Wrongs Righted

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A knock at their door brought Can back to reality and to the fact the Sanem was still in her robe, not that he really cared; but she did need something to wear. Her scent was playing in his resolve to move slowly. He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her as
he left Sanems embrace. She retreated to the bathing chamber and closed the door just partially to hear what was happening. Can opened the door to a young man who was laden down with a tray in his hands and one on a stand next to him. "Come in, please". Can watched as the young man set up the meal and then wine and water and finally with their napkins and silverware. "Thank you very much it all smells wonderful. Please take this in appreciation". The young man smiled and thanked him closing the door on the way out. Sanem was out from behind the bathing chambers door instantly and sitting on her chair before Can had a chance to pull it out for her. He smiled a slow smile knowing how much his lovely lady enjoyed eating. He marveled really at just how much she could eat and never seemed to show the consequences of it. Taking his own seat and lifting up the covers on the dishes on his side of the table they both moaned over how delicious the food looked and smelled "Can, what are these dishes. I've never had them before? They smell so good". Can explained the names of each of the dishes. Some foods were similar to their own food and the spices were very much the same. Sanem dug in hungrily as Can watched her and did the same. He could see that her face was free of any worry or fear and that helped him relax as well. She looked up to see his eyes on her and smiled with a mouth full of food and then passed him a portion of her food on her fork. He took in his mouth all the while starring at her face and slowly licked his lips in appreciation of the food and her. "Can...". His name escaped her mouth as she couldn't take her eyes of his lips as he took the food from her fork and savored it in his mouth while licking his beautiful full lips. She was captivated and felt like she must be dreaming. It made her giddy inside. This man would forever make her heart skip a beat.

Can looked down and bit his lower lip trying to contain his own excitement at hearing his name coming from her mouth in that tone. He knew every nuanced sound of her voice and could tell if she said his name with a question mark at the end of it, or an exclamation point, in a sense of wonder, or excitement or pleasure. Right now his name on her lips sounded an awful lot like pleasure. Reaching over and across the table he used his thumb to wipe of a tiny bit of cream sauce on her bottom lip and then pinched her cheek before pulling his arm back. Her wide open eyes never left his face as her lips parted making the shape of an "o".

The meal they shared together was delicious but sitting next to her husband, Can Divit; as she ate made her hungrier still. Can picked up his glass and realized that she had finished off his wine as well as hers. He nodded his head knowing that she very quickly would feel its effects. She was slowing down with her meal and as he looked at her enjoying every last bit a shiver ran through him at the realization, that in the blink of an eye; he could have lost her forever. He felt his hands go clammy and his breath catch at what a fool he'd been. He had been blind to what she really needed after the loss of their baby. She had needed his closeness and tenderness and calming presence rather than the distance he gave her out of a desire to let her heal without the pressure of his concerned questions or needs. She had not known how to tell him what she needed and he had not known to tell the signs that she was in despair. He vowed then and there that they would always talk things through no matter what. It was unrealistic to expect that they would agree on everything but that was not important. What mattered most was that they put their love first and everything else would come second to that. He was lost in thought for a moment as she asked him what she would do without clothing. His distraction gone for the moment as he considered his answer. She raised her brow as he took his time and then he finally said "not to worry, it will be taken care of". He stood up and held out his hand to her and she gently put hers in his. He pulled her gently toward him and then before she could say another word he swept her up in his arms, close to his chest and breathed her in as he walked over to the small settee facing the open window. She caught her breath as she settled in his arms and giggled but did not protest.

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