One step ahead (RM) HIGH SCHOOL!AU

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   (The AU of this story is gonna change through chapter cause of a big time skip. But enjoy this high school/neighbor/crush!AU Namjoon)

      "Why is this such a big issue to you? You never had problems with being ballsy." your sister spoke, looking over the magazine she was reading.

      You were once again pacing around in her room, retelling her how once again you couldn't fess up and tell your neighbor that you like him.

      You see, the issue was in fact very big.

      Kim Namjoon, in all his glory was probably the perfect man.

      Starting from his shiny dirty blonde dyed hair down to the dimples in his cheeks and pretty lips, Kim Namjoon was a god, and that's only on first glance.

      He was the student body president, was gonna graduate soon with the highest GPA in his generation, was a born leader if you ever saw one, and was just one step ahead in every single thing he did alongside you.

      You on the other hand were managing the student council here and there, not really interested much in it, but unlike him you worked hard to break your school into the public eye, to get it noticed for all his qualities.

      Both of your positions clashed a lot, making the two of you meet pretty often, work on projects together and being a team during the council meetings, often ending up retelling the choices to the teachers together.

     You were two years behind him, but with how hard you were working you might even scoring an early graduation, but still not at the same time as him.

      "I don't know. He's just a bit out of my league don't you think?" you dropped on your sisters bed making her sigh.

      "True...true. Joon is a very good catch, deserves better than you can offer now." she bluntly stated.

      "But!!! But!" she raised her arms up in defense at the sight of you clutching a pillow.

      "You have time to grow and work harder for everything he has now, even become better than him. So go for it, work for him too, you won't get him on a silver platter that's for sure." you dropped the pillow then.

      "Fair enough." you sighed, leaving her room finally.

      The following morning you walked out of your house and slowly past his, on your way to school.

      "Y/N! Want a ride?" he was by his car and you thought this is your chance.

      You didn't expect it to be so early in the day, thinking you have time to hype yourself up, but you'll take what you can get.

      You slid into the passenger seat once he was out of the garage and smiled at him lightly.

      A few seconds into the ride and just as you were about to talk he cut in.

      "You have that game today against those assholes, right?"

      'Those assholes' being the nearby high school that managed to beat the basketball team recently in a pretty important game.

      "Yea it's the finale, so if we're lucky we'll get that trophy tonight." you said, just going along with this topic.

      "It has nothing to do with luck." he kept his attention mostly on the road "You are the captain of the team, if you're good at doing what a captain should do, you'll motivate them enough to win."

      You suddenly felt the nervous sweat breaking through your skin.

      "But no pressure." he smiled as he finally parked the car.  pressure.

      You both left the car and faster than you could stop him, he was off and waving you away as he joined his friends.

      There goes your chance.

      The game was at 4 PM which meant you had a few hours ahead of you to find out how to exactly do what Namjoon told you to do.

      Writing up motivational speeches and thinking of what to say wasn't really your thing, but you gave it you best, so when 4 PM came you were ready to win this and your teammates seemed to be equally motivated.

      Volleyball was a fun sport, but once you were on the hardwood floor, your hard to conceal competitive side was out.

      Unlike your soft words that you had prepared to say in the locker room, these words were short, shouted and strict.

      Do this, run here, get the ball, stop slacking...luckily your teammates knew how you were and what they got themselves into.

      After two torturous sets of scraped knees and hurt shoulders, you finally came out as winners and after a group hug you all gleefully ran to the locker rooms.

      You were stopped by a hand gripping onto your arm as you skipped through the hallway.

      It was once again Namjoon, smiling at you brightly.

     "Good job Y/N. Proved to be better than the basketball team." he shoved your shoulder slightly and turned away to leave, but you stopped him.

      Before you had the words in your head even, your hand reached out for the hem of his shirt to just not let him leave.

      "Joon listen. I've wanted to tell you for a while that I really like you and..." you began mumbling when you felt his eyes on you.

      "I know."

      "...I was planning to...wait. You know?" you stopped your rambling mid sentence.

      "Yea you're pretty obvious honestly." he chuckled uncomfortably.

      "I know you're a go-getter, but maybe you should go after someone else. I flattered really, but I just don't feel the same way, you're not really my type."

      You practically went deaf after the moment he told you you should go after someone else.

      Ah, how discouraging this was and for a second you felt as if you actually had a chance.

      He was still explaining how he felt, trying to make the rejection as easy as it could be for you, but it doesn't quite work that way when he was the one rejecting you.

      "It's fine Namjoon. I understand completely." you put on a smile, chuckling at his distress.

      "It wasn't that big of a crush anyways, just wanted to shoot my shot, ya get me?" you brushed it off for now, no point in pitying yourself now, rejection was completely normal.

      "Yea...yea..." he was maybe a bit caught off guard by your relaxed self, especially since he felt as if the crush was maybe a bigger deal.

      "Make sure to put my trophy on the highest shelf, it's really pretty." you said before you skipped off to the locker room.

      He didn't need to know that with every single skip your heart felt like it was leaving shattered bits and pieces down the  hallway.

      You later got home and once again hurried straight into your sisters room crying.

      She knew what happened, repeated a bunch of times to "Fuck Kim Namjoon and his shitty standards. You'll be even better than what his standards ask for one day."


      Fuck Kim Namjoon for being just that one step ahead of you, just one step too many out of your reach.

   Next chapter coming right up.

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