Spiders Web

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Emre looked at the rather small port they were about to arrive in and was relieved to at last reach their destination. The voyage to reach Fethiye had been long but needed for all of them. He last week had been a joyous one and borne Sanem and Can had almost returned to their former selfs. He had watched as they each took long looks at each other when the other wasn't looking and how they held hands as they looked up at the stars while Sanem shares her stores and myths. He was thankful that They had both survived their harrowing ordeal and prayed that it would be the last time. Cans shoulder was almost healed and Sanems outlook and mindset appeared to be peaceful and optimistic. She was so courageous and strong that he sometimes forgot just how terrible a thing she had gone through. He made every effort to be a good older brother to her and as he did he thought of his own little sister at hime whom they had yet to see and wondered at how much a woman she must be now.

Deren opened the message from Levant and sat down on the bench in her families garden to read the short missive.

I will be away for a while and will miss you. Upon my return I hope to be free of all my past in order to be worthy of you? Please wait for me and trust in everything we two have shared. With love, L.

She read it again and smiled and held it to her heart. They had grown even closer as the years had gone by and even during the year that she had been ill, the messages continued. When they were finally able to see one another again it was to meet at the shops or at the art museums. He had told her he was unable to meet her parents because he had no fortune or title but that he was soon to acquire it and when he did he would ask his father to request the match. She wondered at why he asked her to trust in them. She trusted him implicitly. He had never done anything to warrant her anger or distrust. In fact he was timid. It was she who had kissed him in the alcoves of the Library that they visited as well. It was she who had told him she loved him first and it was she who had told him that she wanted to marry him and he had better hurry or she would find another. She didn't mean it of course but he was so reserved that had she not they would still be speaking to each other as Deren Hanim and Levant Bey. She would wait for him of course. It seemed her life had been a waiting game up to now. Waiting for her opportunity to grow up. Waiting for her father to clear the families name. Waiting to recover from her illness. Waiting to show the world her art. Waiting for her love to be open and confirmed and waiting for her brothers to return to share fully in the joy of life she felt right now.

Mitat looked at the young man now seated in the chair and tied in ropes. He had not awoken yet and so Mitat took his time in taking in his appearance and his clothing. He was a young man not older than thirty. He had no wounds or callouses on his face or hands and so Mitat imagined that he was highborn not having to work at a manual labor job. He also inferred from his clothing that he was used to living in the big cities. He wore a small ring on his pinky but nothing more. His boots were clean and well heeled and his beard was short and clipped well once again giving Mitat the impression that the young man was of means. Mitat looked in his person and only found a small note. Something that would have been sent by carrier pigeon. He opened it and read it and put it in his pocket pondering the coincidence of the name. He looked at the mans face again and he felt on the edge of a discovery that he somehow could not yet grasp. He splashed water in the mans face and waited for him become responsive.

Can elbowed his brother in the ribs and asked "where are you Abi? What has you so attentive that you stare at an old and dry pier as if though it might become a beautiful woman?" Emre chuckled and looked at his older brother and couldn't help himself "Ah ah Can, I can not reveal my thoughts as easily as you do yours. I have but to merely look at you to know that your thoughts are for Sanem. Your breaths are only for Sanem and your dreams are only of Sanem. I must be more clever so that you can not guess mine". He said it with flare and in a dignified manner that made Can smile and then emit a huge belly laugh. Emre looked to his brother as if offended and then he too joined in the laughter. It had been so long since they just relaxed and thought of simple pleasures like a nights sky filled with stars or the pleasure of a good book or meal. They talked about what came next and their laughter quieted. Tomorrow they would disembark and look for the man they had been told to find and then they would find the appropriate authorities and Can and Sanem would marry. Finally.

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