My Life.My Only One

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Sanem was already in bed when Can entered the cabin quietly. The lamp was out and only the moonlight streaming in illuminated the room enough for him to see where he was walking. Sanem was buried beneath the blankets and her breathing was even which told him she was asleep. He was both happy about it and sad. Happy because he didn't have to torture himself with her closeness and her voice enveloping his every sense and sad for the same reasons. He had decided with conviction that they would wait until they married to come together completely as man and wife. She deserved more but they had experienced enough already that leaving the wedding night to breach her maidenhead was the right thing to do. He didn't like it much but he would carry on. He removed his clothes except his underwear. After washing off his arms and face and cleaning himself off a bit he got into the bed and under the blankets. She was facing him and she looked just like a young girl who had somehow accidentally crawled into his bed. But she was not a girl at all. She was all woman and soon would be his wife. He lightly tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and off her face.!Gently he traced her delicate cheekbones and chin and finally her plump and beautiful lips. He leaned down and kissed her lightly and a moment later he heard her sigh as she stretched out her arm toward him. He enveloped her in his arms allowing her to rest her head against him and her arm and leg over him. She was a tiny bear wrapped around him. He would have it no other way. He saw that once again that the dreaded shift was adorning her body. He couldn't wait until they were married. His first command as husband would be to outlaw shifts in the marriage bed. In fact he would propose that there would never be nightclothes in their bed. Ever. With that thought in mind he envisioned her naked beneath him as he thrust himself inside of her. That led to many other images that filled his mind and suddenly he felt his arousal upon him. Even in his own mind she commanded control over his manhood. She would be the death of him no doubt. He squeezed her shoulders and kissed the top of her head as he allowed the lapping of the water against the ship to lull him to sleep. First order of business tomorrow would be to find the marriage authorities.

Sanem was in a state between sleep pand wakefulness. She felt warm and safe and completely happy.! Her dreams felt like reality as she could feel Cans kisses on her face and neck and his strong arms around her body. She was being caressed by strong hands that were now cupping her breasts and kneading them softly but with intensity. She also sensed that she was leaning up against a hard surface and that her hip was being stroked and her bottom as well. She was mesmerized by the feeling it was evoking in her and she wanted the dream to last forever. She felt as strong hands trailed long fingers from her breasts to her womanhood and back. The sensations kept rhythm with the movement of the ship as the waves rocked the ship. She could feel the slow rocking back and forth of the ship. Her dream took on a new element that both pleased her and also made her shiver with anticipation. The fingers that were caressing her began to draw circles around her soft round breasts until she felt her nipples grow hard and sensitive. While the fingers that stroked her there kept pace with the rocking of the ships the hand at her hip and bottom kept applying pressure and squeezing and then moving down to caress between her legs. She felt herself falling into a sea of movement and soft caresses and gentle pressure. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt a sudden change in the pressure on her breasts and thighs to one of more insistence and urgency. She felt a tremendous need to respond to the pressure and so she moved along with the rhythm and immediately felt some relief. She felt herself trying to catch her breath as her belly seemed to be tightening its muscles of their own accord. The wall behind her was immovable and the more she pushed against it to give her the resistance her body needed the harder it got. She reached behind her to move it away but when she felt behind her the motion stopped and the wall behind her briefly moved before falling onto her.

Can had been fighting a loosing battle as he lay on the bed holding the pillows in his arms. He was so distraught over loosing Sanem that he hugged the pillows to himself as he imagined what he would do if she had been right there in his arms. His dream was a combination of reality and wish-fullness and fear. Fear swept over him like a wet and cold wind. Suddenly she was in his arms and then she was being held by the evil Fabri while he could do nothing to help her. He felt physically ill as the nightmare continued on. He saw as Fabri took her down below and his laugh carried in the wind. He fought with his restraints but then he looked down and she was right there with him as they had been on the beach that early morning before the sun rose. She was like a mermaid risen from the sea. He held her and kissed her and touched her everywhere. His hands moved over the pillows recreating the movements that had brought them both pleasure. He had cupped her breasts and kissed the pink and taught nipples until they hardened under his touch. He had molded his hands to her bottom as he had stoked and squeezed each cheek lovingly while his manhood hardened to a state of painful discomfort. He pushed the thought of loosing her again out of his mind and pulled the pillows in toward him. The sway of the ship and the memories of their bodies made him begin to rock his own body in time. He saw her just their beside him and every thought was her. His every desire ended in her. He traced a finger over her face down to her breast and further still to the sensitive mound between her legs. He remained there as he could almost feel her as she moved under him. He moved his hands back and forth as he brought her to heaven with him. He felt his own body react to the movement as he pressed into the pillows with his own arousal. He felt a heaviness descend down into his groin and he grunted. He needed to envelope her and be with her and so he moved over her laying on her as he had on the beach when she had been completely nude and he covered her with his own body as he felt her readiness for him with his fingers and then with his manhood. He heard her moan and then his name being called as he pushed into her softness and he opened his eyes slowly.

