Drawn (Blood 2)(J-Hope) MEDIEVAL!AU

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      "You need more oil in that pan otherwise all of the vegetables will burn." Heiryung was standing right behind you as you deep fried the vegetables for dinner.

      "I know, I know Heihei...I'm learning quickly, relax." you nudged her away right as the queen stepped into the kitchen.

      Heiryung looked over the other woman, stare as ice cold as always when any member of the royal family was present.

      "Will that be done on time? Hoseok is going to be home any second now." Nari looked over the pots and pans and you smiled assuring her.

      "Of course it will...I'm helping out Heiryung today so the prince can be well fed when he comes home from his hunting trip."

      You were always the only one who spoke to the queen, no other reason behind it besides the fact that Heiryung refused to, even when you were younger.

      "Very well...I'll be on my way then."

      And she was out the same door she walked in through.

      "I can't believe I'm cooking for that brat. If it wasn't for you, I'd be well on my way to find another job in the village." you stirred what was in the pan as Heiryung silently continued kneading the dough in front of her.

      "Shush child...you don't know what a blessing it is to work in the castle." she hissed.

      "Your face certainly doesn't look like you're feeling blessed." you quipped back only to get a handful of flour thrown at you.

       "As I said...shush your mouth. I'm old, I never feel blessed. Besides. I have my reasons for the distaste I hold for those pompous pricks." you chuckled at the sassy woman's choice of words for the royal family.

      A big amount of the hot temper the lady held rubbed off on you as you grew up, but she never failed to mention how gentle and bubbly you are, resembling your late mother often.

      The back door to the castle suddenly smashed open and being right next to the kitchen, both you and Heiryung ran out to see what happened. 

      The very familiar male, the prince himself, stepped into the hall, mud covering him from head to toe, hair soaked from sweat or maybe even rain, but a graceful smile on his lips none the less.

      "Your Highness, we really must leave, you're making a mess. The maids will curse you out!" Jimin, sergeant Park's oldest son and also Hoseok's personal guard kept nagging, still standing outside.

      "Quiet down Park, my mother might hear you." Hoseok said before dropping all the things he was carrying next to the kitchen door and stepping inside.

      "Where are my two favorite people...after Jimin of course." he kept smiling brightly.

      Heiryung just gave a small bow to the male and returned to work.

      She has been avoiding him more than she usually would ever since he returned from the south provinces.

      "Get out Hoseok! You're making a mess! And you smell like wet dogs..." you pinched your nose, nudging him out of the kitchen.

      "That's no way to speak to your prince!" he gasped, faking the insulted expression that adorned his features.

      "You're no prince looking like that and you're sure as hell not my prince." you almost had him out the door, but he stepped around you and back further inside. 

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