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Can grabbed Sanems hand and ran with her in the direction of their camp. Sanem was still only in her shift and can had barely managed to put his underwear on. They hastily put on their clothes as Can explained what they needed to do next. They would take everything they had at the campsite and bundle it into a blanket. Next they would take it to the gorge they had found days before and toss it over. Can would be able to get back to it assuming they ever came back. Next Sanem would bury all evidence that they had ever been there. Can had dug a hole hoping to catch the boar that had chased them by putting branches over it. Now they would use it to dump the evidence of their campfire and any other items that would give them away.  The lifeboat they had arrived in was beached and hidden in the cave they had found. It had been risky for Can to have to put it in there but they had no choice. They couldn't risk leaving it out in the open. He had been right to do it. The cave filled with water at night as the tides came in and receded in the morning as the tides went out. He tied it to some rocks and it had remained in there the whole time. They had a choice to go there now and wait it out, climb up and beyond the waterfall or go over to the next island which they had not explored yet. To get to the island they had to cross the sandbar that was as accessible during the day and gone at night. Can needed to decide quickly as every moment brought the ship closer to them. The ship would not come much closer than the rocky coast would allow and that would buy them more time as any landing party would take have to get into their own lifeboats and row to the beach. It was not just his life he worried about but Sanems was in even bigger danger. If these were pirates, a woman captured by pirates was a fate he didn't even want to imagine. If they were looking for Sanem specifically then he knew her future rested on what she knew or what they could bargain her for. He explained to her all the scenarios quickly and asked her opinion. To go to the cave meant that they would be trapped there at night. They had not explored beyond the narrow passage ways and did not know where the water might empty out into, if at all. The next option was climbing the mountainside. They could do that but they would leave a lot of tracks if they did so Sanem ruled that out immediately. Can was momentarily surprised with her logic and proud the next moment. Not only beautiful and creative but smart too. Finally they considered the next island over. They had only managed to walk up to the sandbar barrier but had decided to leave it for another day. They didn't know if there was water or not but they had observed the same bushes  and trees and landscape so the possibilities were in their favor. She felt that was their best bet. Can agreed and they immediately set out walking along the rocky areas to avoid leaving any tracks. Out of nowhere the cat, Artemis appeared and joined them on their journey. In fact she led the way almost as if she knew where they were headed. It took them a half hour of fast walking over a rocky terrain to make it to the edge of the island where the sandbar emerged like a road. They were at a disadvantage from where they stood as they could not see the ship or if they were already approaching. However, they could not be seen either. There was no going back now. The cat sensing their apprehension, meowed and set out in front again. Can still felt as if though the cat had been handled by humans and had either been left behind or.....he put it out of his mind for now. It really didn't matter. An enemy they could see was fast approaching. It did him no good to worry about a possible enemy he couldn't even see. So he took Sanem's hand and followed the cat across the narrow sandbar headed to safety Inshallah. Sanem squeezed his hand and looked up at him with a brave face and a trace of fear in her eyes. He squeezed her hand in return saying " no matter what Sanem, you and I will not give in or give up". She took courage from his words and repeated the sentiment "no giving in, no giving up!"

The tall man stepped out of the lifeboat and into the water. He was in up to his hips and waded to the beach. He looked at the island and noted that it was bigger than he had expected. He looked back and told the men that accompanied him to spread out and look for the girl. He hadn't asked to many questions when the man aboard the ship told him who they were looking for. He merely obeyed. The amount of coin the man paid was enough for him. He didn't care why they wanted her, he simply hoped that he would find her. He had been ordered to kill any who would prevent her from leaving with him. That was an added bonus. He enjoyed hunting and he hoped his adversary or adversaries were up to the task.

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