Broken bonds, broken glass (RM) SOULMATES!AU

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      You walked into the big luxurious house of your boyfriends parents and were greeted by his mother and her fake smile. 

      "Hey there has my baby been?" Mrs. Kim pinched Namjoon's cheeks and frowned. 

      "Have you lost weight?" and then looked at you "I really hope it's not because of your cooking." 

      And there it was...the first burn and you just came here.

      The fact that your soulmates parents weren't happy with you as their son's partner was already clear to you. The amount of times they tried to talk Namjoon into removing his soulmate bond made it obvious that they weren't okay with their son dating a simple girl from a family that had a farm out of town. 

      You didn't even know why you came to this place for dinner in the first place, it always started fights between you and Namjoon anyways. 

      "Mom...please don't start again." he begged his mother, silently asking her to behave as if she was a child. 

      "Oh okay sweetie...why don't the two of you step inside the living room, dinner will be done in a bit."

      "Do you need help Mrs. Kim?" you asked, taking every chance to get on her good side and she just laughed lightly and shook her head "No thank you Y/N...just sit there and look pretty." she finished and left the room.

      You stared at the door in disbelief even a minute later before you felt your boyfriends hand on your own. 

      "Please...just wait a little bit more. They will stop." he said and rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand. 

      "Okay..." you silently mumbled and sat down besides him. 

      Right at that moment Namjoon's father went into the room. 

      "Hi there kids..." he smiled warmly at you. He wasn't that rude to you, even tho he was a pretty straight forward person "How are you Y/ is the farming going, are your parents well?"

      "They are good, it has been a good year so they'll be selling our products at the market too." you answered hesitantly. 

      "That's very nice to hear, I thought about working with your father and giving some donations to..."

      "Honey! Stop the chitchat, dinner is served." Mrs. Kim cut her husband off and you all got up and went to the dinning table. 

      "So are your studies going?" Namjoon's mother asked him and he answered gladly. 

      "And what about that girl Jennie you always hung around with, I ran into her mother a few days ago...she said that she just broke up with her boyfriend, turns out that soulmate bonds don't work for everyone." she said, sending you a far too familiar glance, with a small smirk tugging on her lips and you just took another bite of the food as you looked down. 

      You didn't want to cry, but you could feel the sting of tears behind your eyelids every time you blinked. 

      "Honey...we don't wanna talk about that now, I'm sure Namjoon has better things to chat about." Mr. Kim cut in and Namjoon nodded. His gaze turned to you and he smiled. 

      "Yea we have a lot of big plans in the future..."

      "You and Y/N?" his mother asked and he nodded. 

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