said and done you and I will speak further and make plans. I have always wanted a younger brother". Emre smiled for the first time in months and Levant's heart was lifted its hope. Aziz looked at the two men without understanding their last words but decided to ask questions another time. Each had a mission to embark on and it was time to move.

Leyla walked arm and arm with Ayhan. She had arrived at the grand suk in order to do some shopping for cloth and wool. She wanted to begin making baby clothes. She was going to be an aunt after all and she was thrilled. They had come through so much suffering and pain that this tiny little bit of joy that was coming would be celebrated with love and hope. Arriving at Ayhans stall Ayhan told Leyla that the brews and tonics that Sanem needed would be prepared and ready within the hour "when you're done Leyla come back here and we can return to your home together". Neither woman noticed the two men that had been following them since they departed from the Aydin home in their carriage.
Leyla walked to the far side of the suk where all the textiles were located. She spent another hour selecting the bolts of cloth and the spools of wool and cotton that she needed. She negotiated heavily with the merchant and finally agreed on a fair price asking that the items be delivered to her home. She moved on to the merchant that sold thread and she made her selections there taking the smaller items with her. She needed to get back to Ayhans shop and the only way back around was through the passageways that connected the different sections of the suk. During the mid morning through early afternoon the passageways were filled with single merchants selling trinkets and souvenirs on small little tables that could easily be packed up. By the time of the midday meal the merchants were done and moving on to the exits to catch the last customers as they made their way out of the suk. She entered the passageway quickly as she didn't like the darkness of it nor the small narrow exits that spilled out of the lesser travelled walkways into the big city. As she neared on of the exits she recalled that she had forgotten to buy Sanem silks for her shifts that she would need as she grew. She immediately turned around and ran right into the men that had been following her. She apologized and excused herself but the men made no attempt to clear a path for her. Instead they grabbed her arms and placed a smelly cloth over her mouth and nose and the last thing she remembered before everything turned dark was looking out through the passageway at the colorful bolts of cloth that were just out of her reach. One of the men in draped her body with the black cloth of a religious woman and motioned to the sellers that his wife had taken ill and she needed air. There were none to stop them. The only evidence of her ever being there was the small bag of ribbons and threads that she had purchased and her bracelet of turquoise and silver that she always wore. It has fallen off her wrist in the struggle and now lay near the bag along the wall in the passageway. In the link of an eye she was gone.

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