Sanem felt pressure and a heady weight over her. She felt as her breasts were being licked and sucked and her longing increased. She felt her legs surround a hard and smooth surface as she wrapped around it with fierce abandon and then she felt a searing pain which brought her rushing back to earth and to the bed she shared with Can as she opened her eyes while moaning and calling his name at the same time.

Can opened his eyes and they locked on Sanems.
He was suddenly fully awake as he watched the emotions and expressions on Sanem's face. She was enraptured as her eyes took him in. Instantly he realized what was happening, what had just happened; and what he had just done and he began to tremble with need and panic. " sorry...I thought I was dreaming....." He searched her face. A moment later she realized too what had happened, her faces shown pain, wonder and hope, so she laced her arms around his neck and pulled his face down to hers less than a inch away from his lips she said "don't stop. Love me Can Divit, make me your wife".

He was on fire with need and lust and an unquenchable desire to bury himself in her softness. As soon as the words left her mouth he covered her with his and he thrust into her body fully braking through her virginal wall completely with all the love and pent up desire. She gasped at the overwhelming possession of her body and tried to adjust to him. "I promise it will stop hurting in a little bit my love". He willed himself to stay still as her body adjusted to the invasion and his size. He kissed her soflty with gentleness and love, lift your legs Hayatim and wrap them around me now" she moaned into his mouth and tightened her grip around his neck as she felt him sink deeper into her. He legs trembled around his hips as she kissed him back with a growing desire. He released her lips and looked upon the woman of his dreams as she opened her almond shaped eyes and he saw what he had been craving for since he had met her all those years ago. He saw himself fully loved and fully accepted reflected back to him. He buried his head in her neck and he began to move inside her with gentle even long strokes.

Sanem opened her eyes to see the man she had loved the moment she laid eyes on him. He was her dream come true and now he had made her his own. He was filling her and she couldn't quite imagine how that was possible. As he came out and back into her the feeling was indescribable. She felt her belly tighten in response to his lovemaking and she gripped him harder as moan after moan escaped her lips. He rose above her again leaning his weight on his forearms and dropped kisses onto her face as he looked down upon her. She was wreathing below him and he was mesmerized by her beauty. A strong wave of lust, and possessiveness came over him and he increased his rhythm and intensity. Soon she was crying out his name as he felt her wrap around his manhood and pull from him everything there was. "Can....please I need, I need... Ahhhh, aghhh". Can increased his thrusts as he rolled his hips and gripped her bottom causing her body to move up the bed a bit more each time. Sanem's legs began to shake and her entire thought process boiled down to a small spot located below her belly button . She could think of nothing else as she moved her head from side to side crying out Can's name. "Saaaneemm, My life, my only one." He managed to lift her legs further up his hips giving him greater access to her center and then he began to thrust deeper and harder each time making her groan and beg him not to stop. He rolled his hips and thrust up into her as he pulled out almost entirely before doing it again and again. "Can ... Caaaaan... " her release was upon her as he felt her pulling on his shaft and gripping it so tightly he felt his energy leave him. He trust once more as he then exploded inside her and collapsed onto her. After a few seconds he rolled off of her and brought her to him in one smooth move. He dragged his fingers down her back and up again soothing her and calming her until they both stopped gasping for air and looked at one another with nothing but love in their eyes. "Sanem I ....." She looked at him as the sun looks at the earth each day. "Can......shhhh" as she put her fingers over his lip. "I am yours and you
are mine and this moment was the most perfect moment of my life. Thank you Can! Thank you for loving me enough to wait and loving me enough to dream about loving me and making it a reality. I love you my Aslan! My one and only. My life".

I hope this chapter caught you off guard a little!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰I loved this scene because they have both been leading up to it and in their own unique way they found each other once again as if in a dream. Their dreams becoming reality at the same time. They are sweet and tender and full of love and passion and desire. Love is sweet when freely given and freely accepted one for the other. No agendas, simply love!
Good night Ablas. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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