My Honor

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Now let's get back to our story!
MSL 🥰🥰🥰🔥🦋🔥🦋🔥❤️❤️❤️

Emre watched Leyla walk back and forth in her room with the armor. She was certainly tall enough to wear it but her slender build made the metal sway back and forth. It was all Emre could do not to laugh. That and the fact that his boots were two or three sizes to big for her. "Emre Bey, this will never work. I can barely move without the bulk of this armor pulling me down". When he didn't reply she turned to look at him and narrowed her eyes a bit "Are you laughing??" She took the helmet off and stared at him with her keen blue eyes he all but melted right then and there. "Leyla Hanim, I was not laughing just merely studying the situation. I believe we may have to adjust the plan a small bit". She stomped over to where he stood leaning against the door frame and tripped over her booted feet. She expected to fall with a terrible clanging when she felt strong arms reach over and haul her up straight. "Are you alright Leyla?". She looked at his face that showed concern and she ignored the fact that he just called her by her first name ignoring the formalities. "Iym, iym". Suddenly they both smiled and broke out in laughter at which they quickly covered their mouths to quiet the noise. "Leyla, I believe I have an idea. But it requires a bit more danger. I believe that it may work. The closest way to the exit is by the Governor's chambers. For that we must get permission to go to that side of the palace. You must request an audience and then you must prepare to convince him of your fear of marrying Yigit". Leyla looked at him and said "No need to worry about that. I'm terrified of marrying that animal. I would just as soon marry the father". As soon as she said it she caught his eye and it was as though they spoke to one another without words. "Leyla, that is not funny and it is not an option. It would be incredibly foolish". She looked at him and said "Emre, that is exactly the option". He through his hands in the air and walked away from her staring at the garden then said while his back was still turned to her "That would be like running from a hyena straight to a lion. I can not let you go down that road. It is much to dangerous." Leyla chose her words carefully seeing that he too believed what she had come to understand after the altercation with Yigit. "I have no desire to become the wife of either of those two monsters, but I believe that while one wants to seek vengeance on Can and Sanem through me, the other .....the other.." she couldn't quite say the word he said it for her "desires you". He turned around and they both stared at one another. He stalked back in her direction "hayir, I will not allow it. You father has entrusted you into my care....." he stopped. He had not meant to voice those words now. Not yet. Not until they were out of this mess but it was too late for that. Leyla watched as he closed his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin straight line "what did you say?..." He was quiet and looked over her head for a moment at a spot on the wall thinking about what to say next. "Emre Divit....what do you mean my fa..." he didn't let her finish and looked directly in her eyes and grabbing both of her hands he said "we are betrothed Leyla. I asked for your hand and your father gave me...." Leyla was stunned. No words came from her mouth. She searched his eyes and was about to speak when he said ... "it was the only way to save your honor". Emre saw as several emotions passed along her beautiful face until she decided to settle on one. Leyla felt sick and humiliated and once again felt her anger rise up inside. She pulled her hands from his embrace and quickly stripped off the guards armor. "Leyla, please listen to me. I wan....." She held her hand up and he stopped speaking and moving toward her. "Emre Bey you have my thanks, and and entire lifetime of my appreciation but I do not need your....." she struggled to find the right word and finally spit it out "sacrifice in this matter. I suggest you put on your armor and make ready. I will attend to my self now" and she waved him into the garden. Emre was angry with himself and her at her reaction. She hadn't let him explain and then had taken offense. He needed her to listen to him but she was every bit as stubborn as her sister and just as beautiful. He shoved on his boots and was placing his helmet on when she quickly walked out the door not giving him time to stop her. "Leyla..stop this". She turned on him and said "Emre Bey I will ask for an audience with the Governor and I will plead my case to be returned to my home. I will reason with him and" ..... he grabbed her arm a little harder than he intended to before she reached the door and said "you must not do this. He is a dangerous man there is no telling what he might do. She had reached her boiling point and looked at him with icy blue eyes "Release me"... Emre's body burned with anger but he let her go. "Thank you....... for trying to protect me ....but I realize I must for myself. I will be careful and not antagonize him but I need time to get you on the right side of the palace so that we can make our way out of here"....she looked him in the eyes and said again "I am not ungrateful but I can not have you risk
your life for mine if I don't intend to do the same. Please trust me. I am not a stupid woman"....she turned and walked out the door leaving him to follow her and then mutter to himself "the problem IS that. You are a woman, and in this land that is as good as chattel".

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