Our (Mine 3)(Jungkook) WAR!AU

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      The cold air of the night was leaving numbing bites on her skin that was wrapped in even colder wet clothes. 

      Kyungji has been walking through the never ending fields of darkness with no food and no dry clothes for days. The only thing left with her was the gun and Jungkook's letter. 

      She crawled up the small hill to reach high ground and possibly see where she was and just as she got up there and collapsed to her knees she could see the sun slowly pushing it's way behind the dark hills. As it shined over the ground beneath her she saw a flagpole and on top of it the white canvas with the red and blue yin-yang circle in the middle. 

      It was a Korean camp. 

      She felt hope bubble in her chest as she gathered the last bits of strength and hurried down the golden field to get to the camp.

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   Two years later


      Call him a traitor, call him disgusting, call him whatever you want, he didn't care anymore. 

      The Japanese army he was leading towards victory has turned their back on him long ago, the men were going wild from fear and anger that mixed together over the years of battles. They used to be strong, the first months were tough but after getting into a routine they could defeat any army with minimal loss. 

      But it suddenly changed one day and they were the ones being hunted down. 

      Jungkook found support where he least expected it. 

      Park Jimin himself and that arrogant little fighter Taehyung were his right and left arm when he found himself helpless. 

      Jung Hoseok was lost one day, trying to protect Taehyung in battle, Jungkook found that he mourned after him more than half of the men he lost.

      But he was done with it. 

      When the first chance rose up he snatched the uniforms from a few Korean soldiers that were lying dead on the ground. And went looking for Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. That was the night they all turned to desertion and fled the Japanese army. 

      Jungkook left a message along with his old uniform, advising the few men that were left to do the same, because this whole war became pointless spillage of blood, sweat and tears. He didn't wanna stay known, become a legend, and a memory. 

      He just wanted to go through the world and search for Kyungji day and night.

      He heard that the Korean army formed camps on the calmer grounds, far away from the gunshots, in the center of the three minor capitals Gwangju, Daegu and Busan. 

      The area was always hidden away, and that was his next stop. 

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      However what Jungkook expected was a few bigger tents, a few hospital beds and very little food. He never thought that he would face a small village, a growing civilization that seemed like a whole different world compared to the grounds of gore and guns he came from. 

      As soon as he walked past the gates of the village and the soldiers searched over them he felt relieved. 

      A feeling he didn't feel in a long time. 

      "Mommy! Look soldiers!!!" a boy shouted as soon as they went further in between the small houses. He smiled and waved at the boy. 

      They don't know what you did Jungkook. 

      They don't know the horrendous things you did. 

      They passed by a small group of girls that had their eyes glued to all three of them. Taehyung threw them a flirty smile and they blushed from the gesture and the soldier was far too gone to keep searching through the village, he simply went over to the girls and started throwing all his charms at them.

      Jimin kept going through the houses, looking over the crowds to see if he could spot Kyungji anywhere. Soon Jungkook got to a bigger wooden construction only to see that there was a man in a white robe inside. 

      "Are you the doctor?" the elderly man nodded. 

      "Does this place possibly keep a list of the people that came here? I'm looking for Park Kyungji?" he added and his eyes shined with hope. The man just threw them the stack of paper he pulled out from one of the boxes beneath his table.  

      "You'd be surprised, how many there are." he said sadly and Jungkook took the stacks of paper and searched through them. He was pointlessly looking through the papers until Jimin joined him. 

      Jungkook didn't even know how old Kyungji was back then, and yet the only information he had about the girls was their name and year of birth. The choice narrowed down to only two girls and they both set their mind to finding them. 

      "Park Kyungji!!! Born 1573!!! Come out!" Jimin shouted a few times while running around the roads of the village, and luckily both girls showed up, but neither of them were Kjungji. 

      His heart clenched with sadness in his chest and he sighed as he turned to Jungkook who was still looking through the list. His eyes lit up when he read something on it and he rushed with just that one piece from house to house asking for one name in particular and asking if they know where she is. 

      Everyone knew the girl, said she was one of the first people to come to the camp, how sad her life was and how bad her story and case are, but no one knew where she lived. No one knew except on little girl that said she always goes to the woman for tutoring. 

      She lead Jungkook out of the village gates and into the woods besides them and they found a shed there, a little bit bigger then what you would expect it to be. 

      Jungkook ran inside only to see that it was empty and that his slam on the door caused a small child to start crying in its crib. His eyes widened in panic and he turned around to leave only to face a gun held tightly between trembling hands. 

      They suddenly stopped shaking and dropped to the girls sides before she ran forward into Jungkook's chest and wrapped her arms around it. 

      No wonder they couldn't find her...she wasn't Park Kyungji anymore, she went by Jeon Kyungji. Jungkook's arms wrapped around her and pushed her even closer while Kyungji sobbed and let out choked out cries. 

      "I've missed you...I've missed you so much, I thought you were dead!" her words were muffled as he pressed her lips to his in between words, before finally making her keep quiet with a longer one.

      "I love you." he said as tears of joy gathered in his eyes. He looked over her pale face, big tired eyes and light eye bags underneath them. Her hair was shorter now, and messy from Jungkook's hands that were wrapped in it just seconds ago. 

      "I love you too." she whispered back before the cries of the baby woke them up from their daze. She wiped away her tears and leaned over the cradle to lift the child out of it. 

      "Jeon Jungkook...meet Jeon Jihoo. Our son." 

   Is this enough or should I make some family sequel of them all together.

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