Off duty (V) WAR!AU

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      It's been months since he has last been home, so to say that soldier Kim Taehyung was happy to see his parents and younger brothers was an understatement. Kim Taehyung was bursting with joy and happiness, love and affection for them. 

      Tho soon enough he remembered how much energy it took to spend a whole day wrestling with his baby brothers, and listening to his mothers nagging on how skinny he got, and how they don't feed them properly in the army. 

      He argued lightly against it saying "Mom...I'm not skinny, it's just that I'm losing my chubby cheeks and turning into a handsome man.", never forgetting to add a playful wink at the end to make his mother roll her eyes. 

      Lastly when the kids went to bed and his mother was still in the kitchen cleaning up the table after dinner Taehyung went to his fathers room. 

      "Dad can I ask you something?"

      "Is it about Y/N?" his father teased and Taehyung nodded. 

      You used to work at his fathers coffee shop and Taehyung would be a regular costumer there when he was off duty and back home, but when he went their today, you weren't bouncing around the tables while wearing your light blue dress and being the epitome of youth as Taehyung always remembered you to be. 

      You were gone.

      "She moved away. Finally saved up enough to go to university..." his father said and Taehyungs gaze dropped to the floor while his hands rested in the pocket of his pants. 

      "Oh..." he sighed before his father jumped back in "Tho I heard she came to visit her mother this week, she's leaving tomorrow morning!" he smiled and Taehyung snapped his head back up before running downstairs to grab his jacket. 

      "I'm going out! Don't wait up!" he yelled, leaving his mother screaming behind him, something along the lines of how childish he is and how he worries her too much, but once his father was out and laying a kiss on her cheek along with the comforting words. 

      "He'll be alright. He's a grown man now.", she felt at ease.

      It was around 11 PM when Kim Taehyung knocked loudly on your front door. Your mother opened up and after she realized who the young man standing in the shadows was, she opened up both of her arms to embrace him. 

      "Oh my! How much you have grown for these past months! What do they feed you with in the army boy?" she nudged him playfully before leaning on the door frame. 

      "Thank you miss...Is your daughter here by any chance? My father said she came to town for a week."

      "Yea she's here, why are you asking though?" she teasingly asked and from the blush on Taehyung's cheeks she gained her answer. 

      "Can I just see her?" he avoided the question as kindly as he could and the woman giggled before calling Y/N to come down. 

      "She'll be down in a minute."

      You came to the front door wearing a skirt that looked as bouncy as the one you used to wear while you worked in the coffee shop, but this one was a fiery shade of red. 

      "Oh...Taehyung..." you smiled at him and he bowed his head slightly to you. 

      "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight...for a ride maybe??"

      "I don't know, let me ask my mother just to..."

      "You can go and bring an umbrella it might rain!!!" her words got interrupted by her mothers shouting from the kitchen and she smiled slightly as her cheeks grew warm from embarrassment. 

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