Can Bay

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Sanem and Can ate berries and oranges and drank as much water as they could. Can had filled the two skins and had placed them next to each other flat on the ground. Next he divided the oranges placing the amounts next to the skins in the ground. Lastly he pulled a knife out of his boot and set it next to one of the piles. Sanem had returned from washing and walked up to him with the little cat following behind. "Can do you think they will come today or tonight?" She had placed her hand in his arm and he put his hand over it in response. "I don't think we have another day of safety Sanem. Today or tomorrow they will come looking for us". Can stood tall as he held her in front of him. She put her hand on his belly and looked up at him with big eyes and asked him "are you better now Can? Do you feel well now?" He knew she was concerned at the blow she delivered to him earlier in the morning and thought to tease her to lighten the mood a bit. He turned his face slightly away from her and responded "I still have some discomfort and can't tell what kind of damage you have rendered yet". He heard her gasp and then hug him tightly. He sighed a little as she did and she immediately released him thinking she had hurt him. "Oh Can I am so sorry. Will you ever forgive me?" She was so innocent of men that fear coursed through his body thinking about what might happen to her if he failed. Suddenly the teasing seemed ridiculous to him and he pulled her into his arms with such force she collided with his chest. "Can you will injure yourself...Banda..." she never finished her words as Can lowered his mouth and took hers in a heady kiss. Suddenly nothing mattered but having her in his arms and his lips on hers. She reached for his neck and he tightened the embrace. His hands at her back and hip pressed into her skin bringing her closer to him. Sanem moaned into his mouth which only fueled the fire more. Can quickly invaded her mouth and took control of the kiss which had them both moaning and gasping for breath in the end. "Caan! I believe you are going to be fine". He smiled down at her and embraced her fiercely not wanting to let her go. She was his other half. Allah had created this woman for him and he would not loose her. "Sanem, there's something I need to show you". Grabbing her hand he led her to the back opening of their cave. They crawled through and crouched behind the rocky cliffs until they descended into the garden. He led her past the hot spring, past the second garden and still further down until the pathway moved away from the cliffs and opened up into a field of smaller trees and brush and the earth slipped down. As they turned to the right, toward the sea she saw it. The beach below them. They were still up about thirty or forty feet but the ground here was rich with soil and not rocks and although she could see the beach it led away from it. Can continued with her following him until they came to a large crevasse. It spanned the length of his ship. He maneuvered himself through a small opening and then reached up for her to help her down. He caught her in his arms setting her down gently. The rocks here were smooth as if water had flowed over them years and years before. There was a ledge and below a rocky hill and then more rocky terrain and some shrubbery. He came to a stop and had her crouch down. They were directly across from where the sandbar connected to the small island. Her eyes wide yet she said nothing. He turned to the left and pushed some shrubbery aside and she saw the opening to a cave. Can pulled her behind him as they went in. They walked for more than ten minutes before the cave opened up into a large space that reflected the light up above. They were right underneath the crevasse they had climbed through about thirty feet above them. The cavern they were in had a large pool of water in the center. Sanem peaked in and saw that it was the same color as the beach and knew it was from the sea and not fresh water. She looked at Can questioningly but he put his fingertips to his lips. Suddenly she saw the little cat walking ahead of them. They followed Artemis through the cave another ten minutes or so until they could see sunlight streaming through an opening up ahead. Walking toward the light Can stopped her and pointed to the ground. Sanem saw dozens of what looked like fish skeletons all over the entrance. She furrowed her brow not understanding at first and then realized that Artemis had discovered her own source of food. There were other pools of water that flowed beneath the cavern and the little cat was up close to the muddy waters edge fishing! Sanem starred in disbelief and smiled a huge smile. Can once again pulled her along following the light. They climbed up several rocky ledges and then came to a stop. The opening was large enough for Sanem to climb through but Can would have to break rock to get through. But he had already seen what she saw and it was the sea. They were on the opposite side of the island. Hidden from view.

My Life. My Only One.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora