Passing emotions (RM|Jin) CHEATING!AU

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      You stood on the small stool, reaching up to hang a mistletoe right underneath the living room door. 

      Ignoring the sound of the front door opening and footsteps patting towards you, you kept looking up at what you were doing before two hands slipped underneath your shirt and around your waist. 

      You smiled secretly, keeping it to yourself, while Namjoon was slowly stepping his game up, now raising the shirt and trailing feather light kisses from your navel and up. 

      "Are you gonna stop ignoring me or should I step my game up?" he teased before you chuckled and let him lift you up with both of your legs wrapped around his waist. He tilted his chin up to get a kiss from you before placing you on the small working surface in your cramped kitchenette. 

      "I missed you." he whispered as his nose grazed the soft skin under your jaw and trailed down your neck, finally laying his head on your chest while hugging you closer. 

      On instinct your hands trailed up to his hair and started playing with his hair "Tough day?"

      "You could say so." he sighed "My boss isn't planning on giving me a promotion any time soon. Says that new kid Taehyung deserves it more, but everyone knows that he got the job because he's the bosses nephew." he said any you sighed. 

      You knew how much he wanted to afford a better life for the both of you. A studio apartment wasn't really the dream neither of you had set up. 

      "It's fine Joon. I like this place, and we made it look like home." he said and he smiled up at you, but the dimple in his cheek didn't show like it usually would. 

      He looked around the big studio apartment and sighed. The walls weren't painted properly, a bed stood on its own in one corner, a couch and coffee table in the middle, with a big window wall behind. It was somewhat pretty, suited both of them, but he doesn't plan on keeping it that way forever. 

      "We can't start a family in a place like this." he said and you raised your eyebrow at him and chuckled. 

      " now we're starting a family?" you asked. He smiled up at you "Well not now...but I wouldn't mind working on it." you could feel his fingers dipping in the waistband of your leggings and you chuckled before leaning in for a kiss and jumping off of the counter. 

      "Let's take this to the 'bedroom', if I may call it that..." you added teasingly and threw yourself on the previously mentioned bed.

      Namjoon took off his shirt, leaving him only in a black wife beater underneath, showing off his lightly defined arms. Slowly he climbed up over you, trapping you with both hands on each side of your head, knee pushing up higher between your thighs. 

      "God I love you so much." he whispered, leaning down to kiss down your chest and stomach before taking your leggings off. 

      In the following hours you just kept rolling around in the sheets, laughing and talking, because pillow talk with Namjoon was always nice. He had so many dreams and aspirations to share always giving you a idea of what your life is gonna look like one day when you finally move into a proper house or apartment. 

      It was like that until one day when you were at work in the coffee shop in the city center. A guy walked in, dark shades on his eyes and a baseball cap covering most of his face. 

      "Can I get a iced coffee?" he asked and you nodded, not paying much attention to him after that. A few minutes later when his drink was done you placed it in front of him at the counter and he reached into his pocket before freezing in the spot.

      He took of his glasses and looked up at you, slight redness crawling up his neck and to his face "I'm so sorry...I forgot my wallet." he sounded so strained and uncomfortable before you chuckled lightly. 

      "It's okay. It's on the house! Enjoy your day!" you said, smiling up at him. He returned the smile. 

      "Thanks...really sweet of you." he said making you blush too, before he turned away, giving you one last wave from the door.

      The following day you were at work once again and the familiar figure stepped into the shop. He made his way to the counter and you looked up at him, seeing that he was much less covered up now. 

      No shades, no cap, just a handsome face smiling down at you. 

      "Hi there..." he said and your eyes widened "Ohh, it's you! Iced coffee again?" you asked and he nodded. 

      "So you remember me?" he looked slightly uncomfortable "Sorry about yesterday again."

      "Ohh it's totally fine. Shit happens..." you said and he chuckled lightly, agreeing with you. 

      When he got his coffee he took out his wallet, slipping you a few bills for it, and a big tip along with it. He left the shop and just as you were placing the money in the register, a paper slipped out between the bills. 

            'Call me! Xxx'

      The message read with some digits following after it, obviously his number. You looked over at the door and blushed slightly at the thought of someone so handsome liking you. You didn't even know this guy and here you were, already daydreaming about him, when it was the worst thing you could do. 

      You slipped the paper into your jeans before going back to work. Later Namjoon came to pick you up from work, with some takeout in the back seat, so that you wouldn't have to cook. 

      You found yourself nervously biting your lip, the guilt washing through your body. That night when you felt Namjoon pressing your back into his chest while he was in deep sleep you let your thoughts wander, just for a second. 

      Wander back to the guy with brown hair, round and sparkly eyes, that had such a relaxing aura around him, making you melt in his presence. 

      It's gonna pass, you told yourself. 

      This feeling is gonna pass...


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