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Sanem dove into the water filled with enthusiasm at the knowledge that Can loved her. That he wasn't comparing her to another. He had assured her that her lack of experience was his prize and not something lacking in her. She had been audacious in her decision to remove  her clothing but she felt so much joy and love that it could not be contained. Can had told her he wanted nothing more than to make love to her but that marriage was what he wanted for her, to protect her, to respect her. She felt gratitude for such a gentleman as her betrothed. It was true that she was now a little more experienced than she had previously been but she knew there was so much more he would show her, teach her, give her. She looked forward to all of it. However, tonight she wanted to be with him as close as he would let himself be and she would understand when or if he stopped. She closed her eyes and wished that he wouldn't but knew that if he did it was for love of her and not for lack of love.

Can watched as Sanem dove into the water and he cursed his lack of self control when it came to her. He stripped completely and followed her in. Not more than four or five hours ago he had told her why he couldn't make love to her and now he was chasing his siren into the sea. What would he do if he caught her? Of course he would catch her but then what? He had all but lost his ability to stop himself yesterday and here he was again tempting himself with the most delicious fruit he could hope for. He likened himself to a starving man at his last meal before being put to death. But if he was to die, let it be in her arms, at her breasts and between her thighs. He dove in and felt the water cool him off and take the edge of his already hardened manhood. He rose out of the water and looked in every direction. He wasn't far out enough yet so he stood up and surveyed the surf expecting to see her at any moment. He became nervous for a moment but when a pair of hand reached for him from behind and held on to his shoulders he relaxed. He felt her now. Her body pressed to his and he shivered in anticipation of what might follow. "Can, I know this is not appropriate but I need to be with you. I need you to hold me and make me feel....I....I need to ...." Can sensed her shyness now as she had literally dove in head first into this situation. She had initiated it and now she wasn't sure how to proceed. "Sanem, there is no rush. We have all the time in the world to get to know each, Ah to explore each other's....Ah, Sanem Ah... you make me loose my thoughts and my words just feeling you next to me". He held her hands as they lowered themselves to his chest. Her small hands were gripping his chest on either side and he felt himself wanting her all the more. "Can I know that you promised your father and through your father mine as well that you would love and honor me. Protect me, but doesn't that also mean that you would listen to me and try to grant me what I wanted most?" Can closed his eyes and bit his lip. She was fighting unfairly now. Using his own vow against him. She really had no idea what she was doing to him and what she was asking of him. He was so quiet that Sanem could barely hear him breath. "Can?..Can?..." Sanem didn't know what else to do so she kissed his back. She kissed him all over his back as far as she could reach. She slid her arms down his chest but when they reached his stomach she felt him stiffen and he took her hands in his and squeezed them in his own. "Sanem..."Can managed to say her name but it came out like a growl. He bent down and kissed the palms of each hand enjoying the feel of her on his lips. "Can, please, will you say something?. I want to hear your voice. Please". Seconds went by and Can continued with his soft kisses and gentle sighs. " have absolutely no idea how badly I want to grant you your every wish". She felt him shudder as he continued to kiss her hand and she in turn felt shivers at his soft and sensual touch. One by one he kissed her finger tips until he had kissed them all. He took her hands in his and turning sideways he lifted her arms above her head and turned her into him almost as if they were dancing until he was behind her and she in front of him.

Sanem was engulfed in Cans strong and powerful arms. She felt as if though he might swallow her up whole but for his gentleness she would have been intimidated. He leaned into her and rested his head on her shoulder breathing into her hair and neck. "Sanem....I have never in all of my life and in all of my travels met or seen a woman as beautiful as you. Ever!" Sanem felt her knees grow weak as she fell back into Can. He pulled her impossibly closer and she finally registered the power of his arousal behind her. He was pressed so tightly to her but she felt its power at her back. Her sudden quietness made Can grin as he knew what she must be thinking but couldn't quite bring herself to say or ask about. He moved side to side rubbing himself onto her making sure she understood completely that she had caused this. That it was her making him grow with need and desire for her and only her. He untangled his hands from her and lowered them beneath the water as they trailed lazily over her skin from her hips to the tops of her ribs below her arms. Sanem, who had felt the coolness of the water when she entered; now shivered but not from that. She shivered at the heat she felt coursing through her body. He raised his hand and slowing spawned the narrowness of her hips and up to her stomach squeezing and pressing and at the same time sighing into her neck. Sanem felt as if though she might faint with the overwhelming sensations she was experiencing. Cam moved his lips across the back of her neck with small wet kisses until he was under her neck and sucking on her delicate skin there. Sanem moaned with the pleasure of it. She leaned back a little more into him as his hands continued their exploration of her body.

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