Glass Jars

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Sanem opened her eyes slowly as she felt her herself swaying from side to side. Seated on the bed next to her was the most wonderful image of her dearest friend Ayhan. She tried to rise to embrace her but soon realized she lacked the strength to even pull herself up. She tried to speak but no words came. Her mind screamed at her to speak like she had when she desperately asked Layla to find Can but she couldn't manage to make herself utter a single word. Ayhan squeezed her hand and shushed her telling her that she would soon be alright. She gave Sanem a remedy that had been passed down from her great grandmother for women experiencing pain and bleeding during a pregnancy. She assured Sanem that she had helped to birth countless of her cousins children and relatives and she knew by experience that Sanems babe was safely in her womb but that Sanem needed to do her part by eating and taking in the fresh air and letting the past remain in the past. Worry and sadness would only cause the babe harm. Sanem nodded through her tears as she drank the brew and mouthed thanks to Ayhan for her care and ministrations. Her mother sat in the corner with a look of shock and sadness spread across her face. How could she explain to her mother what had transpired between she and Can when she could scarcely accept that he was gone. She felt it in her bones that Can was out there somewhere and that she needed to help him find her again. She would eat and she would take in the air and she would smile, but she would not give up on Can. Not now and not ever.

Leyla and Nihat greeted Yigit with quiet resolve but made no gestures of respect or deference. He had planned to take Sanem from them by force and Nihat would not allow that to be forgotten or brushed under the rug. "Nihat Bey, I understand that your feelings for me with regard to Sanem have changed and that you think I'll of me for wanting my betrothed sooner that was my due but please understand that I fell under her spell, her beauty and my own youthful romantic notions. I assure you that nothing of the sort will happen again. Sanem and I can resume where we left off and a wedding can be announced immediately. This nonsense of her disappearance can be put behind us once and for all and your family and mine can once again be safe". Leylas eyes were like daggers as she looked upon the poor excuse of a man before her. "Yigit Bey, I regret that Sanem is in no position to marry you or anyone else for that matter. My daughter has suffered greatly and I will not impose a marriage on her that she did not want to begin with. I hope you will understand". Yigit stared at Nihat with hate in his eyes and chose his words carefully as he let them loose quietly and directly. "I can see that we are not clear about certain concerns for our families. I will explain as carefully as possible, but perhaps Leyla Hanim will give us privacy to speak man to man as I would not wish to offend her womanly nature". Nihat turned to Leyla and realized that it would take a stronger man than himself to remove his eldest daughter from the conversation. "Leyla will remain at my side as she will give voice to Sanems condition as she has been by her bedside since she was returned to us. If you must speak plainly then do so without further delay". Yigit found that he was surprised at the courage and disdain coming from Nihat. He was keenly aware that Leyla would not think twice about putting a knife through his heart had she but the chance. "Very well. In short, either Sanem Hanim agrees to the marriage contract that was entered upon willingly before she was abducted or your son Osman is sent to serve his country nobly at the front lines. There is no other choice". He looked at Nihat without blinking and waited for the words to hit their mark. Nihat clenched his fists as color rose to his face but he controlled his anger as he spoke slowly "I see that you wish to threaten your way into the matter but I will not bend on this. You will have neither my daughter nor my son." Yigit, towering over Nihat said "what makes you think I need ask". Leyla walked up next to her father and staring at Yigit quietly said, "my brother serves at the pleasure of Emperor Anil. In fact just days ago he was accepted into his royal guard. As you can imagine we are most honored by his role in serving his country and proud of his station. So you see the choice has already been made and we are most satisfied with it. Now if you have nothing else to discus with my father, please do us the favor of removing yourself from our home. I trust you know the way out". Yigit stood staring at the young woman with fierce turquoise eyes and swallowed the bile that rose in his throat. Somehow they had managed to outwit him and play him for the fool. They suspected he would come and had prepared long before. He looked beyond her and watched as Nihat fisted and unfitted his hands with pent up fury. So he simply turned from them and stormed out of the hall. Reaching his carriage he turned back to look at the house and saw as Leyla stood in the doorway of the courtyard never once dropping her gaze from him. He would have his day and when he did she would suffer at his hands. He knew exactly how he would make her beg for him to stop but just as she was unwavering in her disgust for him so he would be in his assault of her. Moreover, he would see to it that both sisters met the same fate. Not only would they provide him with the type of pleasure he preferred but he would take revenge for their audacity to out maneuver him.

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