Text (J-Hope|Jimin) COLLEGE!AU

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April 1st 2018

Quit the bullshit and come home.

      You texted Hoseok after he's been gone till long past 1AM. So you had a fight...everyone has fights.

April 28th 2018

I wish you were here. I still don't know how to fix the
lock on the bathroom door, I get locked in every night.

      Oh how you wish he was here.

June 8th 2018

I hate it that you never write back anymore. You don't
even read my messages anymore Hobi...how rude.

If I ever did that to you, you would mope around all
day waiting for me to stop ignoring you.

You are so unfair.

      You raised your legs up on the couch and pressed them tightly to your chest. His hoodie has lost that nice smell it had whenever he would wear it. 

      Maybe it got worn off since you weren't taking it off of yourself. 

      "You're so mean Hoseok."

September 12th 2018

I went to uni today. I'm not doing the best in most
classes, but my favorite is Communication studies. It's
a speech class, so I spent all night writing a speech
about you.

It was hard to read it.

I told everyone how amazing you are and how you made
me happy all the time.

Could you imagine that? A ton of people just listening to
me talk about you Hoseok. They should know who you
are, cause you deserve to be known about.

Too bad I couldn't finish it, my vision got blurry from
crying so I left class early.

Drove home and also managed to get a speeding ticket.

I just wanted to be alone and as soon as possible at that,
but now I have to show up in court.


      You crawled up into your bed, hugging a pillow to your chest as you texted him. 

      You didn't care about anything. 

      You didn't care about the fact that you were smearing mascara on your white sheets.

      You didn't care that the neighbor could probably hear you cry and scream through the thin walls.

      You didn't care that you are unable to forget him. Forget Hoseok. 

      Forget that smile.

November 21st 2018

They started playing Christmas songs in the grocery
store and you weren't there to fake how much you hate

Yup...I caught you humming "I don't need a lot for
Christmas." when you were in the shower last year.

Mariah Carey would be proud Hobi.

      You looked over at the bags that you dropped by the door, not placing anything in it's proper spot.

      Hoseok always used to put groceries in the fridge as soon as you got home. Always nagged you for not having the same habit.

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