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The Governor's sat at the dining table with Leyla seated across from him. The table was laden with fine meats and vegetables, wine and bread. Leyla had not realized just how hungry she had been until then. She watched him as she entered the room.
He did not remove his eyes from her bosoms since she first walked in. She remembered what the old woman had said and was neither shy nor rude neither a fearful girl nor a fearless warrior. She was as he had seen her before. She looked over every once in a while at the guards by the door and prayed that Emre would control his nerves. She realized that she had been unfair and rude to the handsome young man who was not just risking his life but promising his life to her and her alone. He was incredibly handsome. His body shown its strength as she had seen him without his armor. His mouth was beautiful and generous and his teeth white and perfect. She had been attracted to him instantly but had hidden it as was her custom and even more so once he mentioned the betrothal. She was being foolish when she should have been thrilled and grateful and now she was here with this old leacher who had just one thing on his mind.
"Governor, the meal was wonderful and I thank you but I must speak honestly. This dress is unseemly, I am not a married woman nor am I even betrothed..." there was a ruckus at the front door as one of the guards found it hard to control his cough. She continued on "If your intention is to marry me off to your son by formally asking my parents or if you choose decry my innocence I will take my own life. I will not be married to that monster rather I would  prefer a man of my own choosing or death". She leveled a stare at him and he seemed amused. "Leyla Hanim, I find your dress suitable for such a woman of your caliber. Perhaps we are not conforming to the societal rules of Turkey but I can assure you that your are a gem of the highest degree and you would have stunned those at any ball in France". He watched her carefully now and she knew it. "I have no intention of marrying you off to Yigit". She looked up at him and her smile radiated across the room. She knew that her reaction had to be completely believable for him to then inform her of his own plan which she already suspected. "I intend to have you for myself". There it was, finally out now.... "what!?.....but you said you had nothing to do with my abduction!!!. You lied to me?". He stood now and slowly walked over to where she was seated. "My dear, just because I have made a decision does not mean that I had anything to do with your being here in the first place. Although, I will say it was fortuitous for me. Had I but known that such a thing of beauty as you exited amongst the less notable of our society I would have been at your doorstep at once". He stood just behind her chair and bent his head down close to her ear. "My dear, your beauty has reminded me of how long it has been since this palace has had a lady to give it warmth and splendor. I have been alone far too long". He lowered his head and pressed his lips to the spot between her shoulder and neck and a chill ran down her spine. "Governor, please!!" Leyla tried to rise, but his hands came down on her shoulders keeping her seated. His fingertips rubbing on the exposed skin of her clavicles and neck. She shivered as the pulse at the base of her throat beat wildly with fear. Although this had been her plan and she was acting with bravery she was truly afraid he would attempt something even more inappropriate at any moment. She spoke with care. "I come from a family where our customs and traditions mean everything to us as a family and as a part of society. Please, .... I do not want this. I want the chance....... to choose ..... whom I marry". He remained behind her chair with his hands at her neck and sighed saying "very well. Perhaps I have been remiss in explaining my intentions properly. I will allow you to choose between my proposal ...... or none". She was slightly taken aback.....his tone contradicted his words. She could not believe he would allow her to simply walk away now. He stepped to her side and taking hold of her hand helped her rise from her chair. "I can assure you that you will choose me. I have only but to assure your parents that you and I have been ....  "intimate"..... and they will grant their approval". Leyla flinched as if though she had been slapped and tried to release her hand from his. He tightened his hold slightly and continued on, leading her away from the table. "On the other hand I may decry your presumed innocence and ruin your future both in the marriage market as well as the more serious reality of dealing with the religious authorities". Leyla became flushed with color as her chest heaved up and done with anger at the possibility of being trapped by her own plan. She saw how he starred at her cleavage and she felt ill. "You are being cruel". Her eyes flashed with her anger but it only seemed to attract him as he pulled her closer while continuing to stare at her exposed skin. The dress was indeed created for a mistress and intended to expose as much of her breasts without actually baring them to his gaze. The governor watched Leyla carefully knowing that the young woman was more scared than she allowed herself to show. It excited him. She spoke of death in an abstract sense as she had probably never really been presented with it in all its reality and permanency. He new that she would give in one way or another. He would leave her no choice. "Leyla Hanim, in the end you will find yourself choosing me because..... to the contrary you would be responsible for the death of an innocent soul". Leyla looked up at him with confusion and a sense of dread. He then pulled her toward the doors beyond the room they were in. Leyla tried to pull back from him thinking that he was taking her to his private rooms to have his way with her "why must you do this. Where is your compassion". He ignored her and continued to speak "Leyla Hanim, I want you and I have every intention on getting what I want. Now come and see whose life you will forfeit if you fail to choose this marriage". He motioned to his personal guards to open the doors wide. Leyla's face froze in fear as she looked at the old woman with the burn on her face with her hands and feet bound to a chair.

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