Authors Note and Sneak Peak "Memories"

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It's been a little bit since I've posted any new chapters. The holiday season is a busy one in our family and my son has exams coming up next week which has had him studying and me helping.
However I wanted to give you a little bit of a peak into what's coming down the way.
It's brief but I hope it will keep you I. Your toes until I can get back into my writing. Family diet though!

PS: I'm a fan of a Can Yaman and Demet Ödemir. It's is because of their sensational chemistry and the wonderful script and supporting actors that encompassed Erkenci Kus that we have all gathered into one big Canem/CanDem family. We have chosen to not let it end and there for have taken up to reading or writing about those characters in a multitude of genres and scenarios.

My greatest wish is that they are together as a couple wether I know about it or not. The next is that they someday act together again. I wish them only the very best in life.

Sneak Peek

The air was clean and fresh as it always was this time in the morning. Seagulls could be heard over the house as they made their way to the docks. The wind was biting cold against her skin but she didn't mind it as it proved that she still felt. That she still had feelings in her limbs. That could not be said of her heart however. It was a dull lifeless stone in her chest. Try as she might she could not remember the last time it was that she stood alone in her room. She had her Abla and mother hovering over her every minute of the day and the only time she found peace was when she awoke early in the morning and took in the air from her balcony. She turned her attention to the garden down below and flashes of a distant memory crept back into her mind but they didn't remain for long and they were scattered and disjointed. She felt a sadness rush through her as she knew that a memory was just out of reach, just out of touch but she somehow knew it was important and yet it was fleeting. As fleeting as the love she vividly remembered but had lost. Tears came easily but her heart was numb. Numb to any more pain and any more feelings. She moved back into her room and closed the doors of her balcony. She held onto the necklace around her neck with her hand and pulled it out of her dressing gown. At the end of it were two rings. One larger than the other but both carved with the same beautiful artwork of tiny birds in flight. She held them to her lips and kissed them gently and reread the inscriptions once again. She could close her eyes and recite them but reading them gave her an emotional reaction which she found hard to obtain with anything anymore. The larger ring read : My Albatross, My Life. My Only One. The smaller one read: My Life. My Only One. My Phoenix. She sat at the end of her bed and stared at the rings before putting them back down behind her clothing. Her cheeks were wet with tears that she had not noticed falling down her face. She closed her eyes and his face came into view. His beautiful eyes staring back at her while he smiled openly showing his dimples that she loved. He waved at her from the ship as she made her way down the jetty. He had been fine for a week and she was so anxious to have him back in her arms again. They had been married such a short time but she new that each day they spent together was like an eternity in time. She loved him hopelessly and mindlessly and being without him showed her just how much each breath she took cost her without him near her. He was her lifeline and she knew that he felt the same. She heard many running footsteps behind her as she turned to see a large group of soldiers making their way toward them. Emre held her shoulders protectively as he and the ranking official shouted at one another while she turned to face Can as his smile disappeared from his face. "Sannnnneeemmmm" she broke free of Emre's grasp as she ran down the jetty, fully intending to jump in the water and swim toward Can when she heard a deafening sound that made her cover her ears with her hands. As she lowered her hands from her ringing ears she heard another and another and then saw that the soldiers muskets were raised pointing toward the ship. "Caaaaaan"....."Hayir....Hayir...Caaaaan". She ran down the jetty but felt herself fall forward slowly. She seemed to loose the ability to move her legs as she felt a burning sensation rip through her as she fell downwards. She felt tears burning her eyes as she looked up to see Can run across the deck to dive into the water. She stretched her arm towards him as his body seemed to crumple into itself absorbing the projectiles that flew out of the muskets aimed at him. She saw as he fell from the ship into the water.
Trying to stand and dragging herself forward she searched the waterline around the ship but he did not surface. He did not surface then or later when a small boat carrying more soldiers went out to confirm and find his body. He did not surface later when Emre was allowed to search for him himself. He never surfaced. Only in her dreams did he come back to her. Back into her arms where he was safe. Where he was loved. Back into her heart.

My Life. My Only One.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